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词汇 down


For the special uses of down in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example climb down is in the phrasal verb section at climb.Idioms
    to or at a lower place or position向下;朝下;在下面
    • She jumped down off the chair.她跳下椅子。
    • He looked down at her.他低头看着她。
    • We watched as the sun went down.我们看着夕阳西沉。
    • She bent down to pick up her glove.她俯身去捡手套。
    • Mary's not down yet (= she is still upstairs).玛丽还没下楼呢。
    • The baby can't keep any food down (= in her body).这婴儿吃什么吐什么。
    • I stuck the label down with sellotape.我用透明胶带把标签粘住了。
    from a standing position to a sitting or lying position(坐、倒、躺)下
    • Please sit down.请坐。
    • He had to go and lie down for a while.他不得不去躺一会儿。
    at a lower level or rate在较低水平;下降;下跌
    • Prices have gone down recently.最近物价下降了。
    • We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more).我们已落后对方两球。
    Language Bank fallfallDescribing a decrease描述下降
      • Car crime in fell significantly last year.去年牛津的汽车犯罪显著下降。
      • Car crime fell by about a quarter over a 12-month period.12 个月内汽车犯罪下降了约四分之一。
      • The number of stolen vehicles dropped from 1 013 to 780, a fall of 26 per cent.被盗汽车数量从 1 013 辆减少到 780 辆,下降了 26%。
      • According to this data, 780 vehicles were stolen, 26 per cent down on the previous year.根据这一数据,共有780辆汽车被盗,同比下降26%。
      • There was an 11 per cent drop in reported thefts from motor vehicles, from 1 971 to 1 737.汽车盗窃案的报案数量下降了11%,从1 971起下降到1 737起。
      • These figures show that, as far as car crime is concerned, the main trend is downwards.这些数据表明,就汽车犯罪而言,大趋势是下降的。
    used to show that the amount or strength of something is lower, or that there is less activity(数量、力量、活动等)减少,减弱,降低
    • Turn the music down!把音乐声关小点!
    • The class settled down and she began the lesson.全班安静下来她便开始上课了。
    on paper; on a list(写)在纸上;(列)在表格上
    • Did you get that down?你写下来了吗?
    • I always write everything down.我不管什么事情都记下来。
    • Have you got me down for the trip?你把我列入这次旅行的名单了吗?
  6. (in a crossword纵横填字游戏) reading from top to bottom, not from side to side由上至下
    • I can't do 3 down.我填不出第 3 个竖行。
  7. to or in the south of a country向南方;在南方
    • They flew down to Texas.他们乘飞机南下去得克萨斯州了。
    • Houses are more expensive down south.南边的房屋价格要贵些。
  8. from an important or famous place, especially a large city, to a smaller or less famous place下:从重要或著名的地方,尤其是大城市,到较小或不太著名的地方
    • We've got people from the head office coming down.总部的人来了。
    • (British English) Her daughter's down from (= University) for the holidays.她女儿从牛津大学来度假。
  9. used to show the limits in a range or an order(表示范围或顺序的限度)下至,直至
    • Everyone will be there, from the Principal down.从校长下至每个人都将到场。
  10. having lost the amount of money mentioned失去(钱数)
    • At the end of the day we were £20 down.一天下来我们少了 20 英镑。
  11. if you pay an amount of money down, you pay that to start with, and the rest later(钱)先付,预付
  12. (informal) used to say how far you have got in a list of things you have to do已完成数量(或进度)
    • Well, I've seen six apartments so far. That's six down and four to go!好啦,到目前为止我已看了六套公寓房。看完六套还有四套要去看呢!
  13. (informal) to or at a local place such as a shop, pub, etc.到,去,在(当地的商店、酒馆等地方)
    • I'm just going down to the post office.我正要到邮局去。
    • I saw him down at the shops.我刚才看到他在那边的商店里。
    In informal British English, to and at are often left out after down in this sense: He's gone down the shops.
  14. used to tell an animal or person to sit or lie (表示范围或顺序的限度)下至,直至
    • ‘Down, boy!’ she laughed as the dog jumped up to greet her.“趴下,孩子,”。当狗跳起来迎接她的时候,她笑了。
  15. 词源adverb Old English dūn, dūne, shortened from adūne ‘downward’, from the phrase of dūne ‘off the hill’.
be down to somebody
  1. (informal) to be the responsibility of somebody是某人的责任;由某人负责
    • It's down to you to check the door.检查门是否关好是你的事。
be down to somebody/something
  1. to be caused by a particular person or thing由…引起(或造成)
    • She claimed her problems were down to the media.她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。
be down to something
  1. to have only a little money left只剩下(一点儿钱)
    • I'm down to my last dollar.我只剩下最后一美元了。
be/go down with something
  1. to have or catch an illness患…病;得…病Topics Illnessc2
down and dirty (North American English, informal)
  1. behaving in an unfair or aggressive way, especially because you want to win卑鄙无耻地;不择手段地
    • The candidate again got down and dirty with his rival.这名候选人再一次用下作的手段对付他的竞争对手。
    • The online campaign was getting down and dirty.在线活动变得越来越糟糕。
  2. rude and making you feel shocked粗鲁无礼地;恶劣地
    • The singer got down and dirty at the club last night and made headlines again.这个歌手昨晚在俱乐部的无耻行为使他又上了报纸的头条。
    • The singers are a down-and-dirty duo from Ohio.这些歌手是来自俄亥俄州的一对不入流的组合。
    More Like This Alliteration in idiomsAlliteration in idioms
    • belt and braces
    • black and blue
    • born and bred
    • chalk and cheese
    • chop and change
    • done and dusted
    • down and dirty
    • in dribs and drabs
    • eat somebody out of house and home
    • facts and figures
    • fast and furious
    • first and foremost
    • forgive and forget
    • hale and hearty
    • hem and haw
    • kith and kin
    • mix and match
    • part and parcel
    • puff and pant
    • to rack and ruin
    • rant and rave
    • risk life and limb
    • short and sweet
    • signed and sealed
    • spic and span
    • through thick and thin
    • this and that
    • top and tail
    • tried and tested
    • wax and wane
down through something
  1. (formal) during a long period of time在(相当长的一段)时间内
    • Down through the years this town has seen many changes.多年来这座城镇发生了许多变化。
down to the last, smallest, final, etc. something
  1. including every small part or detail of something非常详尽地
    • She organized everything down to the last detail.她每件事情都安排得滴水不漏。
down under
  1. (informal) to or in Australia and/or New Zealand到,向,在(澳大利亚和/或新西兰)
down with somebody/something
  1. used to say that you are opposed to something, or to a person打倒
    • The crowds chanted ‘Down with NATO!’人群有节奏地反复高喊 “打倒北约!”
have/get something down
  1. to be able to do something easily or well对…游刃有余;能轻易驾驭
    • She's young and she hasn't really got it down yet.她很年轻,为人处事还不够练达沉稳。
    • The teacher gave us the music to the song and we had two weeks to get it down.老师给了我们这首歌的配乐,我们有两周的时间把它记下来。
    • It looked easy once you got the system down.一旦你把系统关闭,它看起来很容易。
you can’t keep a good man down
  1. (saying) a person who is determined or wants something very much will succeed有志者事竟成;决心大的人终有出头之日Topics Successc2


    from a high or higher point on something to a lower one(从高处)向下,往下
    • The stone rolled down the hill.石头滚下山坡。
    • Tears ran down her face.泪水顺着她的脸庞流下来。
    • Her hair hung down her back to her waist.她的长发披在背上直垂腰际。
    along; towards the direction in which you are facing沿着;顺着;朝着
    • He lives just down the street.他就住在街那头。
    • Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.沿着这条路一直走到红绿灯处。
    • There's a bridge a mile down the river from here.从这里沿河而下一英里处有座桥。
  3. all through a period of time贯穿…时间;遍及…时期
    • an exhibition of costumes down the ages (= from all periods of history)历代服装展览
  4. 词源preposition Old English dūn, dūne, shortened from adūne ‘downward’, from the phrase of dūne ‘off the hill’.


present simple I / you / we / they down
he / she / it downs
past simple downed
past participle downed
-ing form downing
  1. down something to finish a drink or eat something quickly(一下子)喝下,吃下,咽下
    • We downed our coffees and left.我们一口气喝完咖啡就离开了。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  2. down somebody/something to force somebody/something down to the ground使倒下;击倒
    • to down a plane击落一架飞机
    • Storms downed trees and power lines.暴风雨摧毁了树木和电线。
  3. down something (in american football美式足球) to touch the ball to the ground or touch your knee to the ground while holding the ball, so play has to stop使倒下;击倒
    • He downed the ball inside the three-yard line.他在三码线内将球击出。
  4. down something (in golf高尔夫球) to hit a ball into a hole 只剩下(一点儿钱)
    • Matthews downed a birdie putt at 15 to begin his comeback. 马修斯在15岁时击出一记小鸟球,开始了他的复出之旅。
    synonym sink (10)
  5. 词源verb Old English dūn, dūne, shortened from adūne ‘downward’, from the phrase of dūne ‘off the hill’.
down tools
  1. (British English) (of workers工人) to stop work; to go on strike撂下工作;罢工


[not before noun]Idioms
  1. moving or directed downwards or away from a place停机;停止运行
    • The down escalator isn't working.自动扶梯坏了。
    • Click the down arrow.单击向下箭头。
  2. (informal) sad or depressed悲哀;沮丧;情绪低落
    • I feel a bit down today.我今天有点闷闷不乐。
    • You look a bit down. Is something the matter?你看起来有点沮丧。出什么事了吗?
    • Don't let the weather get you down.不要因为天气而情绪低落。
    Topics Feelingsb2
  3. (of a computer or computer system计算机或计算机系统) not working停机;停止运行
    • The system was down all morning.这系统整个上午都停机。
    see also downtimeTopics Computersc1
  4. 词源adjective Old English dūn, dūne, shortened from adūne ‘downward’, from the phrase of dūne ‘off the hill’.
be down on your luck
  1. (informal) to have no money because of a period of bad luck因一时不走运而没有钱;穷困潦倒
    • In the movie they play two jazz musicians who are down on their luck.在电影中,他们扮演两位运气不佳的爵士音乐家。
down in the mouth
  1. unhappy and depressed闷闷不乐;沮丧Topics Feelingsc2
hit somebody when they’re down
  1. to continue to hurt somebody when they are already defeated落井下石;乘人之危
kick somebody when they’re down
  1. to continue to hurt somebody when they are already defeated, etc.落井下石


see also downsIdioms
  1. [uncountable] the very fine soft feathers of a bird(鸟的)绒羽,绒毛
    • duck down鸭绒
    Topics Birdsc2
  2. [uncountable] fine soft hair绒毛;软毛;汗毛 see also downyTopics Appearancec2
  3. [countable, plural] (informal) a period of feeling sad or depressed, or when things are not going well悲哀;沮丧;情绪低落
    • We all have our downs from time to time.我们每个人都会时不时地遇到挫折。
    • Her career has had a few downs this year.今年,她的事业经历了一些波折。
  4. [countable] (in American football美式足球) one of a series of four chances to carry the ball forward ten yards that a team is allowed. These series continue until the team loses the ball or fails to go forward ten yards in four downs.档(进攻方每轮进攻共有 4 次机会向前累计推进 10 码,每次称 1 档。如果推进 10 码成功,则进攻方继续获得进攻机会;丢球或未能推进 10 码,则攻守互易)Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  5. 词源noun Middle English: from Old Norse dúnn.
have a down on somebody/something
  1. (British English, informal) to have a bad opinion of a person or thing对…评价不好;瞧不起;厌恶Topics Opinion and argumentc2
ups and downs
  1. the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationship浮沉;兴衰;荣辱
    • Every business has its ups and downs.每家企业都有兴衰起伏。




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