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词汇 earth


    (also Earth, the Earth)
    [uncountable, singular] the world; the planet that we live on世界;地球
    • the planet Earth行星地球
    • The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。
    • a satellite orbiting the earth 环绕地球运行的卫星
    • the earth's surface/crust地球表面/地壳
    • on earth the history of life on earth地球上的生命史
    • I must be the happiest person on earth!我一定是世界上最幸福的人!
    • climate
    • earth
    • equator
    • equinox
    • hemisphere
    • International Date Line
    • latitude
    • map
    • planet
    • tropic
    • No one knows what happens to us after we leave this earth.没有人知道我们离开这个世界后会发生什么事。
    • The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth.《圣经》上说,温顺的人必承受地土。
    • The earth revolves on its axis.地球环绕自身的轴心转动。
    • a lost spirit, wandering the earth游荡人间的迷失魂灵
    • humans and other species that inhabit the earth生活在地球上的人类和其他物种
    • the last asteroid that hit the earth最后一颗撞击地球的小行星
    • the moon's orbit around the earth月亮环绕地球的轨道
    • She believed that demons walked the earth.她相信恶魔在地球上行走。
    • when dinosaurs roamed the earth恐龙还在地球上漫步的时候
    • The astronauts were able to send the information back to earth.宇航员能够把信息传回地球。
    Topics Spacea2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • the entire
    • the whole
    verb + earth
    • circle
    • orbit
    • create
    earth + verb
    • orbit something
    • revolve
    • rotate
    earth + noun
    • history
    • sciences
    • scientist
    • above the earth
    • around the earth
    • round the earth
    • inherit the earth
    • (the) planet earth
    • the centre/​center of the earth
    [uncountable, singular] land; the hard surface of the world that is not the sea or the sky; the ground陆地;地面;大地
    • After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.出海一周后,重新踏上陆地感到很愉快。
    • above the earth fifty feet above the earth离地球五十英尺
    • under/below/beneath the earth in mines deep under the earth在地下很深的矿里
    • You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时会感觉到地面在震动。
    see also scorched earth policy
    Synonyms floorfloor
    • ground
    • land
    • earth
    These are all words for the surface that you walk on.
    • floor the surface of a room that you walk on:
      • She was sitting on the floor watching TV.她坐在地板上看电视。
    • ground (often the ground) the solid surface of the earth that you walk on:(常作 the ground)指室外地、地面:
      • I found her lying on the ground.我发现她躺在地上。
      • The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground.火箭离开地面几秒钟便坠毁了。
    • land the surface of the earth that is not sea:
      • It was good to be back on dry land again.回到陆地上真好。
      • They fought both at sea and on land.他们在海上和陆上都打过仗。
    • earth (often the earth) the solid surface of the world that is made of rock, soil, sand, etc:(常作 the earth)指大地、陆地、地面:
      • You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时会感觉到地面在震动。
    ground, land or earth?用 ground、land 还是 earth?Ground is the normal word for the solid surface that you walk on when you are not in a building or vehicle. You can use earth if you want to draw attention to the rock, soil etc. that the ground is made of. Land is only used when you want to contrast it with the sea: the land beneath our feetfeel the land shakesight ground/​earthtravel by ground/​earth Patterns
    • on/​under the floor/​ground/​earth
    • bare floor/​ground/​earth
    • to drop/​fall to the floor/​the ground/(the) earth
    • to reach the floor/​the ground/​land
    • Furniture fell over as the room was shaken by an earth tremor.房间在地颤中晃动,家具都倒了。
    • The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the parched earth.飞机残骸散落在干燥的大地上。
    • The bunker is located deep below the earth.这座碉堡位于地下深处。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bare
    • fertile
    • barren
    … of earth
    • clod
    • clump
    • lump
    earth + verb
    • shake
    • tremble
    earth + noun
    • bank
    • mound
    • tremor
    • in the earth
    • under the earth
    [uncountable] the substance that plants grow in土;泥;泥土
    • a clod/mound of earth 土块/土堆
    • I cleaned off the earth clinging to my boots.我清理了粘在靴子上的泥土。
    see also fuller’s earth
    Synonyms soilsoil
    • mud
    • dust
    • clay
    • land
    • earth
    • dirt
    • ground
    These are all words for the top layer of the earth in which plants grow.
    • soil the top layer of the earth in which plants grow:
      • Plant the seedlings in damp soil.把幼苗种在湿润的土壤里。
    • mud wet soil that is soft and sticky:
      • The car wheels got stuck in the mud.汽车轮子陷到泥里去了。
    • dust a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of rock, earth, etc:
      • A cloud of dust rose as the truck set off.卡车起动时扬起一片灰尘。
    • clay a type of heavy sticky soil that becomes hard when it is baked and is used to make things such as pots and bricks:
      • The tiles are made of clay.这些砖是用陶土制成的。
    • land an area of ground, especially of a particular type:
      • an area of rich, fertile land土地富饶肥沃的地域
    • earth the substance that plants grow in 指土、泥、泥土Earth is often used about the soil found in gardens or used for gardening: She put some earth into the pot.
    • dirt (especially North American English) soil, especially loose soil:指泥土,尤指松土、散土:
      • Pack the dirt firmly around the plants.将植物周围的土培实。
    • ground an area of soil:
      • The car got stuck in the muddy ground.汽车陷到泥地里了。
      • They drove across miles of rough, stony ground.他们驶过数英里崎岖不平、多石的土地。
      Ground is not used for loose soil: a handful of dry ground
    • good/​rich soil/​land/​earth
    • fertile/​infertile soil/​land/​ground
    • to dig the soil/​mud/​clay/​land/​earth/​ground
    • to cultivate the soil/​land/​ground
    • I filled the pot with a handful of loose earth.我将一把松散的泥土装进盆子里。
    • I scrambled to the top of the steep earth bank.我爬上了陡峭的土堆顶部。
    • My boots were caked in big clods of wet earth.我的靴子上粘了大块的湿土。
    • The fields had been ploughed, and there was nothing but bare earth to be seen.田地刚刚犁过,一眼望去只有光秃秃的土地。
    • The plants must have their roots in the earth.植物的根必须扎在土壤里。
    • The sun beat down on the baked earth.太阳直射在炙热的泥土上。
    • Dig the earth to a depth of two spade lengths.把土挖到两铲长的深度。
    • His boots sank into the soft earth.他的靴子陷进了松软的泥土里。
    • In the air was the smell of freshly dug earth.空气中弥漫着刚刚翻松过的泥土的气味。
    Topics Farmingb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bare
    • fertile
    • barren
    … of earth
    • clod
    • clump
    • lump
    earth + verb
    • shake
    • tremble
    earth + noun
    • bank
    • mound
    • tremor
    • in the earth
    • under the earth
  4. [countable] the hole under the ground where an animal, especially a fox, lives兽穴;(尤指狐狸栖息的)洞穴
  5. (British English)
    (North American English ground)
    [countable, usually singular] a wire that connects an electric circuit with the ground and makes it safe(接)地线Topics Engineeringc2
  6. 词源Old English eorthe, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch aarde and German Erde.
see also rare earth
be, feel, look, taste, etc. like nothing on earth
  1. (informal) to be, feel, look, taste, etc. very bad感到(或显得、尝起来等)非常糟糕,非常难受
charge, cost, pay, etc. the earth
  1. (British English, informal) to charge, etc. a lot of money收(或花、付等)很多钱
    • I'd love that dress, but it costs the earth.我很喜欢那件衣服,但是它太贵了。
    • If you want a house in London, you’ll have to pay the earth for it.如果你想在伦敦买栋房子,你必须为此付出高昂的代价。
come back/down to earth (with a bang/bump) | bring somebody (back) down to earth (with a bang/bump)
  1. (informal) to return, or to make somebody return, to a normal way of thinking or behaving after a time when you/they have been very excited, not very practical, etc.(使)从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中来 see also down to earth
disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
  1. to disappear completely完全消失;消逝得无影无踪
    • Keep looking—they can't just have vanished off the face of the earth.继续找,他们不可能就从此消失得无影无踪的。
go to earth/ground
  1. (British English) to hide, especially to escape from somebody躲藏起来(以免被捉住)
go to the ends of the earth
  1. to do everything possible, even if it is difficult, in order to get or achieve something竭尽所能;竭尽全力
    • I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要再见她一面。
    Topics Successc2
how, why, where, who, etc. on earth
  1. (informal) used to emphasize the question you are asking when you are surprised or angry or cannot think of an obvious answer(加强疑问句的语气)到底,究竟
    • What on earth are you doing?你究竟在干什么?
    • How on earth can she afford that?她怎么可能负担得起呢?
move heaven and earth
  1. to do everything you possibly can in order to achieve something竭尽所能;竭尽全力Topics Successc2
on earth
  1. used after negative nouns or pronouns to emphasize what you are saying(用于否定名词或代词之后表示强调)在世界上,在人世间
    • Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him.无论什么都不能说服我跟他一块儿走。
promise (somebody) the earth/moon/world
  1. (informal) to make promises that will be impossible to keep作出不可能实现的承诺
    • Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different afterwards.政治家在选举前承诺地球,但选举后情况就不同了。
run somebody/something to earth/ground
  1. (British English) to find somebody/something after looking hard for a long time(长期搜寻后)终于找到
the salt of the earth
  1. a very good and honest person that you can always depend on世上的盐,地上的盐(指善良而诚实的人)
wipe somebody/something off the face of the earth | wipe something off the map
  1. to destroy or remove somebody/something completely使…从地球上消失;彻底消除


(British English)
(North American English ground)
[usually passive]
present simple I / you / we / they earth
he / she / it earths
past simple earthed
past participle earthed
-ing form earthing
  1. earth something to make electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire把(电气设备)接地Topics Engineeringc2
    词源Old English eorthe, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch aarde and German Erde.




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