Edward Jenner
/ˌedwəd ˈdʒenə(r)/
/ˌedwərd ˈdʒenər/
- (1749-1823) an English doctor who first used the term vaccination. He found that by deliberately infecting people with cowpox (a disease of cows) he could prevent them from catching smallpox, a serious human disease, and that this was safer than inoculation with smallpox, which had been done previously.
爱德华·詹纳(Edward Jenner):(1749-1823)最早使用疫苗接种一词的英语医生。他发现,通过用牛痘(一种牛疾病)故意感染人,可以防止他们感染天花,这是一种严重的人类疾病,而且比以前接种天花更安全。