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词汇 end



    final part最后部分

    the final part of a period of time, an event, an activity or a story(时间、事件、活动或故事的)终止,终结,结局,结尾
    • It's the end of an era.这是一个时代的终结。
    • the end of the book书的末尾
    • at the end of something at the end of the week在周末
    • at the end There’ll be a chance to ask questions at the end.最后将有提问的机会。
    • by the end of something He wants the reports by the end of the month.他要在月底见到报告。
    • to the end of something She remained active as an artist to the end of her life.她作为一名艺术家一直活跃到生命的尽头。
    • towards the end (of something) I was getting bored towards the end of the talk.演讲快结束的时候我变得厌倦起来。
    • until the end We didn't leave until the very end.我们直到最后才离开。
    • until the end of something I'm staying until the end of this week.我将待到周末。
    • We had to hear about the whole journey from beginning to end.我们只好从头到尾把整个旅行情况听完。
    • He is nearing the end of his career.他的职业生涯即将结束。
    • Our end-of-season sale starts next week.我们的季末销售下周开始。
    see also back end (1), front end (3)
    • I'll never get to the end of this book!我永远也看不完这本书了!
    • It stayed hot right up to the end of September.炎热的天气一直持续到 9 月底。
    • They get married at the end of the movie.电影结尾处他们结婚了。
    • I hope to finish this by the end of the week.我希望周末前能完成这项工作。
    • They finally get named at the end of the book.他们终于在书的结尾部分被提到姓名。
    • Her death marks the end of an era.她的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。
    • You don't know who the murderer is until right at the end of the book.直到读到这本书的结尾,你才会知道凶手是谁。
    • His story was one big lie from beginning to end.他的叙述是彻头彻尾的谎言。
    • The award was a fitting end to a distinguished career.这个奖项为一个杰出的职业生涯画上了完美的句号。
    • Pigs were weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment.实验开始和结束时给猪称重。
    • Near the end of each term, students were selected from each class for a prize.每学期快结束时,学生们被从每个班级中挑选出来领奖。
    • The new rules could be in place before the end of this year.新规定可能在今年年底前出台。
    • The plants die at the end of each growing season.植物在每个生长季节结束时死亡。
    • Her contract expires at the end of the year.她的合同年底到期。
    • In the six months to the end of March overall revenue rose 18%.在截至3月底的6个月里,总收入增长了18%。
    • They scored a goal three minutes from the end of extra time.他们在加时赛结束前三分钟进了一球。
    Topics Literature and writinga1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • abrupt
    • sudden
    • early
    verb + end
    • come to
    • get to
    • reach
    end + verb
    • be in sight
    end + noun
    • user
    • point
    • product
    • at an end
    • at the end
    • by the end
    • at the very end
    • right at the end
    • from beginning to end
  2. finish结束

    a situation in which something does not exist any more结束;破灭
    • It was the end of all his dreams.他所有的梦想都破灭了。
    • That was by no means the end of the matter.事情绝不可能到此为止。
    • at an end The war was finally at an end.战争终于结束了。
    • The meeting came to an end (= finished).会议结束了。
    • The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end.政变结束了他的腐败统治。
    • This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process.最近的这次袭击可能意味着和平进程的结束。
    • an end to something They have called for an end to violence.他们呼吁停止暴力。
    • an end to the conflict/war冲突/战争的结束
    • Let’s put an end to (= stop) these rumours once and for all.让我们对这些流言飞语作一了结吧。
    • There's no end in sight to the present crisis.目前的危机无望结束。
    • Cheap air travel marked the end of the golden age of the British seaside holiday.廉价的航空旅行标志着英国海滨假期黄金时代的结束。
    • The release of ‘The Jazz Singer’ signalled the end of the silent movie era.《爵士歌手》的上映标志着无声电影时代的结束。
    • He won't win, but he'll keep fighting to the end.他不会赢,但会战斗到底。
    • Talks were in progress to bring an end to the fighting.停战谈判正在进行中。
    • The meeting finally came to an end at six.会议终于在 6 点结束了。
    • The proceedings are expected to be at an end by 6 p.m.会议预计下午 6 点结束。
    • What the business community wants is an end to the recession.商界希望的就是经济衰退结束。
    • The injury brought her career to an early end.受伤使她的职业生涯提早结束。
    • As far as I'm concerned, that's the end of it.就我而言,就到此为止了。
    • the end of the civil war内战的结束
    • They demanded an end to racial discrimination in the workplace.他们要求结束工作场所的种族歧视。
    • I think I've finally reached the end of the teen movie craze.我想我终于结束了青少年电影热。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • abrupt
    • sudden
    • early
    verb + end
    • come to
    • get to
    • reach
    end + verb
    • be in sight
    end + noun
    • user
    • point
    • product
    • at an end
    • at the end
    • by the end
    • at the very end
    • right at the end
    • from beginning to end
  4. furthest part末端

    the part of an object or a place that is the furthest away from its centre末端;尽头;末梢
    • I joined the end of the queue.我站在了这队伍的最后。
    • Go to the end of the line!到这条队的最后去!
    • at the end of something Turn right at the end of the road.在路的尽头向右转。
    • His office is the room at the other end of the corridor.他的办公室是走廊另一端的房间。
    • That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table.坐在桌子远端的那位就是他妻子。
    • on the end of something You've got something on the end of your nose.你的鼻尖上有点东西。
    • Tie the ends of the string together.把绳子两端系在一起。
    • the front/rear end of a cow/tractor奶牛/拖拉机的前端/后端
    • These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.这两种产品一种是价格最高的,一种是价格最低的。
    • We've travelled from one end of Mexico to the other.我们从墨西哥的一端旅行到了另一端。
    • They live in the end house.他们住在最后的那座房子里。
    see also big end, business end (1), dead end, East End, front end (1), rear end, split end, tail end
    • Continue until you reach the end of the road.继续走,一直走到路的尽头。
    • The bank is right at the end of the street.银行就位于这条街的尽头。
    • The famous Las Vegas Strip is about three miles from end to end.著名的拉斯维加斯大道全长约 3 英里。
    • Turn into Hope Street and our house is right at the end.拐进希望大街,我们的房子就在尽头。
    • the southern end of the lake湖的南端
    • We walked along the whole promenade, from end to end.我们从步行大道的一端走到另一端。
    • The rope was unfastened at one end.这个绳子有一端没有系上。
    • Take the free end of the rope and pass it through the hole.拿着绳子没打结的一端穿过这个洞。
    • housebuyers at the cheap end of the market低端市场的购房者
    • The two parties represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.这两个政党代表了政治上的两端。
    • The car was lifted up by the winds and tumbled end over end along the ground.汽车被风掀起,贴着地面翻滚。
    • Their red blood cells were at the low end of the normal range.他们的红细胞处于正常范围的低端。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bottom
    • lower
    • top
    verb + end
    • come to
    • get to
    • reach
    end + noun
    • part
    • piece
    • portion
    • at the end
    • on end
    • at one end
    • change ends
    • close to the end
  6. aim目的

  7. an aim or a purpose目的;目标
    • They are prepared to use violence in pursuit of their ends.他们准备使用暴力来达到目的。
    • She is exploiting the current situation for her own ends.她在利用目前的形势来达到自己的目的。
    • He joined the society for political ends.他为了政治目的加入了这个协会。
    • With this end in view (= in order to achieve this) they employed 50 new staff.为了达到这个目标他们雇用了 50 名新职员。
    • We are willing to make any concessions necessary to this end (= in order to achieve this).为达到此目的我们愿作出任何必要的让步。
    • They are working towards common ends.他们正朝着共同的目标努力。
    Synonyms targettarget
    • objective
    • goal
    • object
    • end
    These are all words for something that you are trying to achieve.
    • target a result that you try to achieve:
      • Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的指标。
      • attainment targets in schools学校的成绩目标
    • objective (rather formal) something that you are trying to achieve:指正努力达到的目标、目的:
      • What is the main objective of this project?这个项目的主要目标是什么?
    • goal something that you hope to achieve:
      • He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an actor.他继续追求他成为演员的目标。
    target, objective or goal?用 target、objective 还是 goal?A target is usually officially recorded in some way, for example by an employer or by a government committee. It is often specific, and in the form of figures, such as number of sales or exam passes, or a date. People often set their own objectives: these are things that they wish to achieve, often as part of a project or a talk they are giving. Goals are often long-term, and relate to people’s life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization.
    • object the purpose of something; something that you plan to achieve:
      • The object is to educate people about road safety.目的就是教育大众注意交通安全。
    • end something that you plan to achieve:
      • He joined the society for political ends.他为了政治目的加入了这个协会。
      • That’s only OK if you believe that the end justifies the means (= bad methods of doing something are acceptable if the final result is good).除非你认为只要目的正确可以不择手段,不然那是不可以接受的。
      End is usually used in the plural or in particular fixed expressions.
    • to work towards a(n) target/​objective/​goal
    • a(n) ambitious/​major/​long-term/​short-term/​future target/​objective/​goal
    • economic/​financial/​business targets/​objectives/​goals
    • to set/​agree on/​identify/​reach/​meet/​exceed a(n) target/​objective/​goal
    • to achieve a(n) target/​objective/​goal/​end
    • Despite our differences, we were working to a common end.尽管有分歧,可我们致力于一个共同的目标。
    • She was prepared to lie in order to achieve her ends.为了达到目的她不惜撒谎。
    • She wished to have a house built, and to this end she engaged a local architect.她希望建所房子,因此请了一个本地的建筑师。
    • The money might have been used to more beneficial ends.这笔钱本可用于更有益的方面。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • noble
    • worthwhile
    • worthy
    verb + end
    • accomplish
    • achieve
    • attain
    • to… ends
    • to this end
    • an end in itself
    • a means to an end
    • the end justifies the means
  8. part of activity部分活动

  9. [usually singular] a part of an activity with which somebody is involved, especially in business(尤指经营活动的)部分,方面
    • We need somebody to handle the marketing end of the business.我们需要有人来处理业务的推广。
    • Are there any problems at your end?你那边有什么问题吗?
    • I have kept my end of the bargain.我已履行了我的协议条件。
    see also business end (2), front end (2)
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bottom
    • lower
    • top
    verb + end
    • come to
    • get to
    • reach
    end + noun
    • part
    • piece
    • portion
    • at the end
    • on end
    • at one end
    • change ends
    • close to the end
  10. of phone line/journey

  11. [usually singular] either of two places connected by a phone call, journey, etc.端点;终点
    • I answered the phone but there was no one at the other end.我接了电话,但线路的另一端没人说话。
    • Jean is going to meet me at the other end.琼打算在那边终点站接我。
  12. of sports field运动场

  13. one of the two halves of a sports field半边球场
    • The teams changed ends at half-time.上半场结束时双方交换了场地。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsa2
  14. piece left剩余物

  15. (British English) a small piece that is left after something has been used剩余物;残余;残片
    • a cigarette end烟蒂
    see also bin-end, dog-end, fag end, loose end, odds and ends
  16. death死亡

  17. [usually singular] a person’s death. People say end to avoid saying death.辞世,过世(婉辞,与 death 同义)
    • She came to an untimely end (= died young).她英年早逝。
    • I was with him at the end (= when he died).他临终时我在他身边。
    • (literary) He met his end (= died) at the Battle of Waterloo.他在滑铁卢战役中阵亡。
    • He was bound to meet a violent end one day.他终有一天会死于非命。
    • The end came when he collapsed after playing golf.他打完高尔夫球后晕倒死去。
    • She had a short life and a tragic end.她一生短暂,结局悲惨。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sad
    • tragic
    • bad
    verb + end
    • come to
    • meet
    end + verb
    • come
  18. (in American football美式足球) a lineman who is nearest to the side of the field半边球场
    • a defensive end防守端
    • He does as good a job as any end in football at helping his teammates.他在帮助队友方面做得和足球圈的其他人一样好。
    see also tight endTopics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  19. see also front-end, high-end, low-end, rear-end, top-end
    词源Old English ende (noun), endian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch einde (noun), einden (verb) and German Ende (noun), enden (verb).
at the end of the day
  1. (informal) used to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered(考虑到所有情况后引出最重要的事实)最终,到头来
    • At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.最终,他还得自己拿主意。
at a loose end (British English)
(North American English usually at loose ends)
  1. (informal) having nothing to do and not knowing what you want to do无所事事;无事可做
    • Come and see us, if you're at a loose end.你要是闲着无事就来我们这儿坐坐吧。
a bad/sticky end
  1. (British English, informal) something unpleasant that happens to somebody, for example punishment or a violent death, usually because of their own actions不愉快的结局;可悲的下场
    • He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on like that.如果他继续那样下去,总有一天会落得个可悲的下场。
be at the end of something
  1. to have almost nothing left of something所剩无几;到…的尽头(或极限)
    • I'm at the end of my patience.我已忍无可忍。
    • They are at the end of their food supply.他们的食物储备快要消耗殆尽。
be at the end of your tether (British English)
(North American English be at the end of your rope)
  1. (informal) to feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, worried, etc.筋疲力尽;智穷力竭;山穷水尽
    • You’d better let her know you’re safe. She’s at the end of her tether.你最好让她知道你很安全。她已经忍无可忍了。
be at/on the receiving end (of something)
  1. (informal) to be the person that an action, etc. is directed at, especially an unpleasant one承受不愉快之事
    • She found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of criticism.她发现自己遭到众多的批评。
be at your wits’ end
  1. (informal) to be so worried by a problem that you do not know what to do next智穷计尽;全然不知所措
    • She was at her wits’ end wondering how she’d manage it all in the time.她不知如何在这段时间里处理好这一切。
    • I'm at my wits' end trying to cope with his moods.我想让他平静下来,可完全不知道该怎么办。
    Topics Feelingsc2
be the end
  1. (British English, informal) when you say that people or situations are the end, you mean that you are annoyed with them令人讨厌;惹人烦恼;让人无法容忍
the beginning of the end
  1. the first sign of something ending结束的前兆;结局的开始
    • The scandal was the beginning of the end of his career as a politician.这一丑闻是他政治家生涯结束的开始。
    • It wasn't the end of their marriage, but it was the beginning of the end.这并不是他们婚姻的结束,但却是结束的先兆。
    • That day was the beginning of the end of our friendship.那天起我们的友谊结束了。
burn the candle at both ends
  1. to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early过度劳累;起早贪黑而疲惫不堪
an end in itself
  1. a thing that is itself important and not just a part of something more important本身重要的事
    • For her, shopping had become an end in itself.对她来说,购物本身就是目的。
    • For her, travelling had become an end in itself rather than a means of seeing new places.对她来说,旅行本身就是目的而不是为了游览新地方。
the end justifies the means
  1. (saying) bad or unfair methods of doing something are acceptable if the result of that action is good or positive只要目的正当,可以不择手段
    • He defended a morality in which the end justifies the means.他为不择手段达到正当目的的道德观进行辩护。
    • That's only OK if you believe that the end justifies the means.除非你认为只要目的正确可以不择手段,不然那是不可以接受的。
(reach) the end of the line/road
  1. (to reach) the point at which something can no longer continue in the same way(达到)尽头,极限;穷途末路
    • A defeat in the second round marked the end of the line for last year's champion.第二局的失利表明去年的冠军得主已卫冕无望。
    • The loss of this contract could signal the end of the line for the shipyard.失去这份合同可能意味着这个造船厂的倒闭。
    • This latest disagreement could mean the end of the road for the band.最近出现的分歧可能意味着乐队要解散了。
end of story (informal)
(British English also end of)
  1. used when you are stating that there is nothing more that can be said or done about something情况就是这样;就这么办
    • If she doesn’t agree, I won’t go ahead. End of story.如果她不同意,我就不往下说了。故事结束。
end to end
  1. in a line, with the ends touching首尾相接连成一行
    • They arranged the tables end to end.他们将桌子连接起来排成一行。
get/have your end away
  1. (British English, slang) to have sex性交
get the short end of the stick (North American English)
(British English draw the short straw)
  1. to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事
get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick
  1. (British English, informal) to understand something in the wrong way误解;误会
go off the deep end
  1. (informal) to suddenly become very angry or emotional(突然)火冒三丈,大发脾气,非常激动
go to the ends of the earth
  1. to do everything possible, even if it is difficult, in order to get or achieve something走遍天涯海角;历尽千辛万苦
    • I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要再见她一面。
    Topics Successc2
in the end
    after a long period of time or series of events最后;终于
    • He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了会计。
    • In the end, they decided to spend Christmas at home.最终他们决定在家里过圣诞节。
    after everything has been considered到头来;最终
    • You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.你可以尽最大的努力给主持面试的人留下深刻的印象,不过最终常常要看运气。
jump/be thrown in at the deep end
  1. (informal) to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared for(使)陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展
    • Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs.医院的初级医生开始工作时会遇上未曾料到的困难。
    • The company believes in throwing new employees in at the deep end with no training.该公司认为应该不经培训就让新员工从困难的部份做起。
keep your end up
  1. (British English, informal) to continue to be cheerful in a difficult situation(在困境中)不泄气,保持乐观
light at the end of the tunnel
  1. something that shows you are nearly at the end of a long and difficult time or situation快要熬出头了;曙光在即
    • For the first time since the start of his treatment, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel.自从他的治疗开始以来,我们现在第一次看到了一线希望。
make (both) ends meet
  1. to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need使收支相抵;勉强维持生计
    • Many families struggle to make ends meet.许多家庭只能勉强维持生计。
make somebody’s hair stand on end
  1. (informal) to shock or frighten somebody惊吓某人;使某人毛骨悚然
    • a chilling tale that will make your hair stand on end令人毛骨悚然的故事
a means to an end
  1. a thing or an action that is not interesting or important in itself but is a way of achieving something else(本身并不重要或有趣的)达到目的的手段
    • He doesn't particularly like the work but he sees it as a means to an end.他不怎么喜欢这项工作,只是把它看作达到目的的手段而已。
    • I don't enjoy studying computing—it's just a means to an end.我不喜欢学计算机 - 只是把它作为一个途径罢了。
no end
  1. (informal) very much极其;非常
    • It upset me no end to hear they'd split up.听说他们已离婚,我感到非常不安。
no end of something
  1. (informal) a lot of something无数;大量;许多
    • We had no end of trouble getting them to agree.我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。
not the end of the world
  1. (informal) not the worst thing that could happen to somebody天不会塌下来;不是灭顶之灾
    • Failing one exam is not the end of the world.一次考试不及格并非世界末日。
    • It won't be the end of the world if you don't get the job.如果你得不到这份工作也不会是世界末日。
not/never hear the end of it
  1. to keep being reminded of something because somebody is always talking to you about it被人不断纠缠,没完没了
    • If we don't get her a dog we'll never hear the end of it.我们要是不给她弄条狗来,这事就没完没了。
on end
  1. in a position standing upright rather than lying flat竖着;直立着
    • It'll fit if you stand it on end.如果把它竖着就放得进去了。
    • Stand the box on end.把盒子竖起来。
    • Stand it on end.把它竖起来。
  2. for the stated length of time, without stopping连续地;不断地
    • He would disappear for weeks on end.他常常是连续几周不见人影。
put an end to yourself | put an end to it all
  1. to kill yourself自杀;一了百了
the rough end of the pineapple
  1. (Australian English, informal) a situation in which somebody is treated badly or unfairly受到不良(或不公平)对待的处境
the sharp end (of something)
  1. (British English, informal) the place or position of greatest difficulty or responsibility最为困难(或责任极其重大)的地方(或职位)
    • He started work at the sharp end of the business, as a salesman.他从这一行最为棘手的工作做起,当了推销员。
the thin end of the wedge
  1. (especially British English) an event or action that is the beginning of something more serious and/or unpleasant(不好的事物的)端倪,冰山一角
    • The introduction of a tax on workplace parking is seen by many as the thin end of the wedge.对工作场所停车征税的引入被许多人视为楔形的细端。
to/until the bitter end
  1. continuing until you have done everything you can, or until something is completely finished, despite difficulties and problems(不怕艰苦)坚持到底,奋斗到底
    • They were prepared to fight to the bitter end for their rights.他们甘愿为自己的权利斗争到底。
    • We will fight this case to the bitter end.我们会把这场官司打到底。


[intransitive, transitive]
present simple I / you / we / they end
he / she / it ends
past simple ended
past participle ended
-ing form ending
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. to finish; to reach a point and go no further; to make something finish结束;终止
    • At last the war ended.战争总算结束了。
    • The road ends here.这条路到此为止。
    • How does the story end?这个故事结局如何?
    • The problems did not end there.问题并没有就此结束。
    • end with something Her note ended with the words: ‘See you soon.’她的便条以 “再见” 结束。
    • end by doing something The speaker ended by suggesting some topics for discussion.演讲者最后给出了几个讨论话题。
    • end something They decided to end their relationship.他们决定断绝关系。
    • to end the occupation/conflict/violence结束占领/冲突/暴力
    • A back injury effectively ended her career.背部的伤实际上结束了她的职业生涯。
    • end something with something The team ended the season with a 4–0 win.该队以4比0的胜利结束了这个赛季。
    • + speech ‘And that was that,’ she ended.“就这样了。” 她最后说。
    Express Yourself Ending a conversationEnding a conversation结束谈话When you stop talking to someone, there are polite ways to end a conversation:结束与别人的谈话可用比较礼貌的方式:
      • It's been lovely/​so nice/​good talking to you.和你谈谈很开心。
      • I'm so glad we got to talk.我们有机会谈话,我很高兴。
      • I'm sorry, I have to rush off.抱歉,我得赶紧走了。
      • It was nice to meet you. I'm sorry I have to go now.很高兴见到你。对不起,我现在得走了。
      • Will you excuse me? There's someone I've got to speak to.失陪了,我得跟一个人说几句。
    • They ended the play with a song.他们以一首歌曲结束了这出戏。
    • His speech ended on a positive note.他用肯定的语气结束了演讲。
    • The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.会议因主席被叫走而突然中止。
    • The peace talks have ended inconclusively, with neither side prepared to give way on key points.由于双方都不愿意在关键问题上让步,和平谈判不了了之。
    • The show ended with a song.演出在歌声中结束。
    • We thought they'd never end.我们觉得它们永远不会结束。
    • Her workday begins and ends in darkness.她的工作日在黑暗中开始和结束。
    • The peace agreement ended the war.和平协议结束了战争。
    • The series finally ended on Saturday night.该系列最终在周六晚上结束。
    • A closing reception ends the day.闭幕招待会结束了这一天。
    • In chess, the game ends with checkmate.在国际象棋中,游戏以将死结束。
    • The attack effectively ended hopes for peace in the region.这次袭击实际上终结了该地区和平的希望。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • abruptly
    • suddenly
    • prematurely
    • in
    • with
    • end in disaster
    • end in tears
    • end on a… note
    词源Old English ende (noun), endian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch einde (noun), einden (verb) and German Ende (noun), enden (verb).
end your days/life (in something)
  1. to spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place(在某种状态下或某处)度过余生,安度晚年
    • He ended his days in poverty.他在贫穷中度过余生。
Express Yourself Wrapping up a discussionWrapping up a discussion结束讨论In a formal meeting or conference, you may have to bring the session to a close. Here are some ways to get people to stop speaking:以下是一些在正式会议结束时请求与会人员终止发言的方式:
    • I’m afraid time is running out/​we’re running out of time, so we'll have to make this the final question.恐怕时间不多了,所以这将是我们最后一个问题了。
    • We've only got a couple of minutes left, so can we summarize what we've agreed?我们只剩下几分钟了,所以概括一下已经达成一致的意见好吗?
    • I'd like to close the session with a few final remarks…我想最后说几句来结束这次会议…
    • We'll have to leave it there, but thank you all very much for your input.我们就到这儿吧,非常感谢大家的参与。
    • Well, that's all we have time for today, but we'll meet again on Tuesday.好了,我们今天没有时间了,但星期二我们将再次开会。
    • I'd like to thank you all for coming and for a very productive meeting.感谢大家出席这次会议,以及为这次富有成效的会议付出的努力。
end in tears
  1. (British English, informal) if you say that something will end in tears, you are warning somebody that what they are doing will have an unhappy or unpleasant result(告诫时说)以痛苦而告终,结局悲惨
    • After all that excitement the day was bound to end in tears.在所有的兴奋过后,这一天注定要以不快而结束。
    • Needless to say, it ended in tears.不用说,以泪洗面。
    • He warned us it would all end in tears.他警告我们一切都会以眼泪告终。
end it all | end your life
  1. to kill yourself自杀;一了百了
a/the something to end all sths
  1. used to emphasize how large, important, exciting, etc. you think something is最大(或最重要、最激动人心等)的…
    • The movie has a car chase to end all car chases.这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。




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