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词汇 exercise




    [uncountable] physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become stronger(身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动
    • Swimming is good exercise.游泳是有益的运动。
    • the importance of regular exercise经常锻炼的重要性
    • health problems resulting from a lack of physical exercise缺乏体育锻炼导致的健康问题
    • strenuous/vigorous exercise剧烈运动
    • gentle/moderate exercise温和/适度的运动
    • I don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day.我整天坐在办公室很少运动。
    • John never does any exercise.约翰从不做任何锻炼。
    • (British English) to take exercise锻炼
    • Diet and exercise are equally important.饮食和锻炼同样重要。
    • The mind needs exercise as well as the body.大脑同身体一样需要锻炼。
    • diet
    • exercise
    • fit
    • gym
    • health spa
    • nutrition
    • personal trainer
    • sport
    • stamina
    • workout
    Collocations Diet and exerciseDiet and exercise节食和锻炼Weight体重
    • put on/​gain/​lose weight/​a few kilos/​a few pounds增加/减少体重/几公斤/几磅
    • watch/​control/​struggle with your weight关注/控制体重;努力减肥
    • be/​become seriously overweight/​underweight已经/变得严重超重/体重不足
    • be/​become clinically/​morbidly obese已经是/变成临床/病态肥胖
    • achieve/​facilitate/​promote/​stimulate weight loss达到减轻体重的目的;促进减肥
    • slim down to 70 kilos/(British English) 11 stone/(especially North American English) 160 pounds减肥到 70 公斤/11 英石/160 磅
    • combat/​prevent/​tackle/​treat obesity遏制/防止/解决/治疗肥胖
    • develop/​have/​suffer from/​struggle with/​recover from anorexia/​bulimia/​an eating disorder患上/对抗/治愈厌食症/贪食症/饮食失调症
    • be on/​go on/​follow a crash/​strict diet采用快速减肥食谱;严格节食
    • have/​suffer from a negative/​poor body image有不好的身体形象
    • have/​develop a positive/​healthy body image具有/达到好的/健康的身体形象
    Healthy eating健康的饮食
    • eat a balanced diet/​healthily/​sensibly吃得均衡/健康/合理
    • get/​provide/​receive adequate/​proper nutrition获得/提供/得到充足的/合适的营养
    • contain/​get/​provide essential nutrients/​vitamins/​minerals含有/得到/提供必需的营养素/维生素/矿物质
    • be high/​low in calories/​fat/​fibre/​protein/​vitamin D/​Omega-3 fatty acids
    • contain (no)/use/​be full of/​be free from additives/​chemical preservatives/​artificial sweeteners(不)含/使用/含有大量/不含添加剂/化学防腐剂/人工甜味剂
    • avoid/​cut down on/​cut out alcohol/​caffeine/​fatty foods避免摄取/减少/戒酒/咖啡因/高脂食物
    • stop/​give up/ (especially North American English) quit smoking戒烟
    Exercise 锻炼
    • (British English) take regular exercise经常锻炼
    • do moderate/​strenuous/​vigorous exercise做适度/剧烈运动
    • play football/​hockey/​tennis玩足球/曲棍球/网球
    • go cycling/​jogging/​running骑自行车;慢跑;跑步
    • go to/​visit/ (especially North American English) hit/​work out at the gym去健身房锻炼
    • strengthen/​tone/​train your stomach muscles增强/锻炼腹肌
    • contract/​relax/​stretch/​use/​work your lower-body muscles 收缩/放松/伸展/使用/锻炼下肢的肌肉
    • build (up)/gain muscle增强肌肉
    • improve/​increase your stamina/​energy levels/​physical fitness增强耐力/体能/体质
    • burn/​consume/​expend calories消耗热量
    Staying healthy保持健康
    • be/​get/​keep/​stay healthy/​in shape/(especially British English) fit 身体健康;变得/保持健康
    • lower your cholesterol/​blood pressure降低胆固醇/血压
    • boost/​stimulate/​strengthen your immune system增强免疫力
    • prevent/​reduce the risk of heart disease/​high blood pressure/​diabetes/​osteoporosis预防/减少患心脏病/高血压/糖尿病/骨质疏松的风险
    • reduce/​relieve/​manage/​combat stress 缓解/控制压力
    • enhance/​promote relaxation/​physical and mental well-being有助于身体放松/身心健康
    Culture sport and fitnesssport and fitnessThe British like sport very much, but many people prefer to watch rather than take part. Many go to watch football, rugby, cricket, etc. at the ground, but many more sit at home and watch sport on television.Most people today take relatively little general exercise. Over the last 30 or 40 years lifestyles have changed considerably and many people now travel even the shortest distances by car or bus. Lack of exercise combined with eating too much fat and sugar has meant that many people are becoming too fat. Experts are particularly concerned that children spend a lot of their free time watching television or playing computer games instead of being active. In recent years, however, there has been a growing interest in fitness among young adults and many belong to a sports club or gym.In Britain most towns have an amateur football and cricket team, and people also have opportunities to play sports such as tennis and golf. Older people may play bowls. Some people go regularly to a sports centre or leisure centre where there are facilities for playing badminton and squash, and also a swimming pool. Many sports centres arrange classes in activities such as aerobics (= exercises to music), step (= stepping on and off a low step) Spinning™ (= exercise on a bike), Zumba™ (= dance based exercise) and keep-fit. Some people work out (= train hard) regularly at a local gym and do weight training (= lifting weights to make their muscles stronger) and circuit training (= a series of exercises that use a lot of energy). Some people do judo or other martial arts (= fighting sports). Others go running or jogging (= running at a slow pace) in their local area or on a treadmill at the gym. For enthusiastic runners there are opportunities to take part in long-distance runs, such as the London marathon. Other people keep themselves fit by walking or cycling. Many people go abroad on a skiing holiday each year and there are several dry slopes and snow domes in Britain where they can practise.Membership of a sports club or gym can be expensive and not everyone can afford it. Local sports centres are generally cheaper. Evening classes are also cheap and offer a wide variety of fitness activities ranging from yoga and Pilates to jazz dancing. Some companies now provide sports facilities for their employees or contribute to the cost of joining a gym.Sports play an important part in American life. Professional baseball and football games attract large crowds, and many people watch games on television. Although many parents complain about their children being couch potatoes (= people who spend a lot of time watching television), there are sports sessions at school for all ages. College students are usually also required to take physical education classes to complete their studies.Many popular keep-fit activities began in the US. Charles Atlas, Arnold Schwarzenegger and others inspired people to take up bodybuilding (= shaping the muscles and making them strong). Some richer people employ their own personal trainer, either at home or at a fitness centre, to direct their exercise programme. But many people just walk or jog in the local park or play informal games of baseball or football.
    • The doctor recommended regular exercise.医生建议经常进行锻炼。
    • Lack of exercise is a risk factor in heart disease.缺乏锻炼是引发心脏病的一种风险因素。
    • Stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter.锻炼时要经常停下来休息,直至身体适应为止。
    • Try to do fifteen minutes of gentle exercise every day.每天尽量做 15 分钟强度适中的锻炼。
    • Weight-bearing exercise increases the health of bones.负重锻炼使骨胳变得更健康。
    • Do you take enough exercise?你做足够的运动吗?
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1, Health and Fitnessa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • healthy
    • hard
    verb + exercise
    • do
    • get
    • take
    exercise + noun
    • programme/​program
    • regime
    • regimen
    • during exercise
    • a form of exercise
    • a kind of exercise
    • a type of exercise
  2. enlarge image
    [countable] a set of movements or activities that you do to stay healthy or develop a skill(保持健康或培养技能的)一套动作,训练活动,练习
    • relaxation/stretching exercises放松/伸展运动
    • Remember to do your breathing exercises every day.记得要每天做呼吸练习。
    • Perforrm these exercises carefully to avoid injury.为了避免受伤,请仔细进行这些练习。
    • Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.每条腿重复做十次这种动作。
    • an exercise for something exercises for the piano钢琴练习
    • Combine yoga with stretching and floor exercises.把瑜伽和伸展练习及自由体操结合起来。
    • He began his daily exercises.他开始做每日的锻炼。
    • I did try some basic relaxation exercises.我确实试着做了一些基本的放松练习。
    • Mental exercises can help older people to sustain their mental abilities.脑力训练能帮助老年人保持智力。
    • She recommends the following exercises to increase circulation.她推荐进行以下练习以促进血液循环。
    • This is a great exercise for the upper back.这是锻炼背部的好办法。
    • You can devise your own exercises to music.你可以配合音乐,设计自己的训练动作。
    • You may find it helpful to perform this exercise in front of the mirror.你会发现对着镜子做这个练习是有帮助的。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • basic
    • simple
    … of exercises
    • series
    • set
    verb + exercise
    • do
    • execute
    • perform
  3. questions问题

    [countable] a set of questions in a book that tests your knowledge or practises a skill习题;练习
    • grammar exercises语法练习
    • I want you to do the next exercise in the book in pairs.我想让你两人一组做下一个练习。
    • Do exercise one for homework.家庭作业做习题一。
    • Ask your students to try this exercise before the next class.让你的学生在下一节课前试试做这个练习。
    • You will complete these exercises for homework.这些练习是你们要完成的家庭作业。
    • Role-playing situations allows a finer assessment to be made than in pen and paper exercises.角色扮演比书面练习更能作出精确的评估。
    Topics Educationa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • easy
    • simple
    • difficult
    … of exercises
    • series
    • set
    verb + exercise
    • do
    • try
    • complete
    • exercise in
  5. use of power/right/quality权力/权利的行使;品质的运用

  6. [uncountable] exercise of something the use of power, a skill, a quality or a right to make something happen行使;运用;使用
    • the exercise of power by the government政府权力的行使
    • One of these powers is the exercise of discretion by police officers.这些权力中有一项是警察酌处权的行使。
    • Sovereignty means more than just the exercise of power.主权并不单单意味着权力的行使。
    • to limit the exercise of political power限制政治权力的使用
    • the free exercise of informed choice知情选择权的自由运用
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • effective
    • free
    • legitimate
    verb + exercise
    • limit
    • regulate
    • justify
    • the exercise of authority
    • the exercise of power
    • the exercise of discretion
  7. for particular result为某结果

  8. [countable] an activity that is designed to achieve a particular result(为达到特定结果的)活动
    • a public consultation exercise公众咨询活动
    • a communications exercise通信演习
    • In the end it proved a pointless exercise.这最终证明是一项毫无意义的活动。
    • exercise in something an exercise in public relations公关活动
    • Staying calm was an exercise in self-control.保持镇定是一种自我控制活动。
    • As a public relations exercise the festival was clearly a success.作为一个公关活动,这次的文艺节显然很成功。
    • The company has just carried out a major cost-cutting exercise.这家公司刚刚实行了一次重要的削减成本举措。
    • The object of the exercise is to increase public awareness of environmental issues.活动的目的是增强公众对环境问题的意识。
    • This is not a purely academic exercise: it should have a real impact on the way we work as a department.这不单纯是理论工作,而应该对我们作为一个部门的工作方式产生实在的影响。
    • The whole consultation process was just a cynical political exercise.整个咨询过程序只是一次愤世嫉俗的政治活动。
    • The Government instituted a massive exercise in social control.政府发起了大规模的社会管控行动。
    • The seminar was a valuable exercise in information exchange.那个研讨会是一次有价值的信息交流活动。
    • We have conducted training exercises in seven separate states.我们在七个不同的州进行过训练演习。
    • We run team-building exercises with employees at each office.我们为每个办公室的雇员举办了团队建设的活动。
    Topics Successb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • simple
    • straightforward
    • major
    verb + exercise
    • carry out
    • conduct
    • perform
    • exercise in
    • the aim of the exercise
    • the object of the exercise
  9. for soldiers士兵

  10. [countable, usually plural] a set of activities for training soldiers(士兵的)操练,演习,演练
    • military exercises军事演习
    • He was injured in a training exercise.他在一次训练中受伤了。
    • The troops go on exercises twice a year.部队一年进行两次演习。
    • US forces took part in joint exercises with the British Navy.美军参加了与英国海军的联合演习。
    • Half the regiment was away on exercise.这个团的一半人员在外演习。
    • We were out on a field exercise.我们被拉出去进行野外演习。
    • They recently completed a four-week exercise in Poland.他们最近刚结束在波兰为期四周的演习。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • major
    • field
    • field-training
    verb + exercise
    • conduct
    • do
    • execute
    • on exercise
  11. ceremonies仪式

  12. exercises
    [plural] (North American English) ceremonies典礼;仪式
    • college graduation exercises大学毕业典礼
  13. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘application of a right’): via Old French from Latin exercitium, from exercere ‘keep busy, practise’, from ex- ‘thoroughly’ + arcere ‘keep in or away’.


present simple I / you / we / they exercise
he / she / it exercises
past simple exercised
past participle exercised
-ing form exercising

    do physical activity体力锻炼

    [intransitive, transitive] to do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become stronger; to make an animal do this锻炼;训练;操练
    • an hour’s class of exercising to music音乐伴奏下的一小时健身操课
    • How often do you exercise?你多长时间锻炼一次?
    • exercise something Horses need to be exercised regularly.马需要有规律的训练。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1, Health and Fitnessa1
  2. [transitive] exercise something to give a part of the body the movement and activity it needs to keep strong and healthy锻炼(身体某部位)
    • These movements will exercise your arms and shoulders.这些动作将锻炼你的手臂和肩膀。
    Topics Health and Fitnessa1
  3. use power/right/quality行使权力/权利;运用品质

    [transitive] exercise something (formal) to use your power, rights or personal qualities in order to achieve something行使;使用;运用
    • to exercise power/authority/control行使权力/权威/控制权
    • He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people.他是个对别人有相当影响的人。
    • When she appeared in court she exercised the right to remain silent.她出庭时行使了保持沉默的权利。
    • Judges can exercise discretion in sentencing.法官在量刑时可以行使自由裁量权。
    • UK courts retain the right to exercise jurisdiction in the dispute.英国法院保留对争议行使管辖权的权利。
    • The roads are very slippery, so drivers should exercise caution.道路很滑,所以司机应该小心。
    • Each of us has a vote—if we choose to exercise it.我们如果决定行使这个权利,每个人手中都有一张选票。
    • It is necessary to exercise caution when making recommendations.提建议时有必要谨慎一些。
    • Managers are free to exercise their discretion in these cases.经理可运用自己的决定权自行处理这些情况。
    • The all-powerful steering committee continued to exercise control.大权在握的指导委员会继续行使控制权。
    • The company's representative failed to exercise due care.这个公司的代表未能谨慎行事。
    • They have the right to exercise self-determination.他们有自决权。
    • the right to freely exercise your religion宗教信仰自由的权利
    • Care must be exercised to ensure there is no cross-contamination between samples.必须小心确保样品之间没有交叉污染。
    Topics Successb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • effectively
    • properly
    • fully
    verb + exercise
    • be able to
    • be unable to
    • be free to
  5. be anxious焦虑

  6. [usually passive] (formal) if somebody is exercised about something, they are very anxious about it使焦虑;使不安;使烦恼
    • be exercised about something The public are less exercised about this matter than the media.公众对这件事的关注程度不如媒体。
    • exercise something This very problem has exercised the minds of some of our most eminent scientists.这个问题一直困扰着我们一些最杰出的科学家。
  7. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘application of a right’): via Old French from Latin exercitium, from exercere ‘keep busy, practise’, from ex- ‘thoroughly’ + arcere ‘keep in or away’.




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