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词汇 eye



    part of body身体部位

  1. enlarge image
    [countable] either of the two organs on the face that you see with眼睛
    • The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。
    • to close/open your eyes闭上/睁开眼睛
    • to lower your eyes (= to look down)低下你的眼睛
    • She rolled her eyes in disgust.她厌恶地翻了下眼睛。
    • Keep your eyes shut!别睁开眼睛。
    • in somebody's eyes/eye There were tears in his eyes.他眼里噙着泪水。
    • I have something in my eye.我的眼睛里进了什么东西。
    • She had a haunted look in her dark eyes.她黑色的眼睛里有一种阴魂不散的神情。
    • His eyes filled with tears.他双眼噙满泪水。
    • The ending was so sad it brought tears to my eyes.结局如此悲伤,让我热泪盈眶。
    • I could see a pair of blue eyes peering out at me.我能看见一双蓝色的眼睛正凝视着我。
    • Her eyes widened in disbelief.她怀疑地睁大了眼睛。
    • His eyes narrowed suspiciously.他怀疑地眯起眼睛。
    • Their eyes lit up when they saw all the presents. 当他们看到所有的礼物时,他们的眼睛都亮了。
    • to make/avoid eye contact with somebody (= to look/avoid looking at them at the same time as they look at you)与/避免与某人目光接触
    • All eyes were on him (= everyone was looking at him) as he walked on to the stage.他走上台时所有的目光都注视着他。
    • a feast/treat/delight for the eyes赏心悦目/赏心悦目/赏心悦目
    The organ of vision in many insects and other invertebrates is also called an eye: insect compound eyes
    Collocations Physical appearancePhysical appearance外貌
    • A person may be described as having:描述一个人的长相可用 have 一词:
    • (bright) blue/​green/(dark/​light) brown/​hazel eyes(明亮的)蓝/绿/(深/浅)棕色/浅绿褐色眼睛
    • deep-set/​sunken/​bulging/​protruding eyes凹陷的/凸出的眼睛
    • small/​beady/​sparkling/​twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes
    • piercing/​penetrating/​steely eyes敏锐的/锐利的眼睛;冷冰冰的眼神
    • bloodshot/​watery/​puffy eyes布满血丝的/水汪汪的/肿胀的眼睛
    • bushy/​thick/​dark/​raised/​arched eyebrows浓密的/扬起的/弓形的眉毛
    • long/​dark/​thick/​curly/​false eyelashes/​lashes长长的/浓密的/弯曲的/假的眼睫毛
    • a flat/​bulbous/​pointed/​sharp/​snub nose塌/蒜头/尖头/尖/短平而上翘的鼻子
    • a straight/​a hooked/​a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose挺直的鼻子;鹰钩鼻;高鼻梁;鹰钩鼻
    • full/​thick/​thin/​pouty lips丰满的/厚/薄/翘嘴唇
    • dry/​chapped/​cracked lips干的/皲裂的/干裂的嘴唇
    • flushed/​rosy/​red/​ruddy/​pale cheeks发红的/红润的/苍白的面颊
    • soft/​chubby/​sunken cheeks柔嫩的/胖乎乎的/凹陷的面颊
    • white/​perfect/​crooked/​protruding teeth洁白的/完好无缺的/参差不齐的/凸出来的牙齿
    • a large/​high/​broad/​wide/​sloping forehead大大的/高高的/宽大的/后倾的前额
    • a strong/​weak/​pointed/​double chin硬朗的/瘦削的/尖/双下巴
    • a long/​full/​bushy/​wispy/​goatee beard长/大/浓密的/一小撮/山羊胡子
    • a long/​thin/​bushy/​droopy/​handlebar/​pencil moustache长长的/稀疏的/浓密的/耷拉着的/翘/细直的八字胡
    Hair and skin头发和皮肤
    • pale/​fair/​olive/​dark/​tanned skin苍白的/白皙的/橄榄色的/黝黑的/晒黑的皮肤
    • dry/​oily/​smooth/​rough/​leathery/​wrinkled skin干性的/油性的/光滑的/粗糙的/有皱纹的皮肤
    • a dark/​pale/​light/​sallow/​ruddy/​olive/​swarthy/​clear complexion黝黑的/苍白的/白皙的/蜡黄的/红润的/浅褐色的/黝黑的/无瑕的面容
    • deep/​fine/​little/​facial wrinkles深深的/细小的/小的/面部的皱纹
    • blonde/​blond/​fair/(light/​dark) brown/(jet-)black/​auburn/​red/(British English) ginger/​grey hair
    • straight/​curly/​wavy/​frizzy/​spiky hair直发;鬈发;波浪形的/鬈曲的/刺猬式的头发
    • thick/​thin/​fine/​bushy/​thinning hair厚密的/稀疏的/纤细的/浓密的/逐渐稀少的头发
    • dyed/​bleached/​soft/​silky/​dry/​greasy/​shiny hair染了色的/漂白了的/柔顺的/丝滑的/干性的/油性的/有光泽的头发
    • long/​short/​shoulder-length/​cropped hair长/短/齐肩/剪短了的头发
    • a bald/​balding/​shaved head秃头;开始秃顶的头;剃光了的头
    • a receding hairline后移的发际线
    • a bald patch/​spot秃了的一块
    • a side/​centre(British English) parting 偏分;中分
    • a long/​short/​thick/​slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck
    • broad/​narrow/​sloping/​rounded/​hunched shoulders宽/窄/斜/圆/耸肩膀
    • a bare/​broad/​muscular/​small/​large chest赤裸的/宽阔的/肌肉发达的胸膛;小胸;大胸
    • a flat/​swollen/​bulging stomach扁平的/鼓胀的/鼓起的肚子
    • a small/​tiny/​narrow/​slim/​slender/28-inch waist纤细的/28英寸的腰
    • big/​wide/​narrow/​slim hips大的/宽的/窄小的/苗条的臀部
    • a straight/​bent/​arched/​broad/​hairy back直的/弯曲的/弓着的/宽大的/多毛的背部
    • thin/​slender/​muscular arms瘦削的/细长的/肌肉发达的臂膀
    • big/​large/​small/​manicured/​calloused/​gloved hands大的/小的/修剪整齐的/有老茧的/戴着手套的手
    • long/​short/​fat/​slender/​delicate/​bony fingers长的/短的/粗的/细长的/纤细的/瘦削的手指
    • long/​muscular/​hairy/​shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/​spindly legs
    • muscular/​chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs
    • big/​little/​small/​dainty/​wide/​narrow/​bare feet大的/小的/娇小可爱的/宽的/窄的/光着的脚
    • a good/​a slim/​a slender/​an hourglass figure好的/修长的/苗条的/沙漏形身材
    • be of slim/​medium/​average/​large/​athletic/​stocky build有着苗条的/中等的/普通的/大块头的/健壮的/矮壮的身材
    see also black eye, compound eye, googly-eyed, lazy eye, shut-eye
    • As my eyes accustomed to the darkness, I could make out a shape by the window.眼睛习惯了黑暗后,我辨认出窗前有一个模糊的影子。
    • He drew the curtains to make sure no prying eyes saw what he was doing.他拉上窗帘,确保没人能窥探到他在做什么。
    • He held up the newspaper to shield his eyes from the sun.他举起报纸遮在眼前挡住阳光。
    • He let his eyes roam around the scene.他环顾现场。
    • He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.他目光熠熠地望着我。
    • He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.听到门把手转动的声音,他向门那边看去。
    • Her bleary eyes showed that she hadn't slept.她一双眼睛无精打采的,显然她没有睡觉。
    • Her eyes danced with amusement.她的眼睛里闪烁着饶有兴味的神情。
    • Her eyes dilated with horror at what she had done.看到她所做的事,她惊恐地睁大了眼睛。
    • Her eyes flew open in surprise.她惊讶地瞪大了眼睛。
    • Her eyes glazed over when I said I worked in dictionaries.我说我做词典工作,她目光顿变呆滞。
    • Her eyes prickled with unshed tears.她眼睛刺痛,噙着泪水。
    • Her eyes squinted against the brightness.亮光刺得她瞇起眼睛。
    • His eyes blazed with menace.他目露凶光。
    • Her eyes told me nothing.我从她的眼神中得不到任何信息。
    • His eyes bulged in fury.他气得眼珠子都凸了出来。
    • His eyes crinkled up at the corners as he smiled.他笑的时候眼角起了皱纹。
    • His eyes darted from face to face.他的目光从他们的脸上一一扫过。
    • His eyes drifted over to Helen's chair.他的目光移到海伦的椅子上。
    • His eyes hardened as he remembered how they had laughed at him.想到他们曾经如何嘲笑他,他的眼神就变得冷酷起来。
    • His eyes held a mischievous gleam.他的眼睛里含有一丝怀疑的目光。
    • His eyes never left mine.他一刻不停地盯着我。
    • His eyes reflected his anguish.他的眼神透露出他的痛苦。
    • His eyes rounded in mock amazement.他佯装惊奇地瞪大了眼睛。
    • His eyes were drawn to a bundle of papers in the corner.他注意到角落里的一捆文件。
    • His narrow eyes betrayed his impatience.他眯起的眼睛泄露出了他的不耐烦。
    • I didn't want to strain my eyes to read, so I put the light on.我不想看书用眼过度,所以打开了灯。
    • If I hadn't seen his jump with my own eyes, I would never have believed it possible.如果不是亲眼看到他跳,我永远也不会相信。
    • It is essential to wear some form of eye protection.戴某种护眼套很有必要。
    • My eyes followed his every move.我的目光追随着他的每个举动。
    • My eyes strained to make anything out in the darkness.我睁大眼睛努力辨别着黑暗中的东西。
    • My eyes stream when I chop onions.我切洋葱时眼睛会流泪。
    • My eyes took in every detail as I entered the house for the first time in twenty years.20 年来第一次踏进这个屋子,我将每一个细微之处都收入眼底。
    • Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry start forward.她用眼角的余光瞟到哈里起身向前走去。
    • She averted her eyes from his face.她把视线从他的脸上移开。
    • She could feel the old lady's eyes bore into her.她能感到老妇人的眼睛紧紧盯着她。
    • She just looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers.她只是用那双大大的蓝眼睛看着我。
    • She laughed, her eyes alight with excitement.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。
    • She reached up and tried to gouge her attacker's eyes.她伸出手,想把攻击者的眼睛抠出来。
    • She responded softly, her eyes showing concern.她柔和地回应,目光中透出关心。
    • She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jean's face.她试图坐起来,目光紧盯着琼的脸。
    • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛免受阳光伤害。
    • The dog's hungry eyes were on my sandwich.那条狗饥饿的目光落在我的三明治上。
    • The sun was in my eyes and I couldn't see the road.阳光太耀眼,我看不清路。
    • Their eyes locked together in a battle of wills.他俩互相对视着,进行着一场意志力的斗争。
    • Tina squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip.蒂娜闭上了双眼,咬了咬嘴唇。
    Topics Bodya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • left
    • right
    • amber
    verb + eye
    • open
    • close
    • shut
    eye + verb
    • dilate
    • fly open
    • grow wide
    eye + noun
    • muscles
    • socket
    • contact
    • in your eyes
    • under somebody’s eye
    • as far as the eye can see
    • before your very eyes
    • can’t keep your eyes off somebody/​something
  2. -eyed
    (in adjectives构成形容词) having the type or number of eyes mentioned有…眼睛的;有…只眼的
    • a blue-eyed blonde蓝眼睛的金发女郎
    • a one-eyed monster独眼怪物
    see also doe-eyed
    More Like This Compound adjectives for physical characteristicsCompound adjectives for physical characteristics
    • -beaked
    • -bellied
    • -billed
    • -blooded
    • -bodied
    • -cheeked
    • -chested
    • -eared
    • -eyed
    • -faced
    • -fingered
    • -footed
    • -haired
    • -handed
    • -headed
    • -hearted
    • -hipped
    • -lidded
    • -limbed
    • -mouthed
    • -necked
    • -nosed
    • -skinned
    • -tailed
    • -throated
    • -toothed
  3. ability to see视力

  4. [singular] the ability to see视力;眼力
    • A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand.做外科医生眼要准,手要稳。
    • Her skill at working with wood is coupled to a keen eye for design.她兼具高超的木工活手艺与敏锐的设计眼光。
    see also eagle eye
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • eagle
    • good
    • keen
    • eye for
  5. way of seeing眼光

  6. [countable, usually singular] a particular way of seeing something眼光;视角
    • with the eye of somebody He looked at the design with the eye of an engineer.他以工程师的眼光看这个设计。
    • with a… eye She viewed the findings with a critical eye.她以批判的眼光看待这些研究结果。
    • to somebody's eye To my eye, the windows seem out of proportion.在我看来,这些窗子似乎不成比例。
    • To an expert eye, the painting is an obvious fake.在内行人看来,这幅画显然是赝品。
    • He saw his students with new eyes now that he had a child of his own.他现在自己有了孩子,看学生也有了新的视角。
    • You need to look at your website through the user's eyes.你应该从用户的角度来看自己的网站。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • careful
    • cautious
    • close
    • in somebody/​something’s eye
    • through somebody’s eyes
    • to somebody’s eye
    • in your mind’s eye
  7. of needle

  8. [countable] the hole in the end of a needle that you put the thread through针鼻儿;针眼
  9. on clothes衣服

  10. enlarge image
    a small thin piece of metal curved round, that a small hook fits into, used for fastening clothes(钩眼扣的)扣眼;金属环眼
    • It fastens with a hook and eye.它是用钩眼扣扣上的。
  11. of storm风暴

  12. [singular] the eye of a/the storm, tornado, hurricane, etc. a calm area at the centre of a storm, etc.风眼(风暴等的中心平静区)Topics The environmentc2
  13. on potato马铃薯

  14. [countable] a dark mark on a potato from which another plant will grow芽眼
  15. see also bullseye, Catseye™, evil eye, fisheye, red-eye, rib-eye
    词源Old English ēage, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch oog and German Auge.
the apple of somebody’s eye
  1. a person or thing that is loved more than any other心肝宝贝;掌上明珠
    • She is the apple of her father's eye.她是父亲的掌上明珠。
as far as the eye can/could see
  1. to the horizon (= where the sky meets the land or sea)极目所尽
    • The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.荒凉的旷野向四面伸展开去,一望无际。
bat your eyes/eyelashes
  1. to open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive眉目传情;挤眉弄眼
be all eyes
  1. to be watching somebody/something carefully and with a lot of interest极注意地看;留神地看;全神贯注地看;目不转睛
    • The kids were all eyes as he slowly unwrapped the package.当他慢慢打开包裹时,孩子们都在看着他。
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  1. (saying) people all have different ideas about what is beautiful情人眼里出西施;对美的判别因人而异
before/in front of somebody’s (very) eyes
  1. in somebody’s presence; in front of somebody当着某人的面;就在某人的眼皮底下
    • He had seen his life's work destroyed before his very eyes.他曾看到他毕生的劳动成果就在自己的眼前毁于一旦。
    • Before our very eyes, the bird snatched the fish from the plate and flew off.那只鸟就在我们眼皮底下从盘子里抓起鱼飞走了。
be up to your eyes in something
  1. (informal) to have a lot of something to deal with忙于;埋头于;深陷于
    • We're up to our eyes in work.我们工作忙得不可开交。
a bird’s-eye view (of something)
  1. a view of something from a high position looking down鸟瞰;俯视
    • From the plane we had a bird's-eye view of Manhattan.从飞机上我们可以鸟瞰曼哈顿。
cast/run an eye/your eyes over something
  1. to look at or examine something quickly用眼光瞥(或扫);匆匆查看;粗略地看一看
    • Could you just run your eyes over this report?你就粗略地看一下这报告可以吗?
    • I cast my eyes around the room but couldn't see any familiar faces.我环顾整个房间,但看不到任何熟悉的面孔。
catch somebody’s eye
  1. to attract somebody’s attention引起某人注意;惹人注目
    • Can you catch the waiter's eye?你能引起服务员的注意吗?
clap/lay/set eyes on somebody/something
  1. (informal) (usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to see somebody/something看见;注意到
    • I haven't clapped eyes on them for weeks.我几周没见到他们了。
    • I hope I never set eyes on this place again!我希望永远不再见到这个地方!
    • Tom fell in love the moment he laid eyes on her.汤姆对她一见钟情。
cock an ear/eye at something/somebody
  1. to look at or listen to something/somebody carefully and with a lot of attention侧耳倾听;凝神细看
easy on the ear/eye
  1. (informal) pleasant to listen to or look at好听/好看的;悦耳/悦目的
    • The room was painted in soft pastels that were easy on the eye.房间用柔和的彩色粉笔画,很容易看出来。
easy on the eye
  1. (informal) pleasant to look at喜欢见到的人(或物)
    • The room was painted in soft pastels that were easy on the eye.房间用柔和的彩色粉笔画,很容易看出来。
my eye!
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to show that you do not believe somebody/something(表示不相信)
    • ‘It's an antique.’ ‘An antique, my eye!’“这是件文物。” “是文物才怪!”
an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
  1. (saying) used to say that you should punish somebody by doing to them what they have done to you or to somebody else以眼还眼;以牙还牙
    • They advocate a justice system that works on the principle of an eye for an eye.他们提倡一个以牙还牙的司法体系。
somebody’s eyes are bigger than their stomach
  1. used to say that somebody has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat(表示贪吃)眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱
feast your eyes (on somebody/something)
  1. to look at somebody/something and get great pleasure尽情欣赏;大饱眼福;赏心悦目
for somebody’s eyes only
  1. to be seen only by a particular person只供某人读(或看)
    • I'll lend you the letters but they're for your eyes only.我会把这些信借给你,但只准你一个人看。
get your eye in
  1. (British English) to practise so that you are able to make good judgements about a task or activity that you are doing能进行准确判断(球的速度和方向)
    • I've got my eye in now—the ball is landing just where I want it.我现在明白了——球正落在我想要的地方。
have an eye for something
  1. to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.对…有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力)
    • I've never had much of an eye for fashion.我对时装从来没多少鉴赏力。
    • She has an eye for a bargain.她善识便宜货。
have your eye on somebody
  1. to be watching somebody carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong密切注视;盯住;监视
    • And remember, I'll have my eye on you so you'd better behave.记住,我会盯着你的,所以你最好规矩点。
    • The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.商店保安留意着一群行为可疑的男孩子。
  2. to be thinking about asking somebody out, offering somebody a job, etc. because you think they are attractive, good at their job, etc.看中;看上
    • He's got his eye on the new girl in your class.他看中了你们班上新来的那个女孩。
have your eye on something
  1. to be thinking about buying something想得到;想买到
have eyes in the back of your head
  1. to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see脑后长眼;眼光敏锐;什么都能觉察到
    • You can’t get away with anything in her class. She has eyes in the back of her head.你在她班上什么都逃不掉。她后脑勺有眼睛。
have (got) eyes like a hawk
  1. to be able to notice or see everything洞察一切;眼尖
    • She's bound to notice that chipped glass. The woman has eyes like a hawk!她一定会注意到那只破损的玻璃杯。这个女人的眼睛尖着呢!
have one eye/half an eye on something
  1. to look at or watch something while doing something else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice做另一件事的同时(悄悄)注意
    • During his talk, most of the delegates had one eye on the clock.他讲话时大部分代表边听边悄悄看钟。
have a roving eye
  1. (old-fashioned) to always be looking for the chance to have a new sexual relationship总是找机会寻花问柳;眼神不安分
hit somebody (straight/right) in the eye
  1. to be very obvious to somebody很显然;一目了然
in the blink of an eye
  1. very quickly; in a short time眨眼的工夫;很快
in somebody’s eyes
(British English also to somebody’s eyes)
  1. in somebody’s opinion or according to the way that they see the situation按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看
    • She can do no wrong in her father's eyes.在她父亲看来,她不可能做坏事。
    • To Western eyes, it may seem that the city is overcrowded.在西方人看来,这座城市似乎过于拥挤。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
in the eyes of the law, world, etc.
  1. according to the law, most people in the world, etc.从(法律、世人等)的观点看;就…而言
    • In the eyes of the law she is guilty, though few ordinary people would think so.从法律上说,她有罪;但一般人不见得这么看。
    • In the eyes of the law his knife was an offensive weapon.从法律上看,他的刀是攻击性武器。
in the public eye
  1. well known to many people through television, newspapers, the internet, etc.(通过报纸、电视)让公众熟知的,广为人知的
    • She doesn't want her children growing up in the public eye.她不想让子女在众人瞩目中成长。
in the twinkling of an eye
  1. very quickly瞬息之间;转眼之间 synonym instant (1)
    • Suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, her whole life had been turned upside down.突然,一眨眼的功夫,她的整个人生都被颠覆了。
keep a close eye/watch on somebody/something
  1. to watch somebody/something carefully密切注视;严密监视
    • Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。
keep your ears/eyes open (for somebody/something)
  1. to listen or look out for somebody/something that you might hear or see看见;注意到
keep an eye on somebody/something
  1. to take care of somebody/something and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.照看;留神;留意
    • We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.我们已请邻居在我们外出时帮我们照看一下房子。
    • Could you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the toilet?我去厕所时你能帮我看一下包吗?
keep your eye on the ball
  1. to continue to give your attention to what is most important眼睛盯着大事;密切注意关键问题
keep an eye open/out (for somebody/something)
  1. to look for somebody/something while you are doing other things密切注意;提防;警觉
    • Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.警方要求居民密切注意一切可疑的情况。
    • I walked around the store, keeping an eye out for bargains.我在商店里转悠,留心看有没有便宜货。
keep your eyes open (for somebody/something)
  1. to look out for somebody/something that you might see留心;注意;仔细查找
keep your eyes peeled/skinned (for somebody/something)
  1. (informal) to look out for somebody/something that you might see(对…)保持警觉;注意;留心
    • We kept our eyes peeled for any signs of life.我们注意寻找任何生命的迹象。
keep a weather eye on somebody/something
  1. to watch somebody/something carefully in case you need to take action对…随时留意;对…小心提防
    • Keep a weather eye on your competitors.密切关注你的竞争对手。
look somebody in the eye(s)/face
  1. (usually used in negative sentences and questions通常用于否定句和疑问句) to look straight at somebody without feeling embarrassed or ashamed(坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人,正视某人
    • Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?你能问心无愧地看着我说你没撒谎吗?
    • She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.她直视着父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。
    • I'll never be able to look her in the face again!我再也不能坦然地面对她了!
make eyes at somebody | give somebody the eye
  1. (informal) to look at somebody in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼
    • He's definitely giving you the eye!他肯定是在向你眉目传情!
meet somebody’s eye(s) | meet somebody’s gaze, look, etc. | people’s eyes meet
  1. [transitive, intransitive] if you meet somebody’s eye(s), you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people’s eyes meet, they look directly at each other(和某人)对视,目光相遇
    • She was afraid to meet my eye.她不敢正眼看我。
    • Their eyes met across the crowded room.他们隔着拥挤的房间目光相遇了。
    • She met his gaze without flinching.她毫不畏缩地与他对视。
  2. [transitive] meet somebody’s eye(s) your eyes if a sight meets your eyes, you see it呈现;显现
    • A terrible sight met their eyes.一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。
your mind’s eye
  1. your imagination想象
    • He pictured the scene in his mind's eye.他想象出了这一场面。
the naked eye
  1. the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument肉眼
    • The planet should be visible with/to the naked eye.这颗行星肉眼应该就能看得见。
not bat an eyelid (British English)
(North American English not bat an eye)
  1. (informal) to show no surprise or concern when something unusual happens不动声色;面不改色;眼睛都不眨一下
    • She didn't bat an eyelid when I told her my news.我把我最近的事告诉她时,她一点也不为所动。
not believe your ears/eyes
  1. (informal) to be very surprised at something you hear/see不相信自己的耳朵(或眼睛);对所闻(或所见)非常吃惊
    • I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。
not believe your eyes
  1. (informal) to be very surprised at something you see轻车熟路;毫不费力
    • I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。
not a dry eye in the house
  1. (humorous) used to say that everyone was very emotional about something全场无人不流泪;全场无不为之动容
    • There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿了。
not see eye to eye with somebody (on something)
  1. to not share the same views as somebody about something与某人看法不一致(或意见不尽相同);与…不敢苟同
    • The two of them have never seen eye to eye on politics.他们俩在政治上从未有过相同的看法。
not (be able to) take your eyes off somebody/something
  1. to find somebody/something so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time目不转睛地盯着;始终注视着
    • He couldn't keep his eyes off the girl sitting opposite him.他无法把目光从坐在对面的女孩身上移开。
one in the eye (for somebody/something)
  1. (informal) a result, action, etc. that is disappointing or a defeat for somebody/something 失败;挫折;失望
    • The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination.任命女性担任这个职位是对男权统治的严重打击。
only have eyes for/have eyes only for somebody
  1. to be in love with only one particular person只钟情于某人;只爱某人
    • He's only ever had eyes for his wife.他始终只爱自己的妻子。
open your/somebody’s eyes (to something)
  1. to realize or make somebody realize the truth about something(使人)长见识(或开眼界、认清事实)
    • Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化。
please the eye
  1. to be very attractive to look at十分悦目
pull the wool over somebody’s eyes
  1. (informal) to hide your real actions or intentions from somebody by making them believe something that is not true蒙蔽某人;欺骗某人
see, look at, etc. something through somebody’s eyes
  1. to think about or see something the way that another person sees it从别人的角度看
    • Try looking at it through her eyes for a change.试试设身处地站在她的角度想想这事吧。
    • Events are seen through the eyes of a Polish refugee.事件是通过一个波兰难民的眼睛看到的。
see something out of the corner of your eye
  1. to see something by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it偶然瞟见;睨视
    • Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.她用眼一瞟,见他正向她走过来。
shut/close your eyes to something
  1. to pretend that you have not noticed something so that you do not have to deal with it(对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻
    • You can't just close your eyes to his violence.你不能对他的暴力视而不见。
    • They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution.他们似乎一心想对污染问题视而不见。
a sight for sore eyes
  1. (informal) a person or thing that you are pleased to see; something that is very pleasant to look at喜欢见到的人(或物)
take your eye off the ball
  1. to stop giving your attention to what is most important不再关注重要问题
there is more to somebody/something than meets the eye
  1. a person or thing is more complicated or interesting than you might think at first某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)
turn a blind eye (to something)
  1. to pretend not to notice something bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it(对某事)佯装不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼
    • The authorities were either unaware of the problem or they turned a blind eye to it.当局要么没有意识到这个问题,要么对此视而不见。
under the (watchful) eye of somebody
  1. being watched carefully by somebody在某人的密切注视下;在某人的监视下
    • The children played under the watchful eye of their father.孩子们在父亲悉心看护下玩耍。
    • I want you under my eye.我要你待在我能看到的地方。
what the eye doesn’t see (the heart doesn’t grieve over)
  1. (saying) if a person does not know about something that they would normally think was bad, then it cannot hurt them眼不见(心不烦);眼不见为净
    • What does it matter if I use his flat while he’s away? What the eye doesn’t see…!我趁他外出时用他的公寓有什么关系呢?反正他又看不见!
with an eye for/on/to the main chance
  1. (British English, usually disapproving) with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself瞅机会捞一把
with your eyes open
  1. fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数
    • I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.我是明明知道做这事的后果的,所以我想只能责怪我自己。
with your eyes shut/closed
  1. very easily, without thinking about it瞬息之间;转眼之间
    • I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes shut.我经常走这条路,闭着眼睛都能找到。
with an eye to something/to doing something
  1. with the intention of doing something着眼于;目的在于;试图
    • He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.他买这个仓库是为了将它改建成一家旅馆。


present simple I / you / we / they eye
he / she / it eyes
past simple eyed
past participle eyed
-ing form eyeing
-ing form eying
Phrasal Verbs
  1. eye somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) to look at somebody/something carefully, especially because you want something or you suspect that something is wrong注视;审视;细看
    • to eye somebody suspiciously怀疑地注视着某人
    • He couldn't help eyeing the cakes hungrily.他饥不可耐地盯着蛋糕。
    • They eyed us with alarm.他们警觉地注视着我们。
    • The children eyed the cakes greedily.孩子们贪婪地盯着蛋糕。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • keenly
    • narrowly
    • sharply
    词源Old English ēage, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch oog and German Auge.




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