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词汇 face



    front of head头的正面

  1. enlarge image
    the front part of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are 脸;面孔
    • a pretty/pale/round face 漂亮/苍白/圆圆的脸
    • He buried his face in his hands.他双手掩面。
    • to hide/cover your face遮住脸
    • on somebody's face You should have seen the look on her face when I told her!我告诉她的时候你真该看到她的脸色!
    • The expression on his face never changed.他的面部表情总是一成不变。
    • in the face She was red in the face with embarrassment.她尴尬得脸都红了。
    • At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines.那时,她的脸出现在所有杂志的封面上。
    see also full face
    • A face peered around the door at him.门边有一张脸窥视着他。
    • a craggy face with deep-set eyes and bushy brows一张粗犷的脸,眼睛深陷,眉毛浓密
    • The look on his face was priceless.他脸上的表情很滑稽。
    • A look of disgust flickered across his face.他脸上闪过一丝厌恶。
    • From the stage, he looked down at a sea of faces.他从台上看去,台下一片人海。
    • He tilted her face up to his.他扳起她的脸来对着自己。
    • His eyes were sunken in his gaunt face.他面容憔悴,眼窝深陷。
    • The ball hit him in the face.球打到了他的脸上。
    • She slapped him in the face.她打了他一耳光。
    • I like to feel the wind in my face.我喜欢感觉风吹在脸上。
    • She turned her face away.她把脸转过去。
    • The robber made no attempt to hide his face.强盗没有试图隐藏他的脸。
    • He covered his face with his hands.他以双手掩面。
    • Go and wash your face.去把脸洗一洗。
    • What's that mark on your face?你脸上的那个标记是什么?
    • She put some powder on her face.她往脸上擦了些粉。
    • She has a beautiful, oval face.她有着一张漂亮的椭圆脸。
    • She had a plump, pretty face.她有一张丰润俊俏的脸。
    • A tall man with a handsome face appeared.一个长着英俊脸庞的高个子男人出现了。
    • The child drew a face with two round eyes and a mouth.这孩子画了一张有两只圆眼睛和一张嘴巴的脸。
    • I lay face up on the grass, staring at the sky.我面朝上躺在草地上,凝视着天空。
    • She had a big smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。
    • Her face was flushed after her run.她跑完步后满面通红。
    • A wry smile crossed his face.他一脸苦笑。
    • Her short hair suited her elfin face.她留短发适合她那张小巧精致的脸。
    • Jack's face flushed with embarrassment.杰克窘得脸通红。
    • Her face and neck looked red.她的脸和脖子看起来很红。
    • She looked at her face in the mirror.她看着镜子里的自己。
    Topics Bodya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • front
    • rear
    • North
    • face down
    • face downwards/​downward
    • face up
  2. expression表情

    an expression that is shown on somebody’s face面部表情
    • a smiling/happy/sad face微笑/快乐/悲伤的脸
    • Her face lit up (= showed happiness) when she spoke of the past.她讲到往事时就面露喜色。
    • His face fell (= showed disappointment, sadness, etc.) when he read the headlines.他读大标题时脸沉了下来。
    • I could tell by his face it hadn't gone well.从他的表情我可以看出情况不妙。
    • Sue's face was a picture (= she looked very surprised, angry, etc.) as she listened to her husband's speech.休听她丈夫讲话时,脸上露出又惊又气的表情。
    see also game face, poker face
    Vocabulary Building Expressions on your faceExpressions on your face面部表情
    • To beam is to have a big happy smile on your face.
    • To frown is to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.
    • To glare or glower is to look in an angry, aggressive way.
    • To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.
    • To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way.
    • To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know something that other people do not know, etc.
    • To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lip upwards.
    These words can also be used as nouns:
    • She looked up with a puzzled frown.她抬起头来,困惑地皱着眉头。
    • He gave me an icy glare.他冷冰冰地怒视着我。
    • a grimace of pain痛得扭曲的脸
    • His face looked a little confused.他看上去有点儿困惑。
    • He just stood there with a confused face.他只是一脸困惑地站在那里。
    • The father's face softened as he hugged his little boy.父亲搂着小儿子时脸上的表情也变得温和了。
    • Her little face lit up when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的小脸上焕发出了光彩。
    • Her face darkened with anger.因为生气,她的脸沉了下来。
    • Her face broke into a wide smile.她突然面露笑意,乐得合不拢嘴。
    • Her face brightened when she saw me.她看到我时,脸上露出了喜色。
    • A girl with a friendly face opened the door.一个友好的女孩打开了门。
    • Her face paled with fright.她吓得脸都白了。
    • Her face suddenly grew serious.她的表情突然严肃起来。
    • His face cleared and she smiled back.他面色转晴,她对他报以微笑。
    • His face remained impassive, so strong was his self-control.他依然面无表情,自控能力如此之强。
    • Her face was set and hard.她的脸紧巴巴的。
    • His face set in grim lines.他表情阴沉严峻。
    • He searched her face for some clue as to what she meant.他仔细观察她的表情,想弄明白她的意思。
    • You could read her confusion in her face.你可以从她的脸上看出她的困惑。
    • She looked at the honest, open face of her husband.她看着丈夫真诚、坦率的脸。
    • Her face betrayed no emotion at all.她的脸上没有显露出任何情感。
    • She drew a little yellow smiley face.她画了一个黄色的笑脸符。
    • Her face contorted in pain.她痛得脸都歪了。
    • Her face crumpled and she started crying.她耷拉着脸哭了起来。
    • the sight of Sarah's smiling face beaming up at him萨拉满脸微笑对着他的样子
    • I laughed at his funny face.我嘲笑他滑稽的脸。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • animated
    • cheerful
    • friendly
    verb + face
    • make
    • pull
    • search
    face + verb
    • look
    • seem
    • grow
    • on somebody’s face
    • a face like thunder
    • keep a straight face
    • an/​the expression on somebody’s face
  4. person

    (in compounds构成复合词) used to refer to a person of the type mentioned(某类型的)人
    • She looked around for a familiar face.她环顾四周想找个熟人。
    • He's a fresh face (= somebody new) at the company.他是公司的新面孔。
    • It's nice to see some new faces here this evening.今晚在这儿见到一些新面孔真是太好了。
    • The movie is full of famous faces.这部电影充满了名人的面孔。
    • a well-known face on our television screens电视屏幕上的一位名人
    • I'm tired of seeing the same old faces every time we go out!我厌倦了每次出门都看到老样子!
    • a restaurant where you often see famous faces一家你经常会看到名人的餐馆
    • I'm so bored with seeing the same old faces!我看到的都是些老面孔,真是烦人!
    • It's nice to see a friendly face.看到一张友好的脸真好。
    • I recognize a few faces here.我在这里认出了几张脸。
    • We're bringing in a lot of fresh faces.我们带来了很多新面孔。
    • At last—here's a face I know!终于——这是我认识的一张脸!
    • They want recognizable faces to promote their products.他们想要可识别的面孔来推广他们的产品。
    • It's a bit disconcerting to wake up and see a strange face.醒来看到一张陌生的脸,有点不安。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • familiar
    • old
    • different
    verb + face
    • see
  6. -faced面容…

    (in adjectives构成形容词) having the type of face or expression mentioned有…面容的;有…表情的
    • pale-faced面色苍白的
    • a freckle-faced boy满脸雀斑的男孩
    • grim-faced表情严肃的
    • a sad-faced woman一个悲伤的女人
    see also baby-faced, fresh-faced, hard-faced, red-faced, shamefaced, sour-faced, stony-faced, straight-faced
    More Like This Compound adjectives for physical characteristicsCompound adjectives for physical characteristics
    • -beaked
    • -bellied
    • -billed
    • -blooded
    • -bodied
    • -cheeked
    • -chested
    • -eared
    • -eyed
    • -faced
    • -fingered
    • -footed
    • -haired
    • -handed
    • -headed
    • -hearted
    • -hipped
    • -lidded
    • -limbed
    • -mouthed
    • -necked
    • -nosed
    • -skinned
    • -tailed
    • -throated
    • -toothed
  8. side/surface面;表面

    a side or surface of something(某物的)面,表面
    • the north face of the mountain山的北坡
    • the dark face of the moon月亮的黑暗面
    • A steep path zigzags down the cliff face.一条陡峭的小路沿着悬崖表面蜿蜒而下。
    • We could see tiny figures climbing the rock face.我们可以看到微小的人影爬上岩石表面。
    • Ivy covered the front face of the house.常春藤覆盖了房子的正面。
    • A banner hung across the face of the building.一面旗帜挂在大楼的正面。
    • How many faces does a cube have?立方体有几个面?
    see also coalface, rock face
    • The birds build their nests in the rock face.这些鸟在岩壁上筑巢。
    • We slowly climbed the steep face of the crag.我们沿着悬崖峭壁缓慢地往上爬。
    • His shot went across the face of the goal.他的射门越过了球门。
    • words chiselled into the face of a stone block刻在石块表面的字
    • Their corporate logo was emblazoned across the face of a skyscraper.他们的公司标志被装饰在摩天大楼的正面。
    • the picture on the rear face of the box盒子背面的图片
    • They made their way slowly down the mountain face.他们沿着山坡慢慢走下去。
    • an octagonal vase with molded decorations on each face一个八边形花瓶,每个面上都有模制的装饰
    • a polyhedron with twelve faces有十二个面的多面体
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • front
    • rear
    • North
    • face down
    • face downwards/​downward
    • face up
  10. front of clock钟面

  11. enlarge image
    the front part of a clock or watch钟面;表盘
    • a dial like the face of a clock像钟表表面一样的表盘
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • front
    • rear
    • North
    • face down
    • face downwards/​downward
    • face up
  12. character/aspect特征;方面

  13. the particular character of something(事物的某种)特征
    • face of something the changing face of Britain大不列颠变化中的特征
    • This discovery changed the whole face of science.这一发现改变了科学的整个面貌。
    • with a… face bureaucracy with a human face有人情味的官僚机构
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • human
    • acceptable
    • unacceptable
  14. face of something a particular aspect of something方面
    • Social deprivation is the unacceptable face of capitalism.社会贫困是资本主义令人不可接受的方面。
    • He has become the public face of the company.他已成为公司的公众形象。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • human
    • acceptable
    • unacceptable
  15. see also in-your-face, typeface, volte-face
    词源Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin facies ‘form, appearance, face’.
be staring somebody in the face
  1. used to describe something that you have failed to see, even though it was obvious and should have been easy to see明摆着;显而易见
    • The answer was staring us in the face but we never saw it until it was too late.答案就在眼前,但我们从未看到,直到为时已晚。
  2. to be certain to happen必定发生
    • Defeat was staring them in the face.他们必遭失败。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
be staring something in the face
  1. to be unable to avoid something不可避免
    • They were staring defeat in the face.对他们来说,失败不可避免。
be written all over somebody’s face
  1. (of a feeling感情) to be very obvious to other people from the expression on somebody’s face形之于色;表现得十分明显
    • Guilt was written all over his face.他满脸愧疚。
blow up in somebody’s face
  1. if a plan, etc. blows up in your face, it goes badly wrong in a way that causes you damage or makes you feel embarrassed事情失败,害了自己
cut off your nose to spite your face
  1. (informal) to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm somebody else but that also harms you(恼怒之下)伤人害己,损人不利己
disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
  1. to disappear completely完全消失;消逝得无影无踪
    • Keep looking—they can't just have vanished off the face of the earth.继续找,他们不可能就从此消失得无影无踪的。
do something till you are blue in the face
  1. (informal) to try to do something as hard and as long as you possibly can but without success徒然拼命地干;徒劳无功
    • You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.你可以费尽口舌,但改变不了我的主意。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
somebody’s face fits/doesn’t fit
  1. (British English) used to say that somebody will/will not get a particular job or position because they have/do not have the appearance, personality, etc. that the employer wants, even when this should not be important长相不合格;性格不合适
    • If your face fits, you'll get the job.如果你的脸合适,你就会得到这份工作。
    • It doesn't matter how well qualified you are; if your face doesn't fit, you don't stand a chance.资历多好也没用,如果人家看你不顺眼,你就不会有机会。
somebody’s face is like thunder | somebody has a face like thunder
  1. somebody looks very angry某人怒气冲冲;某人满面怒容
    • Mr Hibbs came in with a face like thunder.希布斯先生面带怒容走了进来。
    Topics Appearancec2, Feelingsc2
face to face (with somebody)
  1. close to and looking at somebody(与某人)面对面
    • The two have never met face to face before.两个人过去从未见过面。
    • The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her.当她与试图杀死她的人面对面时,房间里鸦雀无声。
face to face with something
  1. in a situation where you have to accept that something is true and deal with it面对某种处境
    • She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war.她年幼时就面临战争的恐怖。
face up/down
  1. (of a person) with your face and stomach facing upwards/downwards面朝上/朝下
    • She lay face down on the bed.她俯卧在床上。
  2. with the front part or surface facing upwards/downwards正面朝上/朝下;表面冲上/冲下
    • Place the card face up on the pile.把纸牌正面朝上放在这一叠的上面。
    • She placed the cards face down on the table.她把牌反扣在桌上。
fall flat on your face
  1. to fall so that you are lying on your front摔趴下
  2. to fail completely, usually in an embarrassing way(颜面丢尽地)彻底失败
    • His next television venture fell flat on its face.他的下一个电视项目丢人现眼,彻底失败了。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
feed your face
  1. (informal, usually disapproving) to eat a lot of food or too much food大吃一顿;吃得过饱
fly in the face of something
  1. to oppose or be the opposite of something that is usual or expected悍然不顾;公然违抗;与…相悖
    • Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense.这个建议违反常识。
have the face to do something
  1. (British English, informal) to do something that other people think is rude or shows a lack of respect, without feeling embarrassed or ashamed居然有脸干某事;恬不知耻做某事
    • I don't know how you have the face to complain after everything they've done for you!我不知道他们为你做了这么多,你怎么还有脸抱怨!
have/be left with egg on/all over your face
  1. (informal) to be made to look stupid使显得愚蠢;出丑;丢脸
    • They were left with egg on their faces when only ten people showed up.只有十人到场,他们感到很丢面子。
in somebody’s face
  1. (informal) annoying somebody by criticizing them or telling them what to do all the time批评某人,支使某人(使人恼火)
    • Why are you always in my face?为什么你总是在我面前?
in the face of something
  1. despite problems, difficulties, etc.即使面对(问题、困难等)
    • She showed great courage in the face of danger.面对危险她表现出了巨大的勇气。
    • The campaign continued in the face of great opposition.尽管遭到强烈反对,竞选活动仍在继续。
  2. as a result of something由于;因为
    • He was unable to deny the charges in the face of new evidence.面对新的证据,他无法否认这些指控。
laugh in somebody’s face
  1. to show in a very obvious way that you have no respect for somebody当面嘲笑;公然蔑视
laugh on the other side of your face
  1. (British English, informal) to be forced to change from feeling pleased or satisfied to feeling disappointed or annoyed转喜为忧;得意变成失意;笑脸变为苦脸
    • He’ll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads my letter.当他看到我的信时,他会笑得前仰后合。
(pull, wear, etc.) a long face
  1. (to have) an unhappy or disappointed expression闷闷不乐;哭丧着脸;愁眉苦脸
    • He took one look at her long face and said ‘What’s wrong?’他看了一眼她的长脸,说道:“怎么了?
    • The news for the company isn't good, judging from the long faces in the boardroom.从董事会上人们拉长的脸可以看出,对公司来说这不是个好信息。
look somebody in the eye(s)/face
  1. (usually used in negative sentences and questions通常用于否定句和疑问句) to look straight at somebody without feeling embarrassed or ashamed(坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人,正视某人
    • Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?你能问心无愧地看着我说你没撒谎吗?
    • She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.她直视着父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。
    • I'll never be able to look her in the face again!我再也不能坦然地面对她了!
lose face
  1. to be less respected or look stupid because of something you have done丢脸;失面子
    • Many leaders don't want to lose face by admitting failures.很多领导不想因为承认失败而丢面子。
loss of face
  1. the state of being less respected by other people or looking stupid because of something you have done丢脸;失面子
    • Failure to pass the exams means a massive loss of face for the students and their parents.未能通过考试意味着学生及其父母的巨大损失。
not just a pretty face
  1. (humorous) used to emphasize that you have particular skills or qualities并非徒有其表;不止脸蛋漂亮
    • ‘I didn't know you could play the piano.’ ‘I'm not just a pretty face, you know!’“我不知道你还会弹钢琴呢。” “我可不止是脸蛋儿漂亮,对吧!”
on the face of it
  1. used to say that something seems to be good, true, etc. but that this opinion may need to be changed when you know more about it表面上看
    • On the face of it, it seems like a great deal.表面上看来好像很多。
    • What may, on the face of it, seem obvious often turns out to be far more complicated.从表面上看,显而易见的事情往往要复杂得多。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
(as) plain as a pikestaff | (as) plain as day | (as) plain as the nose on your face
  1. very obvious一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见
pull/make faces/a face (at somebody)
  1. to produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like somebody/something or in order to make somebody laugh(对某人)耷拉着脸,板着脸,做鬼脸
    • What are you pulling a face at now?你干吗板着脸?
    • Do you think it’s funny to make faces behind my back?你觉得背着我做鬼脸很好笑吗?
    • She made a disgusted face at that and walked away.她摆出一副厌恶的表情,走开了。
    • She made a funny face and gave a snorting sort of laugh.她做了个鬼脸,扑哧一声笑了。
    Topics Appearancec2
put your face on
  1. (informal) to put on make-up化妆
put on a brave face | put a brave face on something
  1. to pretend that you feel confident and happy when you do not强装自信快乐;佯装满不在乎
    • I had to put on a brave face and try to show him that I wasn’t worried.我不得不装出若无其事的样子,在他面前尽量不露出愁容。
    • She put a brave face on her illness.她勇敢地面对自己的疾病。
save (somebody’s) face
  1. to avoid or help somebody avoid being embarrassed(使)保全面子
    • She was fired, but she saved face by telling everyone she'd resigned.她被解雇了,但她爱面子,逢人便说是她辞职了。
set your face against somebody/something
  1. (especially British English) to be determined to oppose somebody/something坚决反对某人/事物
    • Her father had set his face against the marriage.她的父亲坚决反对这门亲事。
show your face
  1. to appear among your friends or in public露面;公开见人
    • She stayed at home, afraid to show her face.她待在家里,不敢露面。
shut/slam the door in somebody’s face
  1. to shut a door hard when somebody is trying to come in将某人拒之门外;让某人吃闭门羹
  2. to refuse to talk to somebody or meet them, in a rude way拒绝同某人谈话;拒绝见某人
shut your mouth/face!
  1. (slang) a rude way of telling somebody to be quiet or stop talking(粗暴地要某人停止说话)住口,闭嘴
a slap in the face
  1. an action that seems to be intended as a deliberate way of offending and showing lack of respect for somebody一记耳光;侮辱;打击
    • The closure of the school is a slap in the face to the local community.学校的关闭对当地社区来说不啻是一个打击。
a straight face
  1. if you keep a straight face, you do not laugh or smile, although you find something funny绷着的脸;忍着不笑的脸 see also straight-faced
to somebody’s face
  1. if you say something to somebody’s face, you say it to them directly rather than to other people当着某人的面
    • He’s a liar, and I’ve told him so to his face many times.他是个骗子,我已经当面告诉过他很多次了。
    compare behind somebody’s back
what’s his/her face
  1. (informal) used to refer to a person whose name you cannot remember(指记不起姓名的人)叫…的人
    • Are you still working for what's her face?你还在为那个叫什么的女人干活?
wipe somebody/something off the face of the earth | wipe something off the map
  1. to destroy or remove somebody/something completely使…从地球上消失;彻底消除


present simple I / you / we / they face
he / she / it faces
past simple faced
past participle faced
-ing form facing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    be opposite面对

    [transitive, intransitive] to be opposite somebody/something; to have your face or front pointing towards somebody/something or in a particular direction面对;面向;正对
    • face somebody/something She turned and faced him.她转过身来面对着他。
    • Most of the rooms face the sea.多数房间朝海。
    • They face each other across the aisle.他们隔着过道面对面。
    • face + adv./prep. The terrace faces south.露台朝南。
    • a north-facing wall面北的墙
    • a south-east-facing garden面向东南的花园
    • to face outwards/inwards/upwards/downwards面朝外/向内/向上/向下
    • Lie with your palms facing upwards.手掌朝上躺着。
    • Which direction are you facing?你面朝哪个方向?
    • The flower turns its head to face the sun.那朵花把头转向太阳。
    • The Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition face each other across the dispatch box.首相和反对党领袖隔着急件箱面对面。
    • They pray facing the east.他们朝东祈祷。
    • Babies may prefer to be carried facing outwards.婴儿可能更喜欢面朝外背着。
    • The seating plan had the benches facing inwards toward the central aisle.座位平面图上的长凳向内朝向中央过道。
    • The bedrooms face onto the courtyard.卧室面向庭院。
    • Stand with your feet apart and your hands facing upwards.两脚叉开站着,双手向上。
    • He lay on the ground, facing upwards.他面朝上躺在地上。
    • A camera was attached to the ceiling facing downwards.一架照相机面朝下安装在天花板上。
    • The back rooms face north and can be cold.后面的房间朝北,很冷。
    Topics Buildingsb1
  2. somebody/something difficult难对付的人/事物

    [transitive] if you face a particular situation, or it faces you, you have to deal with it面临,必须对付(某情况)
    • face something Farmers face serious challenges in these conditions.在这种情况下,农民面临着严峻的挑战。
    • We are facing a financial crisis.我们正面临一次财政[金融]危机。
    • to face charges/trial面临指控/审判
    • the problems faced by homeless people无家可归者面临的问题
    • The project faces numerous difficulties.这个项目面临许多困难。
    • They face competition from foreign imports.他们面临来自国外进口的竞争。
    • She has faced criticism from some within her party.她面临着党内一些人的批评。
    • We look at the issues facing schools today.我们着眼于当今学校面临的问题。
    • the challenges/problems that face the country该国面临的挑战/问题
    • be faced with something We are faced with the prospect of defeat.我们面临失败的前景。
    • The party will have to change its policies to fit the new problems facing society.该党将不得不改变政策以适应社会面临的新问题。
    • These are just some of the challenges facing small businesses.这些只是小企业面临的一些挑战。
    • The main task facing the country is reconstruction after the war.这个国家面临的主要任务是战后重建。
    • We face the prospect of defeat.我们面临失败的前景。
    • They are facing the threat of redundancy.他们面临裁员的威胁。
    • They are faced with the threat of redundancy.他们面临裁员的威胁。
    • The health service faces a crisis this winter.卫生服务今年冬天面临危机。
    • The country is facing an obesity crisis.该国正面临肥胖危机。
    • We are faced with competition from young up-and-coming artists.我们面临着年轻有为艺术家的竞争。
    • The government faces strong opposition to the cuts.政府面临着对削减的强烈反对。
    • The manager is facing a lot of pressure this season.经理这个赛季面临着很大的压力。
    • Many believe the country faces a grim future.许多人认为这个国家面临着严峻的未来。
    • I think they would feel differently if they were parents facing the same situation.我想如果他们是面临同样情况的父母,他们会有不同的感受。
    • Whatever happens, we'll face it together.无论发生什么,我们都会一起面对。
    • We could all face higher fuel bills this winter.我们这个冬天免不了都要付更多的燃料费。
    • She's faced with a difficult decision.她眼前有一项难作的决定。
    • Several students now face expulsion.有几个学生现在面临被开除学籍的处分。
    • She could face charges of fraud.她可能面临欺诈指控。
    • He is in custody facing criminal charges.他被拘留,面临刑事指控。
    • He was arrested and now faces a murder trial.他被捕了,现在面临谋杀审判。
    • It's unlikely she will ever face trial.她不太可能面临审判。
    • They would have to take down the site or face heavy fines.他们将不得不关闭网站,否则将面临巨额罚款。
    • If convicted, he faces the death penalty.如果罪名成立,他将面临死刑。
    • On their journey across the desert they faced danger of all sorts.他们在穿越沙漠的旅途中应对了各种危险。
    [transitive] face something to accept that a difficult situation exists, although you would prefer not to承认,正视(现实)
    • It's time to face reality—we failed.是面对现实的时候了——我们失败了。
    • It's not always easy to face the truth.承认事实并不总是一件容易的事。
    • I did something wrong and I will face the consequences.我做错了,我要面对后果。
    • She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.她得正视她的生活已永远改变了这一事实。
    • Face facts—she isn't coming back.面对现实吧,她不会回来了。
    • Let's face it, we're not going to win.我们得承认,我们赢不了啦。
    • The company was forced to face reality—there was no market for the product.公司被迫面对现实——这种产品没有市场。
    • He wanted his son to face the harsh realities of life.他希望儿子面对严酷的生活现实。
    • They refuse to face the fact that this isn't going to work.他们拒绝面对这样一个事实:这是行不通的。
    • You need to face the fact that she doesn't love you.你需要面对她不爱你的事实。
    • It's time to forget the past and face the future.是时候忘记过去,面对未来了。
    • She doesn't seem able to face the situation.她似乎无法面对这种情况。
    • We have to face it that things are going to take a lot longer than we planned.我们不得不面对事情会比我们计划的时间长得多的事实。
    • Face it, nobody likes to be criticized.面对现实吧,没人喜欢被批评。
    [transitive] if you can’t face something unpleasant, you feel unable or unwilling to deal with it(感到不能)对付;(不愿)处理
    • face something I just can't face work today.我今天就是没法工作。
    • He wasn't able to face the washing up.他无法面对洗好的餐具。
    • face doing something I can't face seeing them.我真不愿意见到他们。
    • She could never face arguing with him.她永远无法面对和他争论。
    • I'd go, but I can't face getting up so early.我想去,但是我不能这么早起床。
    • She couldn't face her exercise class this morning.她今天早上无法面对她的健身班。
    • Some people just can't face parties.有些人就是不能面对聚会。
    • I was planning to clean the car, but I can't face it.我本来打算洗车的,但是没办法面对。
    • I don't know how I'm going to be able to face telling them.我不知道我将如何面对告诉他们。
    • I just couldn't face doing it all again.我只是无法面对再做一次。
    • How can you face cleaning all that up?你怎么能面对清理这一切?
  6. [transitive] face somebody to talk to or deal with somebody, even though this is difficult or unpleasant(明知不好办而)交谈,应付
    • How can I face Tom? He'll be so disappointed.我怎样才能和汤姆谈呢?他会很失望的。
  7. cover surface覆盖表面

  8. [transitive, usually passive] to cover a surface with another material(以另一物)覆盖表面
    • (be) faced with something a brick building faced with stone石料贴面的砖建筑物
  9. 词源Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin facies ‘form, appearance, face’.
face the music
  1. (informal) to accept and deal with criticism or punishment for something you have done接受批评(或惩罚)
    • The others all ran off, leaving me to face the music.其他人都跑掉了,留下我来挨罚。




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