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词汇 faint


(comparative fainter, superlative faintest)
  1. that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的
    • a faint glow/glimmer/light微弱的光亮/闪光/光
    • a faint smell of perfume淡淡的香水味
    • We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist.我们透过薄雾看见了朦胧的山峦轮廓。
    • We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.他们沿路走远时我们听见他们的说话声逐渐模糊。
    • His breathing became faint.他的呼吸变得微弱了。
    • I can't make out the number—it's very faint.我看不清楚这个数字 - 太模糊了。
    • The whispers grew fainter and fainter, then stopped altogether.耳语声越来越模糊,最后完全停了下来。
    • The faint glow of a match shone through the doorway.一根火柴发出微弱的光,穿过门口。
    • There was a faint glimmer of light from her window.她的窗口闪烁着微弱的灯光。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • sound
    • become
    • extremely
    • very
    • rather
  2. very small; possible but unlikely微小的;可能性不大的 synonym slight
    • There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。
    • They don't have the faintest chance of winning.他们毫无获胜的可能。
  3. not enthusiastic不热情的;不积极的
    • a faint show of resistance软弱无力装模作样的抵抗
    • a faint smile淡淡一笑
  4. [not before noun] feeling weak and tired and likely to become unconscious昏眩;快要昏厥
    • She suddenly felt faint.她突然感到快要昏倒。
    • The walkers were faint from hunger.那些走路的人饿得头昏眼花。
    • What he saw made him feel faint with fear.他所看到的使他感到恐惧而昏厥。
    • I was faint with hunger.我饿晕了。
    • I was beginning to feel a little faint.我开始觉得有点儿晕了。
    Topics Illnessc1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • extremely
    • very
    • almost
    • with
  5. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘feigned’, also ‘feeble, cowardly’, surviving in faint-hearted): from Old French faint, past participle of faindre, from Latin fingere ‘mould, contrive’. Compare with feint.
damn somebody/something with faint praise
  1. to praise somebody/something only a little, in order to show that you do not really like them/it用冷漠的赞扬贬低;寓贬于褒;名褒实贬
not have the faintest (idea)
  1. (informal) to not know anything at all about something完全不知道
    • I didn't have the faintest idea what you meant.我一点也不明白你的意思。
    • He didn’t have the faintest idea how the others would react.他一点也不知道其他人会有什么反应。


present simple I / you / we / they faint
he / she / it faints
past simple fainted
past participle fainted
-ing form fainting
  1. to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, usually because of the heat, a shock, etc.昏厥 synonym pass out
    • to faint from hunger饿昏过去
    • Suddenly the woman in front of me fainted.我面前的女人突然昏倒了。
    • I'm nearly fainting with the heat in here.这里太热了,我都快晕倒了。
    • (informal) I almost fainted (= I was very surprised) when she told me.她告诉我时我吃惊得差点儿昏过去。
    • He was so pale she thought he was going to faint.他脸色惨白,她以为他马上就要昏倒了。
    • He would faint at the sight of blood.一见到血,他就会昏过去。
    • She almost fainted with shock.她震惊得几乎昏了过去。
    • Almost fainting from lack of air, she could only answer in choked gasps.由于缺乏空气,她几乎昏厥,只能用窒息的喘息回答。
    • She thought she would faint from sheer happiness.她想她会因极度的高兴晕过去。
    Topics Illnessc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • almost
    • nearly
    verb + faint
    • be about to
    • be going to
    • at
    • from
    • with
    词源Middle English (in the sense ‘feigned’, also ‘feeble, cowardly’, surviving in faint-hearted): from Old French faint, past participle of faindre, from Latin fingere ‘mould, contrive’. Compare with feint.


  1. the state of becoming unconscious昏厥
    • He fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。
    Topics Illnessc1
    词源Middle English (in the sense ‘feigned’, also ‘feeble, cowardly’, surviving in faint-hearted): from Old French faint, past participle of faindre, from Latin fingere ‘mould, contrive’. Compare with feint.




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