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词汇 fairly


    (before adjectives and adverbs用于形容词和副词前) to some extent but not very一定地;相当地
    • fairly simple/easy/straightforward相当简单/容易/直接
    • This is a fairly common problem.这是一个相当普遍的问题。
    • It's fairly obvious what's going on here.很明显这里发生了什么。
    • It's fairly clear that there is still room for improvement.很明显,仍有改进的余地。
    • That's a fairly typical reaction.那是相当典型的反应。
    • I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends.我相当了解他,但并不是说我们是真正的密友。
    • We'll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long).我们不久得离开。
    • I'm fairly certain I can do the job.我有相当把握能干这项工作。
    • He was fairly sure he was right.他相当肯定自己是对的。
    • I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult).我认为你会觉得它相当难。
    Which Word? quite / fairly / rather / prettyquite / fairly / rather / prettyLook at these examples:看下列例句:
      • The exam was fairly difficult.这场考试颇难。
      • The exam was quite difficult.这场考试相当难。
      • The exam was rather difficult.这场考试十分难。
    • Quite is a little stronger than fairly, and rather is a little stronger than quite. Rather is not very common in North American English; pretty has the same meaning and this is used in informal British English too:
      • The exam was pretty difficult.这场考试十分难。
    • In British English quite has two meanings:
      • I feel quite tired today今天我感到相当累。
      (= fairly tired). With adjectives that describe an extreme state (‘non-gradable’ adjectives) it means ‘completely’ or ‘absolutely’:与表示极端状态的形容词(即非级差形容词)连用,意为完全地、绝对地:
      • I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲力尽。
      With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker’s stress and intonation will show you which is meant:与某些形容词连用,两种含义均有可能,究竟属于哪一种由说话者的重音和语调决定:
      • Your essay is quite good你的文章还不错(挺好,不过可以更好);
      (= fairly good—it could be better);
      • Your essay is quite good你的文章还不错(挺好,不过可以更好);
      (= very good, especially when this is unexpected).
    • In North American English quite usually means something like ‘very’, not ‘fairly’ or ‘rather’. Pretty is used instead for this sense.
    • a fairly new car一辆相当新的汽车
    • The restaurant was fairly close to my hotel.这家餐馆离我住的酒店相当近。
    • The software is fairly easy to use.这款软件用起来相当容易。
    • The report was fairly incomprehensible.这份报告相当难懂。
    • I go jogging fairly regularly.我基本上经常慢跑锻炼。
    in a fair and reasonable way; honestly公平合理地;公正地
    • He has always treated me very fairly.他待我一直很公正。
    • Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile.公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。
  3. (old-fashioned) used to emphasize something that you are saying(用以强调)简直,竟然
    • The time fairly raced by.时间过得真快。
fairly and squarely
(also fair and square)
  1. honestly and according to the rules诚实;光明正大
  2. (British English) in a direct way that is easy to understand直截了当
  3. (British English) exactly in the place you were aiming for(用以强调)简直,竟然




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