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词汇 feel


present simple I / you / we / they feel
he / she / it feels
past simple felt
past participle felt
-ing form feeling
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    linking verb to experience a particular feeling or emotion觉得;感到;体会到
    • + adj. The bus ride made me feel sick.坐公共汽车让我感到恶心。
    • Are you feeling comfortable?你感觉舒服吗?
    • She sounded more confident than she felt.她的语气听起来比她本人的感觉要有信心。
    • I was feeling guilty.我感到歉疚。
    • You'll feel better after a good night's sleep.你晚上睡个好觉就会觉得舒服些。
    • I feel sorry for him.我为他感到可惜。
    • I feel bad about leaving you like this.我为这样离开你感到难过。
    • She felt betrayed.她感到被出卖了。
    • + adv./prep. How are you feeling today?你今天觉得怎么样?
    • I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you).我完全理解你的心情。
    • We all felt the same way.我们都有同感。
    • Luckily I was feeling in a good mood.幸好我当时情绪好。
    • feel something I felt the need to explain.我觉得有必要解释一下。
    • I felt a sense of relief.我有一种如释重负的感觉。
    • feel like something I felt like a complete idiot.我感到完全像个傻瓜。
    • She made me feel like a child by doing everything for me.她为我做的一切让我觉得自己像个孩子。
    • feel as if/though… I feel as if nobody cares.感觉好像没人管。
    • She felt as though she was going to cry.她觉得自己好像要哭了。
    • feel + noun to feel an idiot/a fool觉得自己是个白痴/傻瓜
    • I feel great this morning.今天上午我感到身体很好。
    • Mum! I feel sick.妈妈!我觉得恶心。
    • The heat made him feel faint.炎热使他觉得快要晕倒了。
    • He sounded happy, but I don't think he felt it.他的语气听起来很开心,可我觉得他并不感到高兴。
    • I really felt bad about what I had done.我真的对自己的所作所为感到难过。
    • She felt uncomfortable about asking him for help.向他求助,她感到不自在。
    • I suddenly felt inspired.我突然觉得受到了启发。
    • He'd never felt really content in his job.他从未对自己的工作感到真正满意。
    • I just want her to feel safe.我只想让她感到安全。
    • How do you feel: happy, relieved, surprised?你有什么感受:开心,释然,惊讶?
    • It made me feel so proud to see him standing up there.看到他站在那里,我感到非常自豪。
    • Do you feel tired all the time?你一直觉得累吗?
    • I've never felt this way before.我以前从来没有这种感觉。
    • I feel a lot of sympathy for them.我非常同情他们。
    • She didn't feel the pain so much as the shock.与其说她感到疼痛,不如说她感到震惊。
    • He seemed to feel no remorse at all.他当时似乎一点也不感到懊悔。
    • He feels a strong connection with her.他觉得和她有很强的联系。
    • He felt shame at not having helped her.他因没有帮助她而感到羞愧。
    • She felt nothing when she saw him.当她看到他时,她没有任何感觉。
    • Are you disappointed? I feel that way too.失望吗?我也有这种感觉。
    • I feel like such a failure.我觉得自己真像个废物。
    • They felt like outsiders.他们觉得自己是局外人。
    • I don't like feeling like a tourist when I travel.我不喜欢旅行时感觉像个游客。
    • I feel like I'm going to be sick.感觉要生病了。
    • We never felt like we were rich.我们从未觉得自己富有。
    • I always felt as though I had to try harder than other people.我总是觉得我必须比别人更努力。
    • They feel as if nobody listens to them.他们觉得好像没人听他们的。
    • I feel as if I've eaten too many sweets.我觉得好像吃了太多糖果。
    Topics Feelingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • strongly
    • really
    • about
    • for
  2. be/become aware发觉;意识到

    [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to notice or be aware of something because it is touching you or having a physical effect on you(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到 synonym sense
    • feel something I could feel the warm sun on my back.我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。
    • She felt a sharp pain in her hand.她感到手上一阵剧痛。
    • She could not feel her legs.她的双腿失去了知觉。
    • I can’t feel his pulse.我感觉不到他的脉搏。
    • He felt a hand on his shoulder.他感到有只手在他肩上。
    • You may feel a slight pressure in your chest.你可能会感到胸部有轻微的压力。
    • feel somebody/something/yourself doing something He felt a hand touching his shoulder.他感到有只手在触摸他的肩膀。
    • She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。
    • He felt the sweat running down his face.他感到汗水顺着脸颊流下。
    • feel somebody/something/yourself do something I felt something crawl up my arm.我觉得有个东西顺着手臂往上爬。
    • We felt the ground give way under our feet.我们感觉到脚下的土地下陷了。
    • As soon as you get off the plane you feel the heat.你一下飞机就感觉到了热量。
    • They felt an impact as the bomb hit.炸弹爆炸时,他们感到有冲击力。
    • I felt tears welling up in my eyes.我感到眼泪在眼眶里涌出。
    • He could feel his heart pounding.他能感觉到自己的心跳。
    • I felt him trembling.我感到他在发抖。
    • I could feel myself getting faint.我能感觉到自己越来越虚弱。
    • I felt a hand touch my knee.我感到一只手碰到了我的膝盖。
    • I felt the handle wobble when I picked it up.我拿起把手时,感到它在摇晃。
    • He felt his knee give way.他感到膝盖不行了。
    • I felt something fall out of my pocket.我感到有东西从口袋里掉了出来。
    • I felt her relax in my arms.我感到她在我怀里放松。
    • She felt a tear trickle down her cheek.她感到一滴眼泪顺着脸颊流下来。
    • He felt himself blush.他感到自己脸红了。
    [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) feel something to become aware of something even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.感到,感觉到(抽象事物) synonym sense
    • Can you feel the tension in this room?你能感觉到这房间里的紧张气氛吗?
    • They all feel pressure from managers to make a sale.他们都感受到来自经理的销售压力。
    • I definitely felt the importance of the occasion.我确实感觉到了这个场合的重要性。
    • I felt their disapproval.我感到他们不赞成。
    • We all feel the urgency of the problem.我们都感到问题的紧迫性。
    • You can feel the chemistry between them from the opening scene.从开场就能感受到他们之间的化学反应。
    • I immediately felt the difference after he'd gone.他走后,我立即感觉到了不同。
    • Women feel society's expectation that they should be caring and nurturing.女性感受到了社会对她们的期望,她们应该得到关心和培养。
    • The tension between the film-maker and the subject is clearly felt in the documentary.纪录片中清晰地感受到了电影制作人和主题之间的紧张关系。
  5. give impression留下印象

    linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to give you a particular feeling or impression给…感觉;有印象;感受到
    • + adj. This situation doesn't feel right.这种情况感觉不对。
    • You need to go somewhere that feels safe.你需要去一个感觉安全的地方。
    • My mouth felt completely dry.我感到口干舌燥。
    • it feels + adj. to do something It felt strange to be back in my old school.我回到母校有一种生疏的感觉。
    • feel like something The place still feels like a small fishing village.这个地方仍然感觉像一个小渔村。
    • it feels like something The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours.面试只用了十分钟,但觉得像几个小时似的。
    • I've lived here for years, but it still doesn't feel like home.我在这里住了很多年,但这里仍然没有家的感觉。
    • It feels like rain (= seems likely to rain).好像快要下雨了。
    • It's three degrees right now, but with the wind chill factor it feels like minus 12.现在是3度,但是加上风寒因素,感觉是零下12度。
    • How does it feel to be alone all day?整天独自一个人的感受如何?
    • feel as if/though… Her head felt as if it would burst.她觉得头要爆裂了。
    • it feels as if/though… It felt as though he had run a marathon.他感到好像跑了一个马拉松似的。
    In spoken English people often use like instead of as if or as though in this meaning, especially in North American English He felt like he'd run a marathon. This is not considered correct in written British English.
    • My eyes feel sore.我的眼睛感到疼痛。
    • My stomach feels bloated.我的胃感觉浮肿。
    • The house feels warm and cosy.这房子感觉温暖舒适。
    • The end result feels totally different.最终的结果感觉完全不一样。
    • I enjoy it so much, it doesn't feel like work.我非常喜欢它,它不像工作。
    • The whole thing felt like a dream.整个事情就像一场梦。
    • It feels great to be home.回家的感觉真好。
    • It feels intrusive to go into someone's bedroom when they're not there.当别人不在的时候,走进他们的卧室感觉很打扰人。
    • Does it feel weird to think he's not coming back?想到他不回来会不会觉得很奇怪?
    • The house feels as if something is missing.这房子感觉好像少了什么东西。
    • The paintings feel as if they've been done with great emotion.这些画给人的感觉好像是带着巨大的情感完成的。
    • It feels as if something exciting is going to happen.感觉好像要发生什么激动人心的事情。
    • My legs feel as though they've been beaten with sticks.我的腿感觉好像被棍子打过一样。
    • It feels as though someone is lurking in the shadows.感觉好像有人潜伏在暗处。
    • It sometimes feels like I'm not welcome here.有时候感觉我在这里不受欢迎。
    • The plan definitely felt like it was going to work.这个计划绝对是可行的。
  7. touch触摸

    linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have a particular physical quality that you become aware of by touching摸起来;手感
    • + adj. The water feels warm.这水摸着很暖。
    • Its skin feels really smooth.它的皮摸起来真光滑。
    • feel like something This wallet feels like leather.这个钱包摸上去像是皮的。
    • Your hands feel like ice.你的手感觉像冰一样。
    • The room felt cold.房间感觉很冷。
    • The dress felt really silky.这条裙子摸起来非常柔滑。
    • It made my hair smell fresh and feel soft.它让我的头发闻起来很清新,感觉很柔软。
    • The sand under my feet felt cool and velvety.我脚下的沙子摸起来凉爽而柔软。
    • This bed feels too hard.这张床摸起来太硬了。
    • The breeze felt wonderful on my cheek.微风吹在我的脸颊上感觉很好。
    • The leaves are so rough, they feel like sandpaper.树叶太粗糙了,感觉像砂纸。
    • Her skin felt like velvet.她的皮肤摸起来像天鹅绒。
    • What is it? It feels like jelly.这是什么?感觉像果冻。
    • It feels exactly like real sheepskin.感觉和真羊皮一模一样。
    [transitive] to deliberately move your fingers over something in order to find out what it is like触;摸
    • feel something Can you feel the bump on my head?你能摸到我头上那个肿块吗?
    • Try to tell what this is just by feeling it.凭手摸摸说出这是什么东西。
    • People like to touch and feel the fabric before they buy.人们喜欢在购买前触摸和感受织物。
    • feel how, what, etc… Feel how rough this is.摸摸这有多粗糙。
    • Tangible assets are things that you can touch and feel.有形资产是你可以触摸和感觉到的东西。
    • You get the chance to see, smell and feel the products.你有机会看到、闻到和感受产品。
    • The doctor felt his abdomen.医生摸了摸他的腹部。
    • I gently felt the cut on his knee.我轻轻地摸了摸他膝盖上的伤口。
    • Feel how soft my hair is.感受一下我的头发有多柔软。
    • Can you feel how itchy this sweater is?你能感觉到这件毛衣有多痒吗?
    • Can you feel what this is?你能感觉到这是什么吗?
  10. think/believe认为;相信

    [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to think or believe that something is the case; to have a particular opinion or attitude以为;认为;相信
    • feel (that)… We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。
    • We've always felt this was our home.我们一直觉得这是我们的家。
    • I felt (that) I had to apologize.我以为我得道歉。
    • I feel I could continue playing until I am 35.我觉得我可以继续玩到35岁。
    • + adv./prep. This is something I feel strongly about.这事令我感触颇深。
    • How do you feel about inviting the children too?你也想邀请孩子们吗?
    • I didn't know you felt like that about it.我不知道你有这种感觉。
    • feel it + noun She felt it her duty to tell the police.她认为报警是她的义务。
    • I feel it a great honour to be chosen.我觉得被选中很荣幸。
    • feel it to be + noun She felt it to be the best course of action to remain.她觉得这是最好的选择。
    • feel it + adj. Why did you feel it necessary to do that?你为什么觉得有必要这么做?
    • I felt it advisable to do nothing.我觉得最好不要作出行动。
    • feel it to be + adj. We felt it to be unfortunate.我们觉得这很不幸。
    • This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。
    Synonyms thinkthink
    • believe
    • feel
    • reckon
    • be under the impression
    These words all mean to have an idea that something is true or possible or to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something.
    • think to have an idea that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something:
      • Do you think (that) they’ll come?你认为他们会来吗?
      • Well, I like it. What do you think?嗯,我喜欢这个。你认为怎么样?
    • believe to have an idea that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something:
      • Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。
    think or believe?用 think 还是 believe?When you are expressing an idea that you have or that somebody has of what is true or possible, believe is more formal than think. It is used especially for talking about ideas that other people have; think is used more often for talking about your own ideas: Police believe…I think… When you are expressing an opinion, believe is stronger than think and is used especially for matters of principle; think is used more for practical matters or matters of personal taste.
    • feel to have a particular opinion about something that has happened or about what you/​somebody ought to do:
      • We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。
    • reckon (informal) to think that something is true or possible:指认为、以为:
      • I reckon (that) I’m going to get that job.我认为我会得到那份工作。
    • be under the impression that… to have an idea that something is true:
      • I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.我还以为已经完工了呢。
    • to think/​believe/​feel/​reckon/​be under the impression that…
    • It is thought/​believed/​reckoned that…
    • to be thought/​believed/​felt/​reckoned to be something
    • to think/​believe/​feel something about somebody/​something
    • to sincerely/​honestly/​seriously/​mistakenly think/​believe/​feel
    • We all feel similarly about this issue.在这个问题上,我们都有同样的感受。
    • I still feel it was wrong to involve her.我还是觉得把她牵扯进来是不对的。
    • I personally feel that someone new should be appointed.我个人觉得应该任命一个新人。
    • Do you feel there is any justification for this claim?你觉得这种说法有道理吗?
    • He feels very strongly about a lot of issues.他对很多问题都感触很深。
    • It's a chance for people to say what they feel about the changes.这是人们表达对这些变化的感受的机会。
    • I'm not sure how I feel about the new boss.我不确定我对新老板的感觉。
    • Many people think this is a good thing, but I feel differently.很多人觉得这是好事,但我感觉不一样。
    • You might feel it a good idea to read the document first.你可能会觉得先阅读文档是个好主意。
    • I feel it absurd that anyone should question this.我觉得任何人质疑这一点都是荒谬的。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • strongly
    • really
    • about
    • for
  12. be strongly affected强烈影响

    [transitive] feel something to experience the effects or results of something, often strongly受(强烈)影响;(深深)体验到
    • He feels the cold a lot.他很怕冷。
    • Cathy was really feeling the heat.凯茜真的感到很热。
    • We're all starting to feel the pressure at work.我们都开始感受到工作的压力。
    • I was OK after my run, but I'll feel it tomorrow.跑步后我还好,但我明天会感觉到的。
    • She felt her mother's death very deeply.她深感丧母之痛。
    • The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere.经济衰退的影响无所不在。
    • We all felt the force of her arguments.我们都体会到了她的论据的分量。
    • Her loss has been keenly felt.她的离世使我们切切实实感到悲痛。
    • I don't feel the cold.我不觉得冷。
    • I felt their pain.我感受到了他们的痛苦。
    • I'm 65 now, and I'm starting to feel my age.我现在65了,开始觉得自己老了。
    • You may be fine immediately after going to the gym, but feel it more the next day.去健身房后可能马上就好了,但第二天感觉更好。
    • It was some months after his wife's death that he really began to feel his loss.妻子去世几个月后,他才真正开始感受到自己的损失。
    • The trauma can continue to be felt for years afterwards.这种创伤可能会持续数年。
    • All sides feel the pressure to reach an agreement.各方都感受到达成协议的压力。
    • We're all still feeling the shock of the election result.我们仍然对选举结果感到震惊。
    • We all felt the weight of her loss.我们都感受到了她失去的重量。
    • His influence is still felt today.他的影响至今仍能感受到。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • strongly
    • really
    • about
    • for
  14. search with hands用手摸索

    [intransitive] to search for something with your hands, feet, etc.(用手、足等)摸索,寻找,探索
    • + adv./prep. She felt in her bag and pulled out a pen.她在包里摸了摸,拿出一支钢笔。
    • If you feel under the desk you'll find a hook.如果你在桌下摸索,你会发现一个钩子。
    • feel for something She felt for the step with her foot.她用脚摸索着台阶。
    • + adv./prep. for something I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.我得在黑暗中摸索寻找电灯开关。
    • He felt in his pockets for some money.他在口袋里摸着想找一些钱。
    • I felt around in my bag for a tissue.我在包里找纸巾。
    • He felt around in the drawer but there was nothing but paper.他在抽屉里摸来摸去,但除了纸什么也没有。
    • Feel in the bottom of the wardrobe—there should be a bag.摸摸衣柜底部——应该有个包。
    • I felt along the wall until I found the switch.我沿着墙摸索,直到找到开关。
    • He felt for a foothold.他寻找立足点。
    • She was feeling around in the kitchen cupboards for some sugar.她在厨房的橱柜里四处寻找一些糖。
    • She felt along the bench for her towel.她沿着长凳摸索着找毛巾。
  16. 词源Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelen and German fühlen.
be/feel flattered
  1. to be pleased because somebody has made you feel important or special被奉承得高兴;感到荣幸
    • He was flattered by her attention.她的关注使他感到格外高兴。
    • I felt flattered at being asked to give a lecture.承蒙邀请来演讲,我深感荣幸。
    • She was flattered to hear that he had been asking about her.听说他一直在打听她,她颇感得意。
    • I suppose we should be flattered that he agreed to come at all.他竟然同意来,我想我们应该感到荣幸。
be/feel hard done by
  1. (informal) to be or feel unfairly treated受到不公平待遇;感到委屈
    • She has every right to feel hard done by—her parents have given her nothing.她完全有理由觉得委屈,她父母什么都没给她。
be/feel honoured (to do something)
  1. to feel proud and happy(做某事)感到荣幸
    • I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech.他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。
    • ‘Would you be my best man?’ ‘I’d be honoured.’“你愿意做我的伴郎吗,”。我很荣幸,”。
be/feel like jelly | turn to jelly
  1. (of legs or knees双腿或双膝) to feel weak because you are nervous紧张得发软
feel your age
  1. to realize that you are getting old, especially compared with people you are with who are younger than you(尤指与较年轻者比)感到自己上年纪了,意识到自己老了
feel free (to do something)
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody that they are allowed to do something(表示允许)可以随便做某事
    • Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.你要是不懂,可以随便提问。
    • ‘Can I use your phone?’ ‘Feel free.’“我能用你的电话吗?” “随便用吧。”
    Topics Permission and obligationc1
feel good
  1. to feel happy, confident, etc.感到愉快(或有信心等)
    • It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated.我知道我的工作得到赏识后感到很高兴。
    Topics Feelingsa2
feel (it) in your bones (that…)
  1. (informal) to be certain about something even though you do not have any direct proof and cannot explain why you are certain心中感到;本能预感到;直觉确信
    • I know I'm going to fail this exam—I can feel it in my bones.我知道这次考试我过不了关,我有这种直觉。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
feel like something/like doing something
  1. (informal) to want to have or do something想要某物;想做某事
    • I feel like a drink.我想喝一杯。
    • We all felt like celebrating.我们都想庆祝一番。
    • He felt like bursting into tears.他想要大哭一场。
    • We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.要是你愿意,我们去散散步。
feel the pinch
  1. (informal) to not have enough money手头拮据;经济困难
    • Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting to feel the pinch.大量失业者开始感到日子不好过了。
feel your way
  1. to move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc.(如在黑暗中)摸索着走动
  2. to be careful about how you do things, usually because you are in a situation that you are not familiar with(在新环境中)谨慎行事
    • She was new in the job, still feeling her way.她对这项工作不熟悉,还在摸索着干。
(feel) honour-bound to do something
  1. (formal) to feel that you must do something because of your sense of moral duty(感到)道义上应做某事
    • She felt honour-bound to attend as she had promised to.她觉得既然答应了就应该出席。
    • He felt honour bound to help her.他觉得在道义上应该帮助她。
    compare duty-boundTopics Permission and obligationc2
look/feel like death warmed up (British English)
(North American English like death warmed over)
  1. (informal) to look or feel very ill or tired看起来病得厉害(或疲惫不堪);感到很不舒服(或累得要命)
look/feel like a million dollars/bucks
  1. (informal) to look/feel extremely good看上去/感觉好极了
    • Wow, you look like a million dollars.哇,你看起来像一百万美元。
look/feel small
  1. to look or feel stupid, weak, ashamed, etc.显得(或感觉)矮人一截;愧不如人
    • There’s no need to make me look small in front of all these people.没必要让我在这些人面前显得渺小。
    • I felt really small when I realized how much time he’d spent on it.当我意识到他在这件事上花了多少时间时,我感到自己很渺小。
    Topics Feelingsc2
make your presence felt
  1. to do something to make people very aware of the fact that you are there; to have a strong influence on a group of people or a situation突显自己;对(人群或局势)发挥作用
    • She’s only been here a couple of weeks but she is already making her presence felt.她来这里才几个星期,但她已经让人感觉到了她的存在。
    • She certainly made her presence felt in the boardroom.她确实让自己在董事会上受到了关注。
not be/feel up to the mark
  1. (British English, old-fashioned) not to feel as well or lively as usual感觉不舒服
    • I’m not feeling up to the mark at the moment.我现在感觉不太好。
not feel yourself
  1. to not feel healthy and well觉得身体不好;感到身体不舒服
    • I’m not quite feeling myself today.我今天感觉不太舒服。




    the feel
    the feeling you get when you touch something or are touched触觉;手感
    • You can tell it's silk by the feel.你一摸就知道这是丝绸。
    • The model has the look and feel of wood.这个模型有木头的外观和感觉。
    • She loved the feel of the sun on her skin.她喜欢太阳照在皮肤上的感觉。
  2. an act of feeling or touching触摸;摸
    • I had a feel of the material.我摸了一下这种布料。
  3. impression印象

    the impression that is created by a place, situation, etc.; atmosphere(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛
    • It's a big city but it has the feel of a small town.这是座大城市,却给人小城镇的印象。
    • The overall feel of the album is slow and dreamlike.这张专辑的整体感觉是缓慢而梦幻的。
    • feel to something The film has a documentary feel to it.这部电影有一种纪录片的感觉。
    • A white colour scheme creates a bright and airy feel.白色配色方案营造出明亮、通风的感觉。
    • His novels all have a realistic and contemporary feel.他的小说都具有现实主义和当代感。
    • The room has a comfortable feel to it.这个房间令人感到舒适。
    • There is an international feel to the restaurant.这家饭店让人感到很国际化。
  5. 词源Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelen and German fühlen.
get/have a feel for something
  1. to get/have an understanding of something or be naturally good at doing it善于理解某事物;有…的天才
    • She has a real feel for languages.她有语言天才。
get the feel of (doing) something
  1. to become familiar with something or with doing something开始熟悉,开始熟悉做(某事)
    • I haven't got the feel of the brakes in this car yet.我还没有掌握这辆车的刹车性能。




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