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词汇 feeling



    something that you feel感觉

    [countable] something that you feel through the mind or through the senses(内心和感官的)感觉,感触
    • a feeling of something a feeling of guilt/helplessness/anger/sadness内疚/无助/愤怒/悲伤的感觉
    • He struggled with feelings of isolation and loneliness.他在孤独和寂寞的感觉中挣扎。
    • You might experience feelings of dizziness and nausea.你可能会感到头晕和恶心。
    • a strange/horrible feeling奇怪/可怕的感觉
    • You need to stop having these guilty feelings.你需要消除这些内疚感。
    • I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.我觉得胃部胀痛。
    • (informal) ‘I really resent the way he treated me.’ ‘I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).’“我实在气愤他如此待我。” “我理解你的感受。”
    • ‘I'm going to miss you.’ ‘The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same).’“我会想念你的。” “我也是。”
    • I remember a terrible feeling of helplessness and anger.我记得一种可怕的无助和愤怒的感觉。
    • He was suffering from feelings of inadequacy.他感到自己能力不足。
    • They began a friendship based on their mutual feeling of isolation.他们基于相互孤立的感觉开始了友谊。
    • I had this awful feeling of dread.我有一种可怕的恐惧感。
    • Constant comparisons can undermine your confidence and create a feeling of insecurity.不断的攀比会削弱你的自信,制造不安全感。
    • We can help you deal with feelings of anxiety.我们可以帮助你处理焦虑感。
    • I was left with a vague feeling of sadness at the end.最后给我留下了一种模糊的悲伤感。
    • There was just a great feeling of excitement.有一种强烈的兴奋感。
    • his feelings of grief他的悲伤之情
    • He was determined to banish all feelings of guilt.他下定决心要排除内心所有的负罪感。
    • He still harboured feelings of resentment.他依旧深怀怨恨。
    • I had a strange feeling in my stomach.我胃里有一种奇怪的感觉。
    • A horrible feeling of sickness came over me.一种可怕的恶心感向我袭来。
    • He felt a wonderful warm feeling come over him.他感到一股暖流流遍全身。
    • the painful feeling in his gut肠道里痛的感觉
    • It's a weird feeling giving a speech at your old school.在你原来的学校演讲是一种奇怪的感觉。
    • It was such an overwhelming feeling seeing them again.再次见到他们是一种难以抑制的感觉。
    • It's a lovely feeling when everything's going so well.当一切进展顺利时,这是一种可爱的感觉。
    • She experienced a whole range of feelings.她经历了各种各样的情感。
    • She loved the feeling of being close to him.她很喜欢和他挨得很近的感觉。
    • The video conveys a feeling of optimism.视频传达了一种乐观的感觉。
    • I don't have those guilt feelings any more.我已不再有那些负疚感了。
    • I fought back my feelings of jealousy.我克制住了我的嫉妒。
    • He suddenly had a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.他的心里突然有一种不安的感觉。
    • I hated the feeling of uncertainty.我讨厌这种充满不确定性的感觉。
    • I started to get a familiar feeling in my stomach.我的胃部开始有了那种熟悉的感觉。
    • I tried to ignore my irrational feelings of jealousy.我尽力不理会自己不理智的嫉妒心。
    • It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to hear him say that.听到他那样说,我有种温暖而朦胧的感觉。
    • It was a good feeling to be arriving home again.又回到家了,感觉真好。
    • Rielle had an overwhelming feeling of guilt.里埃勒深感内疚。
    • She ignored the queasy feeling in her stomach.她没有在意那种恶心反胃的感觉。
    • It was the practical aspect of life that heightened her feelings of loneliness and loss.是生活中的现实使她愈发感到孤独和失落。
    • The drink gave me a feeling of confidence.这酒让我觉得自信。
    • She gives me this creepy feeling.她给了我这种毛骨悚然的感觉。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • strong
    • overwhelming
    • definite
    verb + feeling
    • experience
    • feel
    • get
    feeling + verb
    • come over somebody
    • creep over somebody
    • be mutual
    • feeling about
    • feeling of
  2. emotions情感

    [plural] a person’s emotions rather than their thoughts or ideas情感;感情
    • He hates talking about his feelings.他讨厌谈他的感情。
    • to express/share your feelings表达/分享你的感受
    • People's words often hide their true feelings.人的话往往隐藏着真实的感情。
    • Talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings.和某人谈谈你的想法和感受。
    • I didn't mean to hurt your feelings (= offend you).我不是故意伤害你的感情。
    • He had never been one to share his feelings.他从来都不是他的知己。
    • She finds it difficult to express her feelings.她发现很难表达自己的感情。
    • There's nothing wrong with showing your feelings.表露感情没有错。
    • You need to realize that your parents have feelings too.你需要意识到你的父母也有感情。
    • He's not very in touch with his feelings.他不太了解自己的感受。
    • Can you try to describe your feelings at this moment?你能试着描述一下你此刻的感受吗?
    • He wanted just to be able to let his feelings out.他只想尽情释放自己的情感。
    • I finally gave vent to my feelings and started yelling at him.我终于发泄出自己的情感,开始对他大吼起来。
    • discussing his innermost feelings with me和我谈他内心深处的感受
    • We discussed our innermost feelings.我们谈了自己内心深处的感受。
    • When people fight, there are bound to be hurt feelings.人打架,必然会有伤感情。
    • She was lucky that she had suffered no more than hurt feelings.她很幸运,只是感情受到了伤害。
    • I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings.如果我伤害了你的感情,我很抱歉。
    • Her poems reflected her personal feelings.她的诗歌反映了她个人的情感。
    • She could finally release her pent-up feelings.她终于能释放她压抑的情感了。
    Topics Feelingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • intense
    • strong
    verb + feelings
    • experience
    • harbour/​harbor
    • have
    feelings + verb
    • sweep over somebody
    • wash over somebody
    • well up inside somebody
    • feeling about
    • feeling for
    • feeling of
    • no hard feelings
    [uncountable, countable] strong emotion激动;激情;强烈情绪
    • Feeling runs deep (= people feel strongly) on this issue.人们对这个问题有很深的感情。
    • feeling about something the depth/strength of feeling about an issue对某一问题的深刻感受/感受力
    • with feeling She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless.她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。
    • The debate aroused strong feelings on both sides.辩论使双方都很激动。
    • Feelings are running high (= people are very angry or excited).群情激奋。
    Culture feelingsfeelingsThe British reserve, a general national habit of avoiding showing strong emotion of any kind, is well known. Many visitors to Britain think that because the British do not express their feelings easily they are cold and they don't care about people. Keeping a stiff upper lip, not showing or talking about your feelings, was thought in the past to be a sign of strong character, and people who revealed their feelings were thought to be weak or bad-mannered. This attitude is far less common today and people are now encouraged to show or talk about their feelings.Most British men, and some women, are embarrassed to be seen crying in public. People are also embarrassed when they see somebody crying, and do not know whether it is better to pretend they have not noticed or to try and comfort them. Women are more likely to respond than men and will put their arm round the person or touch their shoulder. Many people now show feelings of affection in public. People sometimes kiss each other on the cheek as a greeting and may greet or say goodbye to each other with a hug (= putting their arms round each other). Lovers hold hands in public, and sometimes embrace and kiss each other. Some British people are embarrassed about showing anger. If somebody starts to complain in public, for example, about being kept waiting in a restaurant, people around them may pretend not to hear and avoid getting involved.When British people are part of a crowd they are less worried about expressing their emotions. Football crowds sing and they cheer when their side scores a goal. Players hug each other when they score. Even cricket supporters, who in the past had a reputation for being much quieter, cheer as well as giving the traditional polite applause.
    • Feelings were running high as the meeting continued.随着会议的进行,人们的情绪高涨起来。
    • The government has underestimated the depth of feeling about this.政府低估了对此的感受。
    • I was taken aback by the strength of feeling at the meeting.我被会上强烈的感情吓了一跳。
    • the sheer intensity of feeling that drove these changes推动这些变化的强烈情感
    • It was a perfect tool to arouse local feelings.这是唤起当地感情的完美工具。
    • Their aim was to stir up feeling against the war.他们的目的就是激起人们的反战情绪。
    • He invests so much feeling in his work.他在工作中投入了如此多的感情。
    • She gave a speech full of passion and feeling.她做了一个充满激情和感情的演讲。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • intense
    • strong
    verb + feelings
    • experience
    • harbour/​harbor
    • have
    feelings + verb
    • sweep over somebody
    • wash over somebody
    • well up inside somebody
    • feeling about
    • feeling for
    • feeling of
    • no hard feelings
  5. attitude/opinion态度;意见

    [uncountable, countable] an attitude or opinion about something态度;意见
    • The general feeling was against the decision.普遍的感觉是反对这个决定。
    • My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one.我个人的意见是我们应该买较便宜的那个。
    • Public feeling is being ignored by the government.公众的意见遭到了政府忽视。
    • feeling about something I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.我对此既不特别喜欢,也不特别讨厌。
    • She had mixed feelings about giving up her job.她对辞去工作感到又喜又忧。
    • feeling on something You know my feelings on this.你知道我对此的感受。
    • feeling towards/toward somebody/something his complicated feelings towards his classmates他对同学复杂的感情
    • They are completely ignoring the feelings of local people.他们完全无视当地人的感受。
    • I have mixed feelings on that.我对那件事的感情很复杂。
    • I didn't like it, but I kept my feelings to myself.我不喜欢,但我把感情藏在心里。
    • There are strong feelings both for and against the idea.支持和反对这个想法的情绪都很强烈。
    • Most people's feelings are against the war.大多数人的感情是反对战争的。
    • My feelings about the changes are mostly positive.我对这些变化的感觉大多是积极的。
    • What are your feelings on this issue?你对这个问题的感受如何?
    • Personal feelings don't come into it—we have to do what's right.个人感情并不重要——我们必须做正确的事。
    • I had mixed feelings about meeting them again.再次遇见他们,我的心情很复杂。
    • I don't want there to be any ill feeling about this.我不想对此有任何恶感。
    • What are your feelings towards religion now?你现在对宗教有什么感受?
    • He wants to overcome his negative feelings toward women.他想克服自己对女性的负面情绪。
    • My feeling towards this album is similar to yours—I admire it, but I don't love it.我对这张专辑的感觉和你相似——我很欣赏它,但我不喜欢它。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • intense
    • strong
    verb + feelings
    • experience
    • harbour/​harbor
    • have
    feelings + verb
    • sweep over somebody
    • wash over somebody
    • well up inside somebody
    • feeling about
    • feeling for
    • feeling of
    • no hard feelings
  7. idea/belief想法;信念

    [singular] the idea or belief that a particular thing is true or a particular situation is likely to happen想法;看法;信念 synonym impression
    • Our gut feeling tells us that this will work.我们的直觉告诉我们这是可行的。
    • feeling (that)… I got the feeling he didn't like me much.我感觉他不太喜欢我。
    • I had this nagging feeling that I had forgotten something.我有一种挥之不去的感觉,好像我忘记了什么。
    • feeling of (doing) something He suddenly had the feeling of being followed.他突然觉得被跟踪了。
    • feeling about something I have a bad feeling about this (= I have the impression it is not going to go well).到处惹是生非的罪犯
    • I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with him.我始终觉得他什么地方不对劲。
    • Do you get the feeling that we're not welcome here?你觉不觉得我们在这里不受欢迎?
    • My gut feeling was that it had been a mistake to come.我的直觉是这是一个错误。
    • We had this feeling of impending doom.我们有一种末日将至的感觉。
    • I had this feeling of danger.我有一种危险的感觉。
    • I had a feeling about that place.我对那个地方有某种感觉。
    • I didn't have a good feeling about the situation.我对形势没有什么好的感觉。
    • I've got a really good feeling about this.我对此有很好的感觉。
    • I had a nasty feeling that she was lying to me.我有个不好的感觉:她在对我说谎。
    • My gut feeling was that we couldn't trust her.我的直觉是我们不能信任她。
    • She was left with the feeling that he did not care.她有一种感觉,就是他不在乎。
    • I have a weird feeling everything's going to be OK.我有种奇怪的感觉,一切都会好的。
    • I had a feeling you were going to do that!我有预感你会这么做!
    • She had the strange feeling he already knew what she was going to say.她有种奇怪的感觉,他已经知道她要说什么了。
    • I've got a funny feeling you're going to win tomorrow.我有种奇怪的感觉,你明天会赢。
    • I had a nasty feeling that we were lost.我有个不祥的预感:我们迷路了。
    • 'Do you think he meant to do it?'—'That's my feeling, yes.'你认为他是故意的吗?“是的,这是我的感觉。
    • If you get a good feeling from it, then buy it.如果从中得到好感,那就买。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • strong
    • overwhelming
    • definite
    verb + feeling
    • experience
    • feel
    • get
    feeling + verb
    • come over somebody
    • creep over somebody
    • be mutual
    • feeling about
    • feeling of
  9. sympathy/love同情;爱

    [plural, uncountable] sympathy or love for somebody/something同情;爱
    • He never told her his feelings.他从未告诉过她他的感受。
    • feeling for somebody/something You have no feeling for the sufferings of others.你对他人的痛苦毫无同情心。
    • I still have feelings for her (= feel attracted to her in a romantic way).我仍然爱她。
    see also fellow feeling
    • Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.尽管她没有回应他的感情,她也没有使他丧失信心。
    • I can bring out Aminta's romantic feelings.我能激发出阿明塔的浪漫情愫。
    • He never told her his true feelings.他从未告诉她自己的真实感受。
    • They definitely have feelings for each other.他们肯定对彼此有感觉。
    • Feelings don't always last.感情不会一直持续。
    • When you work closely together, feelings can develop.当你们紧密合作时,感情就会发展。
    • Heather is slowly admitting her feelings.希瑟慢慢承认了她的情感。
    • They begin to develop feelings for one another.他们彼此之间开始有了好感。
    • a sweet old man with genuine feelings for Virginia对弗吉尼亚怀有真挚情感的一位和蔼可亲的老人
    • It makes no difference to my feelings for you.这不会使我对你的感情有什么改变。
    • She still had a lot of feeling for David.她仍深爱着戴维。
    • the feeling between a mother and child母亲和孩子之间的感情
    • the depth of feeling between old friends老朋友之间的深厚感情
    • What I love about this book is its genuine feeling for people.我喜欢这本书是因为它对人怀有真情实感。
    • How can you be so cruel? Have you no feeling?你怎么能这么残忍?你没有感觉吗?
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • wonderful
    • genuine
    verb + feeling
    • have
    • develop
    • with feeling
    • feeling for
  11. physical身体

    [uncountable] the ability to feel physically身体感觉;知觉
    • I've lost all feeling in my legs.我的双腿已完全失去知觉。
    • Feeling gradually began to return to my frozen feet.感觉渐渐开始回到我冻僵的脚上。
    • Will she ever get the feeling back in her fingers?她还会有那种感觉吗?
    • Wait for the feeling to come back into your arm.等待感觉回到你的手臂。
    • You may experience a loss of feeling in your extremities.你可能会感到四肢无力。
    • I had no feeling in my toes.我的脚趾没有感觉。
    • After the accident he lost all feeling in his legs.那次事故之后,他的双腿完全失去了知觉。
    • I seemed to be losing the feeling in my feet.我似乎失去了双脚的感觉。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + feeling
    • lose
    • regain
    • feeling in
  13. understanding理解

    [uncountable, singular] the ability to understand somebody/something or to do something in a sensitive way理解力;领悟力;敏感
    • He played the piano with great feeling.他钢琴弹得很有感觉。
    • feeling for somebody/something She has a wonderful feeling for colour.她的色感特强。
    • He had developed a feeling for when not to disturb her.他已经逐渐意识到什么时候不要去打扰她。
    • feeling of something He had great design sense, and a great feeling of proportion.他很有设计感,很有分寸感。
    • She plays her part with feeling.她用感情来扮演自己的角色。
    • His performance was accurate, but lacked feeling.他的表演很准确,但缺乏感觉。
    • As a writer she has a great feeling for different perspectives.作为一名作家,她对不同的观点很有感觉。
    • His work shows a powerful feeling for the grandeur of nature.他的作品表现出对大自然宏伟的强烈感受。
    • His earthy yet poetic feeling for character may be considered typically English.他对人物朴实而富有诗意的感情可以被认为是典型的英国人。
    • The designer shows an exquisite feeling for texture.设计师表现出对纹理的细腻感觉。
    • Once they'd seen the footage, they started to get a feeling of how it was working on screen.一旦他们看了录像,他们就开始感觉到它在屏幕上是如何工作的。
    • She has no feeling of how to get people on her side.她不知道如何让人们站在她这边。
    • a film-maker who has a great feeling of place一个很有地方感的电影制作人
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • wonderful
    • genuine
    verb + feeling
    • have
    • develop
    • with feeling
    • feeling for
  15. atmosphere气氛

  16. [singular] the atmosphere of a place, situation, etc.(场所、情况等的)气氛
    • They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre.他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。
    • The house had a feeling of neglect about it.这所房子有一种被忽视的感觉。
    • There's a great patriotic feeling in the country.这个国家的爱国热情高涨。
    • There was a feeling of sadness in the room.这个房间里有一种悲伤的感觉。
    • There was a general feeling of change in the air.当时有一种普遍向往变革的气氛。
    • They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original building.他们设法再现了原建筑的气势。
    • Light colours create a feeling of spaciousness.浅色能使空间显得宽敞。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + feeling
    • create
    • recreate
    • feeling of
bad/ill feeling
(also bad/ill feelings especially in North American English)
  1. anger between people, especially after an argument恶感;不满;反感
    • There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.这两群学生互怀敌意。
    • I don't want any bad feelings between us.我不想我们之间有任何不好的感觉。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
no hard feelings
  1. used after you have been arguing with somebody or have beaten them in a contest but you would still like to be friendly with them(向争论或打败的对方表达善意)别往心里去,别记恨
    • It looks like I'm the winner again. No hard feelings, Dave, eh?看来我又赢了。你不会不高兴吧,戴夫?
    • Someone has to lose. No hard feelings, eh?总有人会失败的。别难过,好吗?
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
a/that sinking feeling
  1. (informal) an unpleasant feeling that you get when you realize that something bad has happened or is going to happen不祥的感觉;沮丧之情
    • I had a horrible sinking feeling when I saw the ambulance outside the house.当我看到房子外面的救护车时,我有一种可怕的下沉感。
spare somebody’s feelings
  1. to be careful not to do or say anything that might upset somebody不惹某人难受;避免触及某人的痛处
    • I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings.我避开离婚这个话题,以免触及她的感情。




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