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词汇 find


present simple I / you / we / they find
he / she / it finds
past simple found
past participle found
-ing form finding
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    by chance偶然

    [transitive] to discover somebody/something unexpectedly or by chance(意外或偶然地)发现,碰到
    • find somebody/something Look what I've found!看我发现了什么!
    • We've found a great new restaurant near the office.我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。
    • A man out walking his dog found the body in a ditch.一个人出去遛狗,在一条沟里发现了尸体。
    • find somebody/something + adj. A whale was found washed up on the shore.一头鲸被发现冲到了岸上。
    • They found a car abandoned on top of the cliff.他们发现一辆汽车被遗弃在悬崖顶上。
    • I've found a really good healthy eating blog.我发现了一个非常好的健康饮食博客。
    • She found a beautiful shell on the beach.她在沙滩上发现了一个美丽的贝壳。
    • If you found £20 in the street, would you hand it in?如果你在街上发现20个,你会上交吗?
    • I think I've found a friend.我想我找到了一个朋友。
    • It's so good when you find someone you can talk to.当你找到一个可以倾诉的人时,那种感觉真好。
    • We went out hoping to find something to eat.我们出去希望能找到吃的。
    • Police found weapons in the house.警察在房子里发现了武器。
    • Coins found at the site are thought to be from Anglo-Saxon times. 在该遗址发现的硬币被认为是盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的。
    • Letters found among his belongings may hold a clue.在他的遗物中发现的信件可能有线索。
    • She made the sculpture with materials found near her home.她用她家附近找到的材料制作了这座雕塑。
    • He seemed to have a knack of finding women to look after him.他似乎有找到女人照顾他的诀窍。
    • I never expected to find love at this point in my life.我这辈子都没想过会在这个节骨眼上找到爱情。
    • I didn't expect to come home and find him gone.我没料到回家后发现他不见了。
  2. by searching通过搜寻

    [transitive] to get back something/somebody that was lost after searching for it/them找到;找回
    • find somebody/something I can't find my keys.我找不到我的钥匙了。
    • I thought I'd lost my wallet but I found it under my desk.我以为我丢了钱包,但我在桌子底下找到了。
    • I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.我想和他谈谈,但哪儿也找不到他。
    • find something for somebody Can you find my bag for me?你能帮我找我的包吗?
    • find somebody something Can you find me my bag?你能帮我找我的包吗?
    • find somebody/something + adj. The child was eventually found safe and well.那孩子最终找到了,安然无恙。
    • I'm trying to find my glasses.我在找我的眼镜。
    • I eventually found them under the bed.我最终在床底下找到了它们。
    • She found the remote control down the back of the sofa.她在沙发背上找到了遥控器。
    • Found it! I've been looking for this for weeks!找到了!我已经找了几个星期了!
    • Can you help me find my dog?你能帮我找到我的狗吗?
    • A reward is offered for whoever finds him.找到他的人会得到奖赏。
    • Josh found my earring for me.乔希为我找到了我的耳环。
    • I'll find you your coat.我会给你找到你的外套。
    • The search party found no trace of the missing climbers.搜寻队没有发现失踪登山者的踪迹。
    • He went through the drawers but found nothing.他仔细查找了抽屉,但一无所获。
    • He was found by police the following morning.第二天早上他被警察发现了。
    • His body was found after three days of searching.经过三天的搜寻,他的尸体被找到了。
    • They don't expect to find him alive.他们不指望能找到活着的他。
  4. by studying/thinking通过研究/思考

    [transitive] to discover something/somebody by searching, studying or thinking carefully(经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,找出,求得
    • find something/somebody They found no evidence to support this claim.他们没有找到支持这一说法的证据。
    • We found a way out.我们找到了出路。
    • I managed to find a solution to the problem.我设法找出了解决问题的办法。
    • Our website is the place to find answers to all your questions.我们的网站是您所有问题的答案。
    • He's struggling to find work.他在努力找工作。
    • Scientists are still trying to find a cure for cancer.科学家仍在努力寻找治疗癌症的方法。
    • I'm having trouble finding anything new to say on this subject.在这个课题上要提出什么新看法,我有困难。
    • Have they found anyone to replace her yet?他们找到了代替她的人没有?
    • It's hard to find a babysitter.很难找到保姆。
    • find something for somebody I'll find that information for you.我会为你找到那个信息。
    • find somebody something I'll find you that information.我会给你找到那个信息的。
    • His father found him a job.他父亲给他找了份工作。
    • They're trying to find a place to stay.他们正在设法找一个地方住。
    • Can you find a hotel for me?你能给我找一家旅馆吗?
    • Can you find me a hotel?你能给我找一家旅馆吗?
    • We found some evidence of harmful effects.我们发现了一些有害影响的证据。
    • Scientists have found fresh evidence to suggest that a huge explosion led to the death of the dinosaurs.科学家发现了新证据,表明一次大爆炸导致了恐龙的死亡。
    • No links were found between the two cases.没有发现这两起案件之间的联系。
    • Students are given ten questions and have one minute to find the answers.学生有十个问题,有一分钟的时间找到答案。
    • The beetles have found a warm place to live.甲虫找到了一个温暖的地方居住。
    • At last we've found a home.我们终于找到了一个家。
    • He needs to find a doctor willing to treat him.他需要找一个愿意治疗他的医生。
    • Her friends wanted to find her a husband.她的朋友想给她找个丈夫。
    • She had to find a valid excuse for leaving the room.她需要找一个合理的借口离开房间。
    • We need to find a useful role for the volunteers in the campaign.这次活动我们得给志愿者安排个能发挥作用的角色。
    • We'll have to find an alternative.我们必须找到替代品。
    • Police are confident of finding the killers.警方有信心找到凶手。
    • A window was broken and we think we've found the culprit.一扇窗户被打破了,我们认为我们找到了罪犯。
    • The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him.医生没发现他有什么问题。
    • Considerable variation was found in the terms offered by different banks.各家银行给出的条件差异颇大。
    • Can you find a use for this old table?你能把这张旧桌子派上用场吗?
    • He sometimes struggles to find the right words.他有时努力寻找合适的词。
    • I can't find anything good to say about it.对此我找不到什么好的说法。
  6. by experience/testing通过体验/试验

    [transitive] to discover that something is true after you have tried it, tested it or experienced it发现(某事属实)
    • find (that)… I find (that) it pays to be honest.我发现老实人不吃亏。
    • A study found that green tea could be beneficial.一项研究发现绿茶可能是有益的。
    • You'll find your opinions change as you get older.随着年龄的增长,你会发现你的观点会发生变化。
    • find somebody/something + adj. We found the beds very comfortable.我们发现这些床非常舒适。
    • find somebody/something + noun They found him a plausible witness.他们发现他是一个可信的证人。
    • find somebody/something to be/do something They found him to be charming.他们觉得他很招人喜欢。
    • Researchers found this to be the most effective method.研究人员发现这是最有效的方法。
    • Her blood was found to contain poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。
    • If you are found to have lied, you can be charged.如果你被发现说谎,你可以被起诉。
    • it is found that… It was found that her blood contained poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。
    • The report found that 30% of the firms studied had failed within a year.据报告称,调查过的公司有 30% 一年内倒闭了。
    • The survey found over 80% of women had dieted in the past year.调查发现,在过去的一年里,超过80%的女性已经节食。
    • People usually find their symptoms go away after a few days.人们通常会在几天后发现症状消失。
    • Readers will find the maps in the appendix very useful.读者会发现附录中的地图非常有用。
    • Here are some tips which I hope you'll find helpful.这里有一些建议,希望你会觉得有用。
    • Hopefully we'll find the ground a bit firmer today.希望我们今天能找到更坚实的基础。
    • I found some parts of his argument hard to understand.我发现他论点的某些部分难以理解。
    • We found the whole thing a farce.我们发现整件事是一场闹剧。
    • A poll six months ago found the opposite to be true.六个月前的一项民意调查发现情况正好相反。
    • The sample was found to contain asbestos.样本被发现含有石棉。
    • The results were found to vary.发现结果各不相同。
    • It was found that older people were more likely to agree.发现年纪大的人更容易同意。
    • If it is found that he's been lying, then of course that will change everything.如果发现他一直在撒谎,那当然会改变一切。
    • If he is found to have been lying, then of course that will change everything.如果他被发现一直在说谎,那当然会改变一切。
  8. have opinion/feeling有意见/看法

    [transitive] to have a particular feeling or opinion about something认为;感到
    • find something + adj. You may find it hard to accept your illness.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。
    • You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。
    • Do women find it more difficult to ask for a rise?女性是否觉得要求加薪更难?
    • I found the book very interesting.我觉得这本书很有趣。
    • find something + noun She finds it a strain to meet new people.她和生人见面总感到局促不安。
    • She finds meeting new people a strain.她发现结识新朋友是一种压力。
    Synonyms regardregard
    • call
    • find
    • consider
    • see
    • view
    These words all mean to think about somebody/​something in a particular way.
    • regard to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。
    • call to say that somebody/​something has particular qualities or characteristics: I wouldn’t call German an easy language.我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。
    • find to have a particular feeling or opinion about something: You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。
    • consider to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?
    regard or consider?用 regard 还是 consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider somebody/​something to be something or consider somebody/​something as something, although very often the to be or as is left out: He considers himself an expert.They are considered a high-risk group. You can also consider that somebody/​something is something and again, the that can be left out. Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard somebody/​something as something; the as cannot be left out: I regard him a close friend. You cannot regard somebody/​something to be something or regard that somebody/​something is something. However, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb (somebody/​something is highly regarded) or adverbial phrase (regard somebody/​something with suspicion/​jealousy/​admiration).
    • see to have an opinion of something: Try to see things from her point of view.设法从她那个角度去看问题。
    • view to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待你自己在公司中的位置? View has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view somebody/​something as somebody/​something (you cannot leave out the as) and view somebody/​something with something.你如何看待自己在公司中的地位?视图与“关注”和“考虑”具有相同的含义,但频率稍低,形式稍不正式。主要结构是把某人/某物看做某人/某物(不能省略as)和用某物看某人/某物。
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something as something
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something from a particular point of view
    • to find/​consider somebody/​something to be something
    • generally/​usually regarded/​considered/​seen/​viewed as something
    • to regard/​consider/​view somebody/​something favourably/​unfavourably
    • I find it interesting that they don't get on.我觉得有趣的是他们相处不好。
    • You're lucky if you do a job you find interesting.如果你做了一份自己感兴趣的工作,你就很幸运了。
    • Do women find asking for a rise more difficult?女性会觉得要求加薪更难吗?
    • I find it amazing that they're still together.他们还在一起,这使我大吃一惊。
    • He knows that women find him attractive.他知道女人觉得他很有魅力。
    • Some people find tall buildings beautiful; others hate them.有人觉得高楼美;其他人讨厌他们。
    • I find the whole subject fascinating.我觉得整个主题很吸引人。
    • We apologise if you found any of these comments offensive.如果您认为这些评论令人不快,我们深表歉意。
    • The news report contains images that some viewers may find disturbing.新闻报道中包含的图像可能会让一些观众感到不安。
    • She didn't find the joke very funny.她觉得这个笑话不太好笑。
    • The company found it necessary to hire more people.公司发现有必要雇佣更多的人。
    • Do you find it acceptable that these children were left on their own?这些孩子被单独留下,你觉得可以接受吗?
    • Don't you find it odd that she didn't say anything?她什么也没说,你不觉得奇怪吗?
    • I found it a nuisance to have to change my plans at the last minute.我发现在最后一刻不得不改变计划令人讨厌。
    • I don't find anything wrong in him employing his relatives.我不觉得他雇佣亲戚有什么不对。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
  10. exist/grow存在;生长

    [transitive, often passive] used to say that something exists, grows, etc. somewhere(在某处)存在,生长
    • be found + adv./prep. These flowers are found only in Africa.这些花仅见于非洲。
    • Further details can be found on our website.更多详情可在我们的网站上找到。
    • find something/somebody + adv./prep. You'll find this style of architecture all over the town.全城到处可见这种风格的建筑。
    • Find us at在www.oup.com找到我们。
    • These pests can be found in almost every garden.这些害虫几乎在每个花园都能找到。
    • Folacin is a B vitamin found in many vegetables.叶酸是一种在许多蔬菜中发现的维生素B。
    • The college offers cultural events not normally found in such a rural area.该学院提供通常在这样的农村地区找不到的文化活动。
    • This is over 100 times the amount of chlorine found in drinking water.这是饮用水氯含量的100多倍。
    • Marbling is the small flecks of fat found within meat.大理石花纹是在肉中发现的脂肪小斑点。
    • You will find all this information on our website.你会在我们的网站上找到所有这些信息。
    • Early in the season you will find aphids on the upper leaves. 在这个季节的早期,你会在上部的叶子上发现蚜虫。
    • The white clay found at Meissen was used to make fine china.在迈森发现的白粘土被用来制作精美的瓷器。
    • The condition is most typically found among women over 50.这种情况最常见于50岁以上的女性。
    • At this time of year you will generally find her in the garden.每年的这个时候,你通常会在花园里找到她。
    • At this time of year she is generally to be found in the garden.每年的这个时候,人们通常会在花园里发现她。
    • It is rare that you find a cable snapping for no reason.很少会发现电缆无缘无故断裂。
    • You don't tend to find many fresh food markets here.你不会在这里找到很多新鲜食品市场。
  12. in unexpected situations处于意外状况

    [transitive] to discover somebody/something/yourself doing something or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected(尤指意外地)发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事)
    • find somebody/something/yourself + adv./prep. She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.她醒来发觉自己躺在医院的床上。
    • I found the house in a mess.我发现房子一团糟。
    • find somebody/something/yourself + adj. We came home and found him asleep on the sofa.我们回到家发现他在沙发上睡着了。
    • I found myself forced to act.我发现自己被迫采取行动。
    • find somebody/something/yourself doing something He looked up to find her watching him.他抬起头发现她在看着他。
    • I suddenly found myself running down the street.我不知不觉突然在街上跑了起来。
    • find (that)… She was surprised to find that everyone had left.她惊讶地发现每个人都走了。
    • I found myself in a dilemma.我发现自己进退两难。
    • The institutions in which these people often found themselves were very harsh.这些人经常发现自己所处的机构非常苛刻。
    • We arrived to find the room full of people.我们到达时发现房间里挤满了人。
    • They found the building completely deserted.他们发现大楼完全废弃了。
    • We find ourselves unable to reach a decision.我们发现自己无法做出决定。
    • She was found dead in her bed.她被人发现死在床上。
    • I found everyone else already waiting.我发现其他人已经在等了。
    • They were surprised to find birds nesting in the roof.他们惊讶地发现鸟儿在屋顶筑巢。
    • I found him in the kitchen chopping vegetables.我发现他在厨房切菜。
    • I found him going through my stuff.我发现他在翻我的东西。
    • I found myself wondering why.我发现自己在想为什么。
    • She found herself feeling slightly annoyed.她发现自己有点恼火。
    • I was disappointed to find that they had left already.我发现他们已经离开了,觉得很失望。
  14. have/make available现有;使现有

  15. [transitive] find something to have something available so that you can use it现有(可用)
    • I keep meaning to write, but never seem to find (the) time.我一直打算写信,但似乎总找不到时间。
    • How are we going to find £10  000 for a car?我们哪里有 5 000 英镑买车呢?
  16. [transitive] find something to show a quality in yourself, usually with an effort判明方位;弄清自己所处的地位;熟悉环境
    • I found the courage to speak.我鼓起勇气开了口。
  17. reach达到;到达

  18. [transitive] find something/somebody (of things事物) to arrive at something naturally; to reach something/somebody自然到达;达到
    • Water will always find its own level.水总会自行流平。
    • Most of the money finds its way to the people who need it.多数的钱都会辗转传到需要的人的手中。
    • The criticism found its mark (= had the effect intended).批评击中了要害。
    • I hope this letter finds you in good health.我希望这封信能发现你身体健康。
  19. in court法庭

  20. [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to make a particular decision in a court case裁决;判决
    • find somebody + adj. The jury found him guilty.陪审团裁决他有罪。
    • How do you find the accused?你如何裁定被告?
    • find in somebody’s favour The court found in her favour.法庭判决对她有利。
    Topics Law and justicec1, Preferences and decisionsc1
  21. 词源Old English findan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vinden and German finden.
all found
  1. (old-fashioned, British English) with free food and accommodation in addition to your wages(工资外)加免费食宿
find fault (with somebody/something)
  1. to look for and discover mistakes in somebody/something; to complain about somebody/something找茬儿;挑错;挑剔;抱怨
    • My mother did nothing but find fault with my manners.母亲只是一味说我没有礼貌。
    • She was always finding fault with his manners.她总是挑他礼仪方面的问题。
find your feet
  1. to become able to act independently and with confidence已能独立而有信心地工作;已适应新环境
    • I only recently joined the firm so I'm still finding my feet.我最近才加入这家公司,所以还在适应过程中。
find it in your heart/yourself to do something
  1. (literary) to be able or willing to do something能做某事;愿意干某事
    • Can you find it in your heart to forgive her?你能够做到宽恕她吗?
    • He couldn't find it in himself to trust anyone again.他再也不愿意相信任何人了。
find/meet your match (in somebody)
  1. to meet somebody who is equal to or even better than you in strength, skill or intelligence遇到对手;棋逢对手
    • He thought he could beat anyone at chess but he’s met his match in Peter.他认为他能在国际象棋上击败任何人,但他遇到了对手彼得。
    • I think he's finally met his match in Lisa.我想他碰到莉萨终于算是遇到了对手。
    • She knew she had met her match and tried to retreat.她知道这次遇到了旗鼓相当的对手,想退缩。
find your voice/tongue
  1. to be able to speak or express your opinion能说出自己的看法;能表达自己的意见Topics Opinion and argumentc2
find your way (to…)
  1. to discover the right route (to a place)找到正确的路(去某处)
    • I hope you can find your way home.希望你能找到回家的路。
find your/its way (to/into…)
  1. to come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to偶然来到;无意中处于
    • He eventually found his way into acting.他弄到最后竟干起了演艺这一行。
nowhere to be found/seen | nowhere in sight
  1. impossible for anyone to find or see不可能找到(或看见)
    • I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.我想和他谈谈,但哪儿也找不到他。
    • The children were nowhere to be seen.根本看不到孩子们在哪儿。
    • A peace settlement is nowhere in sight (= is not likely in the near future).近期内无望和平解决。
take somebody as you find them
  1. to accept somebody as they are without expecting them to behave in a special way or have special qualities接受某人的现状;承认某人的情况(别无指望)


  1. a thing or person that has been found, especially one that is interesting, valuable or useful; the act of finding a thing or person like this发现物,被发现的人(尤指有趣、有价值或有用者)
    • This is an important archaeological find.这是个重大的考古发现。
    • Our new babysitter is a real find.我们新来的临时保姆是难得的好保姆。
    • He made his most spectacular finds in the Valley of the Kings.他在国王谷有了最引人注目的发现。
    • A lucky find is telling us a lot about life 10 000 years ago.一项幸运的发现告诉了我们 10,000 年前人类生活的许多情况。
    • I reported my find to the landowner.我向土地所有者报告了我的发现。
    • Stray finds are more commonly discovered than whole new sites.相对完整的新遗址来说,零星的发现更为常见。
    • The letters were a real find and James went on to publish two volumes of them.这些信件真是重大的发现,詹姆斯接连出版了两册。
    • To date the site has yielded many interesting finds.到目前为止,这个遗址出土了很多有意思的东西。
    • prehistoric finds made in an unexplored cave在未勘察过的洞穴里的史前发现
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • great
    • real
    verb + find
    • discover
    • make
    • unearth
    词源Old English findan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vinden and German finden.




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