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词汇 flat




  1. enlarge image
    [countable] (British English)
    (also apartment especially in North American English)
    a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building一套房间;公寓;单元房
    • They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor.他们租了四楼一套带家具的公寓。
    • to buy/sell a flat购买/出售公寓
    • in a flat Do you live in a flat or a house?你住的是公寓还是独立住宅?
    • a basement/ground-floor/top-floor flat地下室/底层/顶层公寓
    • a two-bedroom flat带两间卧室的公寓
    • The park was surrounded by high-rise flats and office blocks.公园周围是高层公寓和办公楼。
    • a new block of flats一栋新建的公寓楼
    • Many large old houses have been converted into flats.许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。
    • Children from the flats (= the block of flats) across the street were playing outside.街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。
    see also council flat, granny flat
    Collocations Moving house搬家Moving house Renting租房子
    • live in a rented/(especially North American English) rental property住在租来的住所里
    • rent/​share/​move into a furnished house/(British English) flat/(especially North American English) apartment租用/合住/搬进配有家具的房屋/公寓
    • rent a studio/(British English) a studio flat/(especially North American English) a studio apartment/(British English) a bedsit租一个单间公寓
    • find/​get a housemate/(British English) a flatmate/(North American English) a roommate找一个室友
    • sign/​break the lease/​rental agreement/​contract签署/违反租约/租赁协议/合同
    • extend/​renew/​terminate the lease/(British English) tenancy延长租赁期限;续签/终止租约
    • afford/​pay the rent/​the bills/(North American English) the utilities付得起/支付租金/账单/水电气等杂费
    • (especially British English) fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the rent拖欠租金
    • pay/​lose/​return a damage deposit/(North American English) security deposit支付/失去/退还损坏押金/保证金
    • give/​receive a month’s/​two-weeks’ notice to leave/​vacate the property提前一个月/两周发出/收到离开/腾空住房的通知
    Being a landlord做房东
    • have a flat/​an apartment/​a room (British English) to let/(especially North American English) for rent
    • rent (out)/lease (out)/ (British English) let (out)/sublet a flat/​an apartment/​a house/​a property
    • collect/​increase/​raise the rent收取/增加/提高房租
    • evict the existing tenants赶走现有房客
    • attract/​find new/​prospective tenants吸引/寻找新的/可能的房客
    • invest in rental property/(British English) property to let/(British English) the buy-to-let market投资购房用于出租
    • buy/​acquire/​purchase a house/(a) property/(especially North American English) (a piece of) prime real estate购置一栋房子/一处房产/(一块)优质房地产
    • call/​contact/​use (British English) an estate agent/(North American English) a Realtor™/(North American English) a real estate agent/​broker电话联系/联系/任用房地产经纪人
    • make/ (British English) put in an offer on a house提供房子的报价
    • put down/​save for (British English) a deposit on a house支付/存钱付房屋订金
    • make/​put/​save for (especially North American English) a down payment on a house/​home支付/攒钱支付买房的首付金
    • apply for/​arrange/​take out a mortgage/​home loan申请/商定/取得按揭/住房贷款
    • (struggle to) pay the mortgage(竭力)支付按揭贷款
    • make/​meet/​keep up/​cover the monthly mortgage payments/(British English also) repayments支付每月的按揭贷款
    • (British English) repossess/ (especially North American English) foreclose on somebody’s home/​house收回某人的房子;终止某人的房屋赎回权
    • put your house/​property on the market/​up for sale/​up for auction将房屋/房产投放市场/出售/拍卖
    • increase/​lower your price/​the asking price提高/降低价格/要价
    • have/​hold/​hand over the deed/(especially British English) deeds of/​to the house, land, etc.持有/移交房屋、土地等契约
    • Do you think that the council could find me another flat?你认为市政当局能给我再找一套公寓吗?
    • Even the prices of small bachelor flats are unbelievable.就连小型单身公寓的价格都令人咋舌。
    • I'll meet you back at your flat.我回你公寓找你。
    • She lives in the top flat.她住在顶楼公寓。
    • The flat is located in a modern development.公寓位于一个现代化的新建住宅区。
    • The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat.女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。
    • The musician rented a flat in a fashionable area of London.那位音乐家在伦敦高级住宅区租了一套房。
    • They live in the next flat.他们住在隔壁公寓。
    • We got her a flat in the same block as ours.我们帮她在我们住的公寓楼找到了一套住房。
    Topics Houses and homesa1, Buildingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • spacious
    • modest
    … of flats
    • block
    verb + flat
    • have
    • own
    • rent
    flat + verb
    • be located
    • face something
    • overlook something
    • at a/​the flat
    • in a/​the flat
    • convert something into flats
    • divide something into flats
    • make something into flats
  2. level part平面部分

  3. [singular] the flat of something the flat level part of something(某物的)平面部分
    • He beat on the door with the flat of his hand.他用手掌打门。
    • the flat of a sword剑面
  4. land土地

  5. [countable, usually plural] an area of low flat land, especially near water(尤指水边的)平地;低洼地
    • salt flats盐滩
    • These birds live on the coastal flats.这些鸟生活在沿海平地。
    • mud and sand flats rich in animal life动物种类丰富的泥沼和沙地
    see also mudflat
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • coastal
    • tidal
    • mud
    • on the flat
  6. horse racing赛马

  7. the flat, the Flat
    [singular] (British English) the season for racing horses on flat ground with no jumps无障碍平地赛马季节
  8. in music音乐

  9. enlarge image
    a note played a semitone lower than the note that is named. The written symbol is (♭).降半音;降音;降号
    • There are no sharps or flats in the key of C major.C 大调中没有升半音和降半音。
    opposite sharp compare natural
  10. tyre轮胎

  11. [countable] (especially North American English) a tyre that has lost air, usually because of a hole瘪了的轮胎;撒了气的轮胎
    • We got a flat on the way home.我们在回家的路上有一个轮胎漏气瘪了。
    • We had to stop to fix a flat.我们只得停车修一下撒了气的轮胎。
  12. in theatre剧院

  13. [countable] (specialist) a vertical section of scenery used on a theatre stage平面布景;布景屏
  14. shoes

  15. enlarge image
    (also flatties)
    [plural] (informal) shoes with a very low heel平跟鞋;平底鞋
    • a pair of flats一双平跟鞋
    Topics Clothes and Fashionc1
  16. 词源noun senses 2 to 8 Middle English: from Old Norse flatr. noun sense 1 early 19th cent. (denoting a floor or storey): alteration of obsolete flet ‘floor, dwelling’, of Germanic origin and related to flat ‘level’.
on the flat
  1. (British English) on level ground, without hills or jumps (= for example in horse racing)在平地上
    • Overtaking the next cyclist on an Alpine climb is a dozen times harder than on the flat.在高山攀登中超越下一个骑自行车的人要比在平地上困难十几倍。


(comparative flatter, superlative flattest)


    having a level surface, not curved or sloping, and without holes or any bits sticking out水平的;平坦的
    • low buildings with flat roofs平顶矮建筑物
    • I need a flat surface to write on.我需要一个平面在上面写字。
    • A large flat screen was mounted on the wall.墙上安装了一个大平板屏幕。
    • We found a large flat rock to sit on.我们找了一块可以坐的大而平滑的石头。
    • People used to think the earth was flat.人们曾经认为地球是平的。
    • a large, deep dish with a flat bottom平底大而深的盘子
    • Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby.产后只有通过锻炼才能使腹部收平。
    Topics Colours and Shapesa2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • become
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    (of land土地) without any slopes or hills平坦的
    • The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape.公路向前延伸,经过一片平坦的地。
    • The desert was flat, mile after mile.沙漠是平坦的,一英里又一英里。
    • He reached a flatter section of land near the river.他到达河边一片平坦的土地。
    • the flat plains of northern Germany德国北部平坦的平原
    Topics Geographya2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • become
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    (of an area of water) calm and without waves平滑的
    • The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level).风平浪静,风帆无力地垂挂着。
    • The sea was almost completely flat.海面上可算是波平如镜。
    • The water was dead flat, like a mirror. 水面平坦如镜。
  4. not high不高

    broad but not very high扁平的
    • Chapattis are a kind of flat Indian bread.chapatti 是一种印度薄饼。
    • flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones)平跟鞋;平底鞋
    • (figurative) The company's organizational structure was kept deliberately flat, with only three levels of hierarchy.公司的组织结构刻意保持扁平化,只有三个层级。
  6. not exciting

  7. not exciting; not feeling or showing interest or enthusiasm枯燥的;无趣的;缺乏热情的
    • He felt very flat after his friends had gone home.他的朋友们回家后,他感到兴味索然。
    • It was a curiously flat note on which to end the election campaign.竞选结束时的气氛异常平淡。
    • Life will seem a bit flat without you.没有你生活会显得有点索然无趣。
    • She was feeling very flat after the excitement of the flight.兴奋的飞行过后,她感到非常疲惫。
  8. voice嗓音

  9. not showing much emotion; not changing much in tone平淡的;单调的
    • Her voice was flat and expressionless.她的声音平淡而呆板。
    • He spoke in a flat Midlands accent.他操一口平板的英格兰中部腔。
    • He went on in a flat tone.他用平淡的语气继续说下去。
  10. colours/pictures颜色;图画

  11. very smooth, with no contrast between light and dark, and giving no impression of depth色彩单调的;无反差的;无景深的
    • Acrylic paints can be used to create large, flat blocks of colour.丙烯颜料可用来创作单一色调的大幅图块。
  12. business商业

  13. not very successful because very little is being sold; not changing or increasing不景气的;萧条的;生意清淡的
    • The housing market has been flat for months.房屋市场已有好几个月处于低迷状态。
    • Interest rates have remained flat.利率一直保持平稳。
    Topics Businessc2
  14. refusal/denial拒绝;否认

  15. [only before noun] not allowing discussion or argument; definite断然的;绝对的
    • Her request was met with a flat refusal.她的请求被断然拒绝。
    • He gave a flat ‘No!’ to one reporter's question.他对一名记者的提问直截了当地答复 “不!”
    • These results are in flat contradiction to the theory of relativity.这些结果与相对论完全矛盾。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  16. in music音乐

  17. used after the name of a note to mean a note a semitone lower降音的;降半音的
    • That note should be B flat, not B.那个音应该是降 B 音,而不是 B 音。
    opposite sharp compare naturalTopics Musicc1
  18. below the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)低于标准音高的;偏低的
    • The high notes were slightly flat.这些高音略为偏低。
    opposite sharp
  19. drink饮料

  20. no longer having bubbles in it; not fresh走了气的;不新鲜的
    • The soda was warm and had gone flat.这汽水是温的,已走了气。
    Topics Drinksc2
  21. battery电池

  22. (British English) unable to supply any more electricity电用完了的
  23. tyre轮胎

  24. not containing enough air, usually because of a hole瘪了的;撒了气的
  25. feet

  26. with no natural raised curves under the feet扁平的;足弓平坦的 see also flat-footed
    More Like This Consonant-doubling adjectivesConsonant-doubling adjectives
    • big
    • drab
    • fat
    • fit
    • flat
    • hot
    • mad
    • red
    • sad
    • wet
  27. 词源adjective Middle English: from Old Norse flatr.
and that’s flat!
  1. (British English, informal) that is my final decision and I will not change my mind这就是最后决定
    • You can't go and that's flat!你不能去,就这样!
as flat as a pancake
  1. (informal) completely flat完全平的
    • The country around here is as flat as a pancake.这附近的国家平坦如薄饼。
    More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms
    • (as) bald as a coot
    • (as) blind as a bat
    • (as) bright as a button
    • (as) bold as brass
    • as busy as a bee
    • as clean as a whistle
    • (as) dead as a/​the dodo
    • (as) deaf as a post
    • (as) dull as ditchwater
    • (as) fit as a fiddle
    • as flat as a pancake
    • (as) good as gold
    • (as) mad as a hatter/​a March hare
    • (as) miserable/​ugly as sin
    • as old as the hills
    • (as) pleased/​proud as Punch
    • as pretty as a picture
    • (as) regular as clockwork
    • (as) quick as a flash
    • (as) safe as houses
    • (as) sound as a bell
    • (as) steady as a rock
    • (as) thick as two short planks
    • (as) tough as old boots
in a (flat) spin
  1. very confused, worried or excited晕头转向;急得团团转;十分激动
    • Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.她的辞职令同事们摸不着头脑。
    Topics Feelingsc2
(flat) on your back
  1. (informal) in bed because you are ill因病卧床;卧病
    • She's been flat on her back for over a week now.她卧病有一个多星期了。
    • (figurative) The UK market was flat on its back (= business was very bad).(当时)英国的市场十分不景气。


(comparative flatter, no superlative)


  1. spread out in a level, straight position, especially against another surface(尤指贴着另一表面)平直地,平躺地
    • Lie flat and breathe deeply.平躺做深呼吸。
    • They pressed themselves flat against the tunnel wall as the train approached.火车接近时他们身体紧贴着隧道壁。
    • I can't get this material to lie flat.我没法将这料子展平。
  2. refusing/denying拒绝;否认

  3. (North American English flat out)
    (informal) in a definite and direct way断然;直截了当地
    • She told me flat she would not speak to me again.她直截了当地跟我说她再不会理我了。
    • I made them a reasonable offer but they turned it down flat.我向他们提出一个合理报价,但是他们断然拒绝了。
  4. in music音乐

  5. lower than the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)低于标准音高
    • He sings flat all the time.他总是唱低了音。
    opposite sharp
  6. 词源adverb Middle English: from Old Norse flatr.
fall flat
  1. if a joke, a story, or an event falls flat, it completely fails to make people laugh or to have the effect that was intended(笑话、故事、事件等)完全失败,根本未达到预期效果
    • Without Jem, the whole evening would have fallen flat.没有杰姆,整个晚上都会变得平淡无奇。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
fall flat on your face
  1. to fall so that you are lying on your front摔趴下
  2. to fail completely, usually in an embarrassing way(颜面丢尽地)彻底失败
    • His next television venture fell flat on its face.他的下一个电视项目丢人现眼,彻底失败了。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
flat broke
(British English also stony broke)
  1. (informal) completely broke (= without money)穷得一个子儿也没有;一贫如洗;穷得叮当响
flat out (informal)
  1. as fast or as hard as possible全速;全力以赴
    • Workers are working flat out to meet the rise in demand for new cars.为满足对新轿车需求的增加,工人正全力以赴地工作。
  2. (especially North American English) in a definite and direct way; completely直截了当;断然
    • I told him flat out ‘No’.我斩钉截铁地告诉他 “不”。
    • It's a 30-year mortgage we just flat out can't handle.这是一笔我们根本无法还得起的 30 年按揭贷款。
    see also flat-out
in… flat
  1. (informal) used with an expression of time to say that something happened or was done very quickly, in no more than the time stated(与表达时间的词语连用,表示发生或做得很快)才…,只用了…,整
    • They changed the wheel in three minutes flat (= in only three minutes).他们仅用三分钟就换好了轮胎。


[intransitive] (Australian English, New Zealand English)
present simple I / you / we / they flat
he / she / it flats
past simple flatted
past participle flatted
-ing form flatting
  1. to live in or share a flat住公寓;合住公寓
    • My sister Zoe flats in Auckland.我妹妹佐伊住在奥克兰的一栋公寓里。
    词源verb sense 1 early 19th cent. (denoting a floor or storey): alteration of obsolete flet ‘floor, dwelling’, of Germanic origin and related to flat ‘level’.




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