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词汇 Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon

/ˌfrɑːnsɪs ˈbeɪkən/
/ˌfrænsɪs ˈbeɪkən/
  1. (1561-1626) an English lawyer, politician and philosopher. He was very successful in his early career and became Lord Chancellor to King James I in 1618, but he was later accused of accepting money illegally and sent to prison. He was released after only four days, but never returned to public service. Bacon's books, including The Advancement of Learning (1605), show a scientific interest in the world which was new at that time. Since 1856 some people have claimed that Francis Bacon is the real author of the plays of William Shakespeare, because they feel that Shakespeare's education and social background were not good enough to have produced such great literature.弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon):(1561-1626)为英国律师,政治家和哲学家。他的职业生涯非常成功,并于1618年成为詹姆斯一世国王大臣,但后来被指控非法收钱并入狱。他仅在四天后就被释放,但从未返回公职。培根的著作,包括《学习的进步》(1605年),显示了对当时新事物的科学兴趣。自1856年以来,有人声称弗朗西斯·培根是威廉·莎士比亚戏剧的真正作者,因为他们认为莎士比亚的教育和社会背景不足以产生如此出色的文学作品。
  2. (1909-92) an Irish painter who lived in England from 1928. He often painted people who were in pain or who were being treated in a cruel way, making their bodies look ugly and twisted in order to emphasize their pain. He destroyed any of his paintings that he was not satisfied with.弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon):(1909-92)是一位爱尔兰画家,从1928年开始在英格兰生活。他经常给处于疼痛状态或受到残酷治疗的人上色,使他们的身体看起来丑陋而扭曲,以强调他们的痛苦。他销毁了他不满意的任何画作。




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