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词汇 Francis Drake

Francis Drake

/ˌfrɑːnsɪs ˈdreɪk/
/ˌfrænsɪs ˈdreɪk/
  1. (c. 1540-96) an English sailor who fought against the Spanish and was the first Englishman to sail around the world. After a career attacking and robbing Spanish ships in the Caribbean, he was given five ships by Queen Elizabeth I to sail around the world, attacking Spanish ships along the way. When he returned three years later (1580) in the only surviving ship, the Golden Hind, Queen Elizabeth made him a knight. In 1587 the Spanish were preparing to attack England, but Drake led a surprise attack on the port of Cadiz and burnt the Spanish ships. When the Spanish attack, known as the Armada, finally came in 1588, Drake was one of the leaders who defeated it. There is a popular story that he was playing bowls when the Armada was first seen and that he calmly finished his game before turning his attention to the enemy.弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake):(大约1540-96年)是一位与西班牙人作战的英国水手,并且是第一位环游世界的英国人。在袭击和抢劫加勒比海的西班牙船只之后,伊丽莎白一世女王给了他五艘船,以环游世界,一路攻击西班牙的船只。三年后(1580年),他乘坐唯一一艘幸存的战舰“金色后腿”号返回伊丽莎白女王,任命他为骑士。1587年,西班牙人准备进攻英格兰,但德雷克率领突袭加的斯港并烧毁了西班牙船只。1588年西班牙人进行的名为“舰队”的进攻终于来了,德雷克是击败它的领导人之一。有一个流行的故事,他是在首次出现无敌舰队时就在打碗,而且他冷静地完成了比赛,然后将注意力转移到敌人身上。




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