noun /ˈfræŋkənstaɪn/
(also Frankenstein’s monster, Frankenstein monster)
- used to talk about something that somebody creates or invents that goes out of control and becomes dangerous, often destroying the person who created it
失控的受造物(常毁灭创造者) - The organization has now become a Frankenstein monster beyond the control of the people who created it.
该组织现在已经成为一个弗兰肯斯坦怪物,超出了创建它的人的控制。 - If you were going to do a Frankenstein and put a swimmer together from scratch, you would build Michael Phelps.
如果你要做一个科学怪人,把一个游泳运动员从头组装起来,你会造出迈克尔·菲尔普斯。 - Can genetic engineering shake off its Frankenstein image?
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词源From the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley in which a scientist called Frankenstein makes a creature from pieces of dead bodies and brings it to life. - The organization has now become a Frankenstein monster beyond the control of the people who created it.