Frederick Delius
/ˌfredrɪk ˈdiːliəs/
/ˌfredrɪk ˈdiːliəs/
- (1862-1934) an English composer who wrote operas, works for the orchestra, and songs. His parents were originally from Germany, and Delius himself spent much of his adult life in France, but his work often celebrated his love of the English countryside. Two of his best-known works are the opera A Village Romeo and Juliet (1907) and the short piece for orchestra On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring (1912).
弗雷德里克·德利乌斯(Frederick Delius):(1862-1934)是一位英国作曲家,他写歌剧,为管弦乐队工作和唱歌。他的父母最初来自德国,而德利乌斯本人成年后大部分时间都在法国度过,但他的作品常常庆祝他对英国乡村的热爱。他的两部最著名的作品是歌剧《乡村罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1907年)和管弦乐队《听见春天的第一只杜鹃》的短片(1912年)。