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词汇 George Frederick Handel

George Frederick Handel

/ˌdʒɔːdʒ ˌfredrɪk ˈhændl/
/ˌdʒɔːrdʒ ˌfredrɪk ˈhændl/
  1. (1685-1759) a German composer who came to live in London in 1712 and stayed until his death, becoming a British citizen in 1726. Handel's music has always been especially popular with British people. He wrote 40 operas but his best-known works are his 20 oratorios, musical dramas based on stories from the Bible, especially the Messiah, about the coming of Jesus Christ. He also wrote music for ceremonies at the court of King George I, including Water Music (1717) and Music for the Royal Fireworks (1749). Handel stopped writing music in 1751 because he was going blind. He is buried in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey.乔治·弗雷德里克·汉德尔(George Frederick Handel)(1685-1759)是一位德国作曲家,他于1712年住在伦敦,一直住到他去世,并于1726年成为英国公民。汉德尔的音乐一直特别受英国人欢迎。他撰写了40部歌剧,但他最著名的作品是他的20部歌剧,这些音乐剧基于圣经中关于耶稣基督的到来的故事,尤其是弥赛亚的故事。他还为乔治一世国王的仪式写音乐,包括水上音乐(1717)和皇家烟花音乐(1749)。汉德尔于1751年停止写作音乐,因为他失明了。他被埋葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂的诗人角落。




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