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a slippery slope as long as as-long-as as long as arm as long as your arm
as luck would have it as mad as a a March hare (as) mad as a hatter (as) mad as a hatter/a March hare (as) mad as a hatter/a March hare
(as) mad as a hatter/a March hare as mad as a hatter March hare (as) mad as a March hare as-man as many as
as many as… as-matter-fact as-matter-of-fact as miserable as sin (as) miserable as sin
(as) miserable/ugly as sin a smoke-filled room as much as much as can do as much as possible
as much as sb can do as much as somebody can do a snake a snake (in the grass) a snake in the grass
a snap as nas as near as as near as dammit as near as damn dammit
as near as damn it as near as damn it/dammit as nice as pie as-of a soft/an easy touch
as often as not a soft touch as old as the hills a/somebody’s second childhood a/some piece of work
a/some sort of something a/some sort of sth as one as one man a song and dance
a song and dance a song and dance about a song and dance about a song and dance (about something) a song and dance about something
a song and dance about sth a song and dance (about sth) as opposed to a sore point asp
a spanner in the works asparaginous asparagus asparaguses asparaguss
aspartame aspartames aspect aspectable aspected
aspectful aspecting aspect ratio aspect ratios aspect ratio's
aspects aspect's aspectual aspen aspen_1
aspen_2 aspens aspen's a spent force as people go
as people, things, etc. go as per as per asperger-s-syndrome Asperger’s syndrome
aspergilloses aspergillosis asperities asperity as per normal
as per normal/usual aspersions as per something as per sth as per usual
aspest asphalt asphalte asphalted asphalter
asphaltic asphalting asphaltlike asphalts asphaltum
asphaltums aspherically asphyctic asphyxia asphyxial
asphyxiant asphyxias asphyxiate asphyxiated asphyxiates
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