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词汇 ghost


    [countable] the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear鬼;鬼魂;幽灵
    • Do you believe in ghosts (= believe that they exist)?你相信有鬼吗?
    • ghost of somebody The ghost of her father had come back to haunt her.她父亲的鬼魂回来缠着她。
    • He looked as if he had seen a ghost (= looked very frightened)他那副样子就像是见到鬼一样。
    • The ghost hunters have so far found nothing.幽灵猎人至今一无所获。
    • A priest was called in to exorcize the ghost.请来了一个牧师驱鬼。
    • He looked as pale as a ghost as he climbed out of the wrecked car.从撞坏的车中爬出来时,他面无人色。
    • The ghost of a hanged man is said to haunt the house.据说一个吊死者的鬼魂常在这所房子里出没。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + ghost
    • see
    • believe in
    • conjure
    ghost + verb
    • appear
    • haunt something
    • walk
    ghost + noun
    • story
    • ghost of
    • as pale as a ghost
    • as white as a ghost
  2. [countable] the memory of something, especially something bad(尤指可怕事物的)记忆,回忆
    • The ghost of anti-Semitism still haunts Europe.反犹主义在欧洲仍然阴魂不散。
  3. [singular] ghost of something a very slight amount of something that is left behind or that you are not sure really exists隐约的一点点;(某物残留的)一丝,一点
    • There was a ghost of a smile on his face.他脸上露出隐隐的一丝微笑。
    • You don't have a ghost of a chance (= you have no chance).你一点儿机会都没有。
  4. [singular] a second image on a television screen that is not as clear as the first, caused by a fault(电视屏幕上的)重影
  5. 词源Old English gāst (in the sense ‘spirit, soul’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch geest and German Geist. The gh- spelling occurs first in Caxton, probably influenced by Flemish gheest.
be a shadow/ghost of your former self
  1. to not have the strength, influence, etc. that you used to have失去昔日的力量(或影响等);威风不再;不如当年
    • When his career ended, he became a shadow of his former self.当他的职业生涯结束时,他变成了以前的自己的影子。
give up the ghost
  1. to die
  2. (humorous) (of a machine机器) to stop working报废;不能运转;完蛋
    • My car finally gave up the ghost.我的汽车终于报废了。


present simple I / you / we / they ghost
he / she / it ghosts
past simple ghosted
past participle ghosted
-ing form ghosting
  1. (also ghostwrite)
    [transitive, usually passive, intransitive] to write a book, an article, etc. for another person who publishes it as their own work
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (literary) to move without making a sound悄悄地行进
    • They ghosted up the smooth waters of the river.他们悄悄地航行在平静的河水上。
  3. [transitive] ghost somebody to suddenly stop all communication with somebody, usually online, in order to end a relationship
    • I'd never before heard of a husband ghosting his wife.我以前从未听说过丈夫会假扮妻子。
    • When you're ghosted, it's difficult, because you may hang on to false hope.当你被鬼缠身时,这很困难,因为你可能会抱着错误的希望。
  4. 词源Old English gāst (in the sense ‘spirit, soul’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch geest and German Geist. The gh- spelling occurs first in Caxton, probably influenced by Flemish gheest.




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