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词汇 heel



    part of foot脚的部位

  1. enlarge image
    [countable] the back part of the foot below the ankle脚跟;脚后跟
    • Apply the cream to dry, cracked heels before bed.睡觉前把面霜涂在干裂的脚后跟上。
    • on your heels She took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.她从火堆里掏出一个马铃薯,蹲下身来。
    see also back-heel
    • The punch rocked him back on his heels.那一拳打得他向后趔趄了几步。
    • Despite severe pain from a badly bruised heel, he ran the race of his life.尽管脚后跟严重擦伤,疼痛难忍,他还是参加了人生的赛跑。
    Topics Bodyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + heel
    • lean back on
    • sit back on
    • squat on
    heel + verb
    • click
    heel + noun
    • injury
    • at your heels
    • under the heel
    • close on somebody’s heels
    • hard on somebody’s heels
    • hot on somebody’s heels
  2. part of sock/shoe袜子/鞋的部分

  3. [countable] the part of a sock, etc. that covers the heel(袜子等的)后跟
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • low
    • high
    • spike
    verb + heel
    • catch
    heel + noun
    • bar
  4. enlarge image
    [countable] the raised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc. higher at the back(鞋、靴子等的)后跟
    • shoes with a low/high heel 低跟鞋;高跟鞋
    • a stiletto heel细高跟
    • He crushed the cigarette under the heel of his shoe.他把香烟压在鞋跟下。
    • The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out.中士将鞋跟咔哒一并,走了出去。
    see also Cuban heel, spike heel
    Homophones heal | heel | he'llheal   heel   he'll
    • heal verb
      • Salt can heal wounds.盐可以愈合伤口。
    • heel noun
      • Her heel caught in the stairs and she tumbled down.她的脚后跟被楼梯绊了一下,摔倒了。
    • he'll short form he will
      • He'll arrive in a minute!他马上就要到了!
    compare sole
    • She caught her heel and tripped on the step.她脚跟绊了一下,在台阶上打了个趔趄。
    • I took my shoes to a heel bar to have them repaired.我把鞋送到修鞋店去修。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • low
    • high
    • spike
    verb + heel
    • catch
    heel + noun
    • bar
  5. -heeled后跟…的

  6. (in adjectives构成形容词) having the type of heel mentioned有…后跟的
    • high-heeled shoes高跟鞋
    see also well heeled
  7. shoes

  8. heels
    [plural] a pair of women’s shoes that have high heels女高跟鞋
    • She doesn't often wear heels.她不常穿高跟鞋。
    see also kitten heels
  9. part of hand手的部位

  10. [countable] heel of your hand/palm the raised part of the inside of the hand where it joins the wrist手掌根(手掌靠近腕部的隆起部分)
  11. unpleasant man可恶的人

  12. [countable] (old-fashioned, informal) a man who is unpleasant to other people and cannot be trusted卑鄙的家伙;浑蛋
  13. see also Achilles heel, down at heel
    词源noun Old English hēla, hǣla, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hiel.
at/on somebody’s heels
  1. following closely behind somebody紧跟某人
    • He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。
    • She came up the path with two little dogs at her heels.她沿着小路走来,两只小狗紧随其后。
bring somebody/something to heel
  1. to force somebody to obey you and accept discipline使某人就范;迫使某人服从(纪律)
    • a non-violent means of bringing the rebels to heel迫使反叛者就范的非暴力手段
  2. to make a dog come close to you让狗靠近;唤狗来到身边
come to heel
  1. (of a person) to agree to obey somebody and accept their orders愿意听从(某人);顺从Topics Discussion and agreementc2
  2. (of a dog) to come close to the person who has called it走近唤狗人
cool your heels
  1. (informal) to have to wait for somebody/something不得不等待;久等
dig your heels/toes in
  1. to refuse to do something or to change your mind about something拒不让步;固执己见
    • They dug in their heels and would not lower the price.他们说什么也不肯降价。
drag your feet/heels
  1. to be deliberately slow in doing something or in making a decision故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定) related noun foot-draggingTopics Preferences and decisionsc2
hard/hot on somebody’s/something’s heels
  1. very close behind somebody/something; very soon after something紧跟;紧接在后
    • He turned and fled with Peter hot on his heels.他转身逃跑,彼得穷追不舍。
    • They reached the border with the police hot on their heels.他们到了边境,警察紧追其后。
    • Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selling novel.她的第一部畅销小说之后是接二连三的成功。
    • News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falling export figures.出口数字下降之后紧接着就是失业率上升的消息。
head over heels in love
  1. loving somebody very much深深爱着某人;迷恋
    • He's fallen head over heels in love with his boss.他深深迷恋上了他的上司。
    Topics Feelingsc2
kick your heels
  1. (British English) to have nothing to do while you are waiting for somebody/something无聊地等待
    • We were kicking our heels, waiting for some customers.我们百无聊赖地等待顾客光临。
kick up your heels
  1. (especially North American English, informal) to be relaxed and enjoy yourself轻轻松松;尽情享乐
take to your heels
  1. to run away from somebody/something逃走;溜掉
tread on somebody’s heels
  1. to follow somebody closely紧随某人之后;步人后尘
turn/spin on your heel
  1. to turn around suddenly so that you are facing in the opposite direction急向后转;突然转身
    • He turned on his heel and marched away angrily.他猛地转过身,愤怒地大步离开了。
under the heel of somebody
  1. (literary) completely controlled by somebody完全受某人控制
    • The island spent several centuries under the heel of the British Empire.该岛在大英帝国统治下度过了几个世纪。


present simple I / you / we / they heel
he / she / it heels
past simple heeled
past participle heeled
-ing form heeling

    repair shoe修鞋

  1. [transitive] heel something to repair the heel of a shoe, etc.给(鞋等)修理后跟
  2. of boat

  3. [intransitive] heel (over) to lean over to one side倾侧;倾斜
    • The boat heeled over in the strong wind.船在狂风中倾侧了。
  4. 词源verb sense 1 Old English hēla, hǣla, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hiel. verb sense 2 late 16th cent.: from obsolete heeld, hield ‘incline’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hellen.




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