John Singer Sargent
/ˌdʒɒn ˌsɪŋə ˈsɑːdʒənt/
/ˌdʒɑːn ˌsɪŋər ˈsɑːrdʒənt/
- (1856-1925) a US artist known for painting rich and famous people. They included President Theodore Roosevelt and the author Robert Louis Stevenson. Sargent was born in Florence, Italy, of US parents. He studied and painted in Paris (1874-84) but his career in France was damaged when his painting Madame X (1884) was considered too sexual. He then settled in London, though he remained a US citizen.
约翰·辛格·萨金特(John Singer Sargent):(1856-1925)是一位以绘画富人和名人而闻名的美国艺术家。他们包括西奥多·罗斯福总统和作家罗伯·路易斯·史蒂文森。萨金特出生于美国父母的意大利佛罗伦萨。他在巴黎学习并绘画(1874-84年),但是当他的画作《 X夫人》(1884年)被认为过于性爱时,他在法国的职业受到了损害。尽管他仍然是美国公民,但他随后定居伦敦。