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词汇 limit


    the greatest or smallest amount of something that is allowed极限;限量;限额 synonym restriction
    • They imposed a strict spending limit.他们实施了严格的开支限制。
    • His speed was double the legal limit.他的速度是法定极限的两倍。
    • Do not exceed the recommended limit of 6g of salt per day.不要超过每天6克盐的推荐限量。
    • limit on something The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限定。
    • within limits to keep government spending within acceptable limits将政府开支保持在可接受的限度内
    • over the limit You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving).你饮酒过量,不能驾车。
    see also age limit, speed limit, time limit
    Synonyms limitlimit
    • restriction
    • control
    • constraint
    • restraint
    • limitation
    These are all words for something that limits what you can do or what can happen.
    • limit the greatest or smallest amount of something that is allowed:
      • The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels.欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限定。
      • the speed limit速度限制
    • restriction (rather formal) a rule or law that limits what you can do:指限制规定、限制法规:
      • There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw.取款没有限额。
    • control (often in compounds) the act of limiting or managing something; a method of doing this:
      • arms control军备控制
    • constraint (rather formal) a fact or decision that limits what you can do:指限制、限定、约束:
      • We have to work within severe constraints of time and money.我们必须在时间紧迫、资金紧张的限制下工作。
    • restraint (rather formal) a decision, a rule, an idea, etc. that limits what you can do; the act of limiting something because it is necessary or sensible to do so:指约束力、管制措施、制约因素、控制、限制:
      • The government has imposed export restraints on some products.政府对一些产品实行了出口控制。
      • The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.工会不大可能接受任何形式的工资限制。
    • limitation the act or process of limiting something; a rule, fact or condition that limits something:
      • They would resist any limitation of their powers.他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。
    restriction, constraint, restraint or limitation?用 restriction、constraint、restraint 还是 limitation?These are all things that limit what you can do. A restriction is rule or law that is made by somebody in authority. A constraint is something that exists rather than something that is made, although it may exist as a result of somebody’s decision. A restraint is also something that exists: it can exist outside yourself, as the result of somebody else’s decision; but it can also exist inside you, as a fear of what other people may think or as your own feeling about what is acceptable: moral/​social/​cultural restraints. A limitation is more general and can be a rule that somebody makes or a fact or condition that exists.Patterns
    • limits/​restrictions/​controls/​constraints/​restraints/​limitations on something
    • limits/​limitations to something
    • severe limits/​restrictions/​controls/​constraints/​restraints/​limitations
    • tight limits/​restrictions/​controls/​constraints
    • to impose/​remove limits/​restrictions/​controls/​constraints/​restraints/​limitations
    • to lift restrictions/​controls/​constraints/​restraints
    • Banks may import currency without limit.银行可以无限制地进口货币。
    • They called for a limit on the use of pesticides.他们呼吁限制杀虫剂的使用。
    • Air pollution is in danger of breaching the limits set by the European Union.空气污染有可能超过欧盟设定的限制。
    • If the £145 limit is breached customs can insist on the payment of import duty and VAT.如果145限额被突破,海关可以坚持支付进口税和增值税。
    • The package exceeded the weight limit for a normal first class stamp.包裹超过了普通一级邮票的重量限制。
    • There is an upper limit on spending.支出是有上限的。
    • The law placed a limit of 100 years on copyright.法律对版权规定了100年的期限。
    • Central government has set a limit on spending by local councils.中央政府已经给地方议会的开支设定一个限度。
    • Four cups of coffee is my daily limit.4 杯咖啡是我一天的限量。
    • Heat levels rose beyond the recommended limits.热度超过了建议的限度。
    • I can offer you $50 but that's my absolute limit.我可以给你出 50 美元,但这是我能出的最高数额了。
    • I don't want to go over my overdraft limit.我不想超出我的透支限额。
    • Most credit card issuers have set limits on how low rates can go.多数信用卡发行机构都设有费用低限。
    • The application must be made within a strict time limit.必须在限期内提出申请,过时不候。
    • The engine was still reading well above normal limits.发动机的读数仍远高于正常数值。
    • The level of radioactivity in the soil was found to be above recommended limits.土壤的辐射水平被发现超过了规定的限度。
    • The price fell below the lower limit.价格已低于下限。
    • The same emission limits apply to all engines.相同的排放限制适用于所有发动机。
    • There's a limit on the number of tickets you can buy.购票数量是有限制的。
    • There's a weight limit on the bridge.这座桥有载重限制。
    • This led them to reduce the upper age limit from age 65 to age 59.这种情况使得他们把年龄上限从 65 岁降到了 59 岁。
    • We are forced to operate within relatively narrow limits.我们被迫在相对狭小的范围内进行操作。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • outer
    • northern
    • southern
    verb + limit
    • have
    • approach
    • near
    • above a/​the limit
    • at a/​the limit
    • below a/​the limit
    a point at which something stops being possible or existing限度;限制
    • She knew the limits of her power.她知道自己的权限。
    • to set/define the limits of something设定/定义某事物的界限
    • to push/test the limits of something挑战/测试某事物的极限
    • It's a movie that stretches the limits of believability.这是一部拓展了可信度极限的电影。
    • His arrogance knew (= had) no limits.他极其傲慢。
    • limit to something There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.我们能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。
    • to the limit The team performed to the limit of its capabilities.这个队已竭尽全力。
    • to push/test somebody/something to the limit将某人/某物推到极限
    • I knew I had reached my limit and couldn't do any more.我知道我已经到了极限,不能再做了。
    • within the limits of something They've done their best within the limits of their capability.他们已经尽了最大努力。
    • beyond the limits of something I saw things beyond the limits of my ability to describe.我看到的东西超出了我的描述能力。
    • I was almost at the limits of my patience.我的耐心几乎到了极限。
    • His family business had reached the limits of possible expansion.他的家族企业已经达到了可能扩张的极限。
    • Every society defines the limits of acceptable behaviour.每个社会都定义了可接受行为的界限。
    • He set very definite limits on what he would reveal about his private life.他对自己私生活的披露设定了非常明确的限制。
    • Such restrictions would place severe limits on the music's wider cultural relevance.这种限制将严重限制音乐更广泛的文化相关性。
    • He pushed the limits of what the budget would bear.他推动了预算所能承受的极限。
    • She is testing the limits of architecture as we know it.她在测试我们所知的建筑的极限。
    • Daring art sometimes tests the limits of the legally permissible.大胆的艺术有时会考验法律允许的极限。
    • We choose to accept challenges, to take risks, and to stretch limits.我们选择接受挑战,承担风险,拓展极限。
    • She pushed me to the limit of my abilities.她把我推到了能力的极限。
    • She wants Zack to be free to explore his limits, experiment and try new things.她想让扎克自由地探索自己的极限,试验并尝试各种新事物。
    • The industry was approaching the limits of expansion.该行业正在接近扩张的极限。
    • The new law has its limits.新法律有其局限性。
    • Their designers have pushed the limits of technology in order to create something new.为了创新,他们的设计师已经把技术发挥到了极限。
    • There's a practical limit to how small a computer can be.电脑的体积是有实际限制的。
    • They did well within the limits of their knowledge.鉴于知识所限,他们已经做得很好了。
    • They recognize the limits of conventional strategies.他们认识到传统策略的局限性。
    • Our finances have been stretched to the limit.我们的财力已经消耗殆尽。
    • The managers' skills and expertise were being tested to the limits.经理们的技能和专业知识正受到最大限度的考验。
    • There is no limit to what we can achieve.我们可实现的目标是没有极限的。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • outer
    • northern
    • southern
    verb + limit
    • have
    • approach
    • near
    • above a/​the limit
    • at a/​the limit
    • below a/​the limit
  3. [plural] the furthest edge of an area or a place(地区或地方的)境界,界限,范围
    • We were reaching the limits of civilization.我们快到蛮荒地界了。
    • the city limits (= the imaginary line which officially divides the city from the area outside)城市境界
    • islands on the outer limit of the continent在大陆外围界限上的岛屿
    see also off-limits
    • Fishing beyond the twelve-mile limit is not permitted.到 12 英里界限以外捕鱼是不允许的。
    • There was no school within a limit of ten miles.10 英里内没有一所学校。
    • Let us wonder what stops at the limits of the universe.让我们想一想宇宙的极限是什么。
    • The trees are found only below a limit of 1 500 feet.这些树只有在 1,500 英尺以下的地带才能找到。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • outer
    • northern
    • southern
    verb + limit
    • have
    • approach
    • near
    • above a/​the limit
    • at a/​the limit
    • below a/​the limit
  4. 词源late Middle English: from Latin limes, limit- ‘boundary, frontier’. The verb is from Latin limitare, from limes.
be the limit
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) to be extremely annoying极其令人讨厌Topics Personal qualitiesc2
push the boundaries/limits
  1. to attempt to go beyond what is allowed or thought to be possible限制:试图超越允许或认为可能的范围
    • We aim to push the boundaries of what we can achieve.我们的目标是超越我们所能达到的极限。
    • She pushes her physical limits through various endurance challenges.她通过各种耐力挑战来突破自己的身体极限。
the sky’s the limit
  1. (informal) there is no limit to what somebody can achieve, earn, do, etc.无穷尽;什么都可能;不可限量
    • With a talent like his, the sky's the limit.以他的禀赋,前途不可限量。
    Topics Successc2
within limits
  1. to some extent在某种程度上;有一定限制
    • I'm willing to help, within limits.我愿意帮忙,可有一定的限度。
    • The children can do what they like, within limits.孩子们可以在规定范围内做自己喜欢的事。
without limit/limits
  1. without a point at which something has to stop限量;减量
    • The debt is rising without limit.债务无限制上升。
    • She's a free spirit and lives her life without limits.她是一个自由的灵魂,过着没有限制的生活。


present simple I / you / we / they limit
he / she / it limits
past simple limited
past participle limited
-ing form limiting
Phrasal Verbs
    limit something to stop something from increasing beyond a particular amount or level限制;限定 synonym restrict
    • measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions限制二氧化碳排放的措施
    • The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.你要消费的金额会限制你的选择。
    • Try to limit the number of trips you make.尽量限制你的旅行次数。
    • to limit somebody's ability/freedom/power to do something限制某人做某事的能力/自由/权力
    • The guidelines include limiting the number of birds that can be kept in one cage.指导方针包括限制一个笼子里可以饲养的鸟类数量。
    • It's really important to limit the amount of fat in your diet.限制饮食中的脂肪量真的很重要。
    • The room is small, which limits the size of table we can consider.房间很小,这限制了我们可以考虑的桌子的尺寸。
    • He believes in limiting the power of government.他主张限制政府的权力。
    • There are laws which limit our freedom to act.有些法律限制了我们的行动自由。
    • In an effort to limit the damage to his career, he gave an interview.为了限制对他职业生涯的损害,他接受了采访。
    • I don't know much about the subject, which limits my ability to comment.对题目了解不多,限制了我的评论能力。
    • We try to limit the children's use of social media.我们试图限制儿童使用社交媒体。
    • The change in the law was designed to limit the scope for corruption.修改法律条文是为了遏制腐败。
    • Rigid job descriptions can serve to limit productivity.严格的工作职责划分会限制生产率。
    • They are working to limit oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.他们正在努力限制在北极国家野生动物保护区内的石油开采。
    • Campaign spending was limited to a maximum of $500 000.竞选开支被限制在最高50万美元。
    • Workshops are limited to a maximum of 25 participants.研讨会最多限25人参加。
    • The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.可能性只受限于你的想象。
    • What are the factors limiting economic growth?制约经济增长的因素有哪些?
    • Such agreements seek to limit the liability of air carriers.此类协议旨在限制航空公司的责任。
    • There are no regulations which limit the hours which ships' crews work.没有规定限制船员的工作时间。
    • There is no evidence that the restrictions have limited the effectiveness of the advertising.没有证据表明这些规定制约了广告的效果。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • drastically
    • greatly
    • seriously
    verb + limit
    • attempt to
    • seek to
    • take steps to
    • to
    to stop yourself or somebody from having, using or doing more than a particular amount or number of something限制;限定
    • limit somebody/yourself You can use any material available—why limit yourself?你可以使用任何可用的材料——为什么要限制自己?
    • limit somebody/yourself to something I've limited myself to 1 000 calories a day to try and lose weight.我为了减肥,限定自己每天摄入 1 000 大卡的热量。
    • Families are limited to four free tickets each.每户限发四张免费票。
    • I limited myself to two small pieces of toast.我只吃了两片吐司。
    • For this design, he limited himself to basic geometric shapes.对于这个设计,他把自己限制在基本的几何形状上。
    • Few painters choose to limit themselves to only one type of subject.很少有画家选择将自己局限于一种类型的主题。
    • In this report, we limit ourselves to an examination of current legislation.在本报告中,我们仅限于审查现行立法。
    • There are many films I could mention but I will limit myself to just five.我可以提及很多电影,但我将仅限于五部。
    • I try not to limit myself in what I think I can achieve.我尽量不把自己限制在自己认为能达到的目标上。
    • The writer does not limit herself to one time or place.作者不局限于一个时间或地点。
    • We will have to limit you to two helpings each.我们将不得不限制你每人两份。
    • During the last fuel crisis we had to limit people to £5 worth of fuel.在上一次燃料危机期间,我们不得不限制人们只能使用价值5英镑的燃料。
    • Some shops were limiting customers to two loaves of bread each.一些商店限制顾客每人只能吃两条面包。
    • Claimants are now limited to one emergency claim per year.索赔人现在每年只能提出一项紧急索赔。
    • The time restriction does limit us in terms of how many we can sell.时间限制确实限制了我们的销售数量。
    • The system limits us to 8-character passwords.系统限制我们使用8个字符的密码。
    • With the premium account you are limited to four users.使用高级帐户,您只能有四个用户。
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Latin limes, limit- ‘boundary, frontier’. The verb is from Latin limitare, from limes.




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