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词汇 nail


  1. enlarge image
    the thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes指甲;趾甲
    • Stop biting your nails!别咬指甲!
    • nail clippers指甲钳
    see also fingernail, toenail
    • He screamed as she dug her nails into his shoulders.她的指甲抠进他的肩膀时,他大叫起来。
    • I bite my nails when I'm nervous.我紧张时会咬指甲。
    • I was trying to grow my nails.我那会儿正要把指甲留长。
    • I wore acrylic nails for two months.我接水晶指甲有两个月时间。
    • She painted her nails bright red.她把指甲涂成鲜红色。
    • There was dirt under his nails.他的指甲缝里有污垢。
    Topics Bodyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • sharp
    verb + nail
    • bite
    • chew
    • do
    nail + verb
    • grow
    • break
    • split
    nail + noun
    • care
    • brush
    • clippers
    • under your nail
  2. enlarge image
    a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for joining pieces of wood together or hanging things on a wall钉;钉子
    • She hammered the nail in.她把钉子敲了进去。
    • He knocked the nail into the wall.他把钉子敲进墙里。
    Collocations Decorating and home improvementDecorating and home improvement装饰和改善房屋Houses房屋
    • refurbish/​renovate/ (British English) do up a building/​a house整修/翻新/修缮楼房/房屋
    • convert a building/​house/​room into homes/​offices/(especially North American English) apartments/(British English) flats把楼房/房子/房间/改建成住房/办公室/公寓
    • extend/​enlarge a house/​building/​room/​kitchen扩建/扩大房屋/楼房/房间/厨房
    • build (British English) an extension (to the back/​rear of a house)/(North American English) an addition (on/​to something)/(British English) a conservatory(在房子后面)扩建;(在某处)增建;建造暖房
    • knock down/​demolish a house/​home/​building/​wall推倒/拆除房子/住房/楼房/墙壁
    • knock out/​through the wall separating two rooms将两个房间的隔墙打通
    • furnish/​paint/ (especially British English) decorate a home/​a house/​an apartment/​a flat/​a room布置/油漆/装饰住房/房子/公寓/房间
    • be decorated in bright colours/​in a traditional style/​with flowers/​with paintings
    • paint/​plaster the walls/​ceiling给墙壁/天花板上刷油漆/抹灰
    • hang/​put up/​strip off/​remove the wallpaper贴/去除墙纸
    • install/​replace/​remove the bathroom fixtures/(British English) fittings安装/更换/拆除浴室的固定装置/附加设备
    • build/​put up shelves搭架子
    • lay wooden flooring/​timber decking/​floor tiles/​a carpet/​a patio铺设木地板/平台木板/地砖/地毯/露台
    • put up/​hang/​take down a picture/​painting/​poster/​curtain挂上/取下图画/绘画/海报/帘子
    DIY/​home improvement自己动手;房屋改造
    • do (British English) DIY/​carpentry/​the plumbing/​the wiring自己动手做;做木匠活;铺设管道;铺设线路
    • make home improvements改造房屋
    • add/​install central heating/​underfloor heating/​insulation添加/安装中央供暖系统/地暖系统/隔热材料
    • fit/​install double-glazing/​a smoke alarm安装双层玻璃/烟雾报警器
    • insulate your house/​your home/​the walls/​the pipes/​the tanks/(especially British English) the loft在房子/住房/墙壁/管道/热水箱/阁楼里加隔热装置
    • fix/​repair a roof/​a leak/​a pipe/​the plumbing/​a leaking (especially British English) tap/(North American English usually) faucet维修房顶/裂缝/管子/管道系统/漏水的水龙头
    • block/​clog (up)/unblock/​unclog a pipe/​sink堵住/疏通管道/洗涤池
    • make/​drill/​fill a hole开/钻/填一个洞
    • hammer (in)/pull out/​remove a nail锤进/拔出钉子
    • tighten/​untighten/​loosen/​remove a screw拧紧/拧松/拧开螺丝钉
    • saw/​cut/​treat/​stain/​varnish/​paint wood锯/切割/加工木料;给木料上色/上清漆/上油漆
    compare screw, tack
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • small
    • six-inch
    verb + nail
    • drive
    • hammer
    • knock
    nail + verb
    • stick out
    • stick up
    nail + noun
    • head
    • hole
    • bomb
  3. 词源Old English nægel (noun), næglan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nagel and German Nagel, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin unguis and Greek onux.
fight tooth and nail
  1. to fight in a very determined way for what you want坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争
    • The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.居民为制止新的建房开发计划正在全力以赴进行斗争。
    • She fought tooth and nail to keep custody of the children.她竭尽全力保住孩子的监护权。
(as) hard as nails
  1. showing no fear, sympathy or kind behaviour冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色
hit the nail on the head
  1. to say something that is exactly right说到点子上;正中要害
a nail in somebody’s/something’s coffin
  1. something that makes the end or failure of an organization, somebody’s plans, etc. more likely to happen导致失败的事物;导致某事终结之物
    • This latest defeat is another nail in the government's coffin.最近的这次失败是政府又一次失败。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
on the nail
  1. (British English, informal) (of payment付款) without delay立刻;马上;毫不拖延
    • They're good customers who always pay on the nail.他们是好主顾,付账从不耽搁。
(as) tough as old boots | (as) tough as nails (informal)
  1. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations很强壮;坚韧不拔;雷打不动
    • She's almost 90 but she's still as tough as nails.没有哪个学生真正喜欢这个新来的老师,说真的,大家都挺害怕他的。
    More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms
    • (as) bald as a coot
    • (as) blind as a bat
    • (as) bright as a button
    • (as) bold as brass
    • as busy as a bee
    • as clean as a whistle
    • (as) dead as a/​the dodo
    • (as) deaf as a post
    • (as) dull as ditchwater
    • (as) fit as a fiddle
    • as flat as a pancake
    • (as) good as gold
    • (as) mad as a hatter/​a March hare
    • (as) miserable/​ugly as sin
    • as old as the hills
    • (as) pleased/​proud as Punch
    • as pretty as a picture
    • (as) regular as clockwork
    • (as) quick as a flash
    • (as) safe as houses
    • (as) sound as a bell
    • (as) steady as a rock
    • (as) thick as two short planks
    • (as) tough as old boots


present simple I / you / we / they nail
he / she / it nails
past simple nailed
past participle nailed
-ing form nailing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. nail something (+ adv./prep./adj.) to fasten something to something with a nail or nails(用钉子)钉牢,固定
    • I nailed the sign to a tree.我将标示牌钉到了一棵树上。
    • Wooden boards had been nailed across the windows.木板被钉在窗户上。
    • The shutters had been nailed shut.百叶窗已经钉上了。
    • There’s no need to nail the wood down.没有必要把木头钉牢。
  2. nail somebody (informal) to catch somebody and prove they are guilty of a crime or of doing something bad抓获并证明有罪;抓住
    • The police haven't been able to nail the killer.警方还没有抓到杀人凶手。
  3. nail a lie, myth, etc. (informal) to prove that something is not true证明…不属实;揭露;揭发
    • We must nail this lie.我们一定要戳穿这个谎言。
    • I'd like to nail the myth that the flu jab itself can give you flu.我想澄清流感疫苗本身会导致流感的流言。
  4. nail something (informal) to achieve something or do something right, especially in sport(尤指体育运动中)获得,赢得,击中
    • He nailed a victory in the semi-finals.他在半决赛中获胜。
    • She nailed it on her second jump.她在第二跳中表现出色,赢了比赛。
    Topics Successc2
  5. 词源Old English nægel (noun), næglan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nagel and German Nagel, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin unguis and Greek onux.
nail your colours to the mast
  1. (especially British English) to say publicly and clearly what you believe or who you support公开宣称;公开表态




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