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词汇 persuade


present simple I / you / we / they persuade
he / she / it persuades
past simple persuaded
past participle persuaded
-ing form persuading
    to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it劝说;说服
    • persuade somebody to do something Try to persuade him to come.尽量劝他来。
    • persuade somebody Please try and persuade her.请尽力说服她。
    • She's always easily persuaded.她向来禁不住劝。
    • I'm sure he'll come with a bit of persuading.我相信,劝一劝他就会来的。
    • persuade somebody into something I didn't want to go, but my friends persuaded me into it.我不想去,但我的朋友们说服了我。
    • persuade somebody into doing something I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition.我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。
    • persuade somebody out of something There was no way to persuade him out of it (= persuade him not to do it)没有办法说服他放弃。
    • persuade somebody out of doing something My sister persuaded me out of dying my hair.我姐姐劝我不要染发。
    • Dictators can sometimes be gently persuaded to leave power with special deals that guarantee their safety.在达成确保安全的特别协议的情况下,独裁者有时可以被温和地说服交出权力。
    • He eventually managed to persuade one of the staff to let him in.他最终成功地说服了一名工作人员让他进去。
    • He somehow persuaded the studio to let him make the film.他不知用什么方法说服了电影公司让他来拍摄这部影片。
    • I was reluctantly persuaded to join the committee.我勉强被说服加入了委员会。
    • She was easily persuaded to accompany us.她很容易就被说服陪我们一起去。
    • The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.教育部长亲自劝首相再考虑一下。
    • They had difficulty in persuading the two sides to sit down together.他们在说服双方坐下和谈时遇到了困难。
    • Can you persuade him to come?你能劝他来吗?
    • an unsuccessful attempt to persuade her colleagues劝说她的同事未果
    • She was persuaded into marriage against her will.她被说服违背自己的意愿结婚了。
    • She was persuaded into buying an expensive dress.她在劝说之下买了一条昂贵的连衣裙。
    • Why not invite Larry, if he can be persuaded out of hibernation?如果可以说服拉里出来活动活动,为什么不邀请他?
    Topics Discussion and agreementb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • successfully
    • almost
    • eventually
    verb + persuade
    • attempt to
    • seek to
    • try to
    • into
    • of
    • out of
    • an attempt to persuade somebody
    • an effort to persuade somebody
    • be fully persuaded
    to make somebody believe that something is true使信服;使相信 synonym convince
    • persuade somebody/yourself that… It will be difficult to persuade them that there's no other choice.很难让他们相信别无选择。
    • She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living.她自认为人生没有价值。
    • persuade somebody No one was persuaded by his arguments.没人相信他的论点。
    • persuade somebody of something (formal) I am still not fully persuaded of the plan's merits.我还不能完全信服这个计划的优点。
    Which Word? persuade / convincepersuade / convince
    • The main meaning of persuade is to make someone agree to do something by giving them good reasons for doing it:persuade 的主要意思为说服、劝说:
      • I tried to persuade her to see a doctor.我极力劝她去看医生。
      The main meaning of convince is to make someone believe that something is true:convince 的主要意思为使确信、信服:
      • He convinced me he was right.他使我相信他是正确的。
    • It is quite common, however, for each of these words to be used with both meanings, especially for convince to be used as a synonym for persuade:不过,上述两词两种含义都用的情况相当普遍,尤其是 convince 常作同义词替代 persuade:
      • I persuaded/​convinced her to see a doctor.我劝她去看医生。
      Some speakers of British English think that this is not correct.
    • It has been difficult to persuade people that we have no political objectives.很难让人相信我们没有政治目的。
    • I am not fully persuaded by these arguments.这些论点没有充分说服我。
    • We must persuade the government of the need for change.我们必须使政府相信需要变革。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • successfully
    • almost
    • eventually
    verb + persuade
    • attempt to
    • seek to
    • try to
    • into
    • of
    • out of
    • an attempt to persuade somebody
    • an effort to persuade somebody
    • be fully persuaded
  3. 词源late 15th cent.: from Latin persuadere, from per- ‘through, to completion’ + suadere ‘advise’.




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