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词汇 predict


present simple I / you / we / they predict
he / she / it predicts
past simple predicted
past participle predicted
-ing form predicting
  1. to say that something will happen in the future预言;预告;预报 synonym forecast
    • predict something a reliable method of predicting earthquakes预报地震的可靠方法
    • Nobody could predict the outcome.谁也无法预料结果如何。
    • to predict the future预测未来
    • He predicts a bright future for the business in the next financial year. 他预测在下一个财政年度,公司会有一个光明的未来。
    • The party is predicting a majority of 20 seats.该党预计将获得20个席位的多数。
    • predict what, whether, etc… It is impossible to predict what will happen.预知未来的事是不可能的。
    • predict (that)… She predicted (that) the election result would be close.她预言选举结果将很接近。
    • He predicted (that) it would be a smash hit.他预言这将会大获成功。
    • it is predicted that… It was predicted that inflation would continue to fall.据预报,通货膨胀率将继续下降。
    • somebody/something is predicted to do something The trial is predicted to last for months.预料审讯将持续数月之久。
    • This figure is predicted to rise to one billion by the year 2015.这一数字预计到2015年将上升到10亿。
    Language Bank expectexpectDiscussing predictions谈论预测
      • By 2050, one in six people on the planet will be aged 65 or over.到2050年,地球上每六个人中就有一个年龄在65岁或以上。
      • The number of people globally aged 65 and over is expected/likely to more than double by 2050.到2050年,全球65岁及以上的人口预计/可能翻一番以上。
      • Experts have predicted/forecast that the over-65s will make up 17 per cent of the global population by 2050.专家预测,到2050年,65岁以上的人口将占全球人口的17%。
      • World population is set to reach 9.8 billion by 2050.到2050年,世界人口将达到98亿。
      • Net migration into Britain over the last decade was higher than expected.过去十年英国的净移民人数高于预期。
      • Overall population growth in Britain has been in line with predictions.英国的总体人口增长与预测一致。
    • Every step in the movie is easily predicted.这部电影的每一步都不难预测。
    • Few would have dared to predict such a landslide victory.几乎没有人敢预言会有这样压倒性的胜利。
    • You cannot predict the weather with absolute accuracy.你不可能绝对准确地预测天气。
    • Newton's theories allow us to predict the flight of a ball.牛顿的理论让我们可以预测球体的飞行路线。
    • It is still too early to predict the degree to which prices will rise.预测价格上涨的幅度还为时尚早。
    • It is not possible to predict with any certainty what effect this will have.不可能确切地预测到这会带来怎样的后果。
    • We can predict with absolute confidence how the newspapers will react.我们可以绝对有把握地预测报纸会如何反应。
    • I think I can safely predict that they will fight the verdict.我想我可以有把握地预测他们将对这一判决提出抗诉。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • correctly
    • reliably
    • successfully
    verb + predict
    • be able to
    • be unable to
    • can
    • from
    • be widely predicted
    词源early 17th cent.: from Latin praedict- ‘made known beforehand, declared’, from the verb praedicere, from prae- ‘beforehand’ + dicere ‘say’.




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