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词汇 softness


[uncountable, singular]
  1. the quality of changing shape easily when pressed; the quality of not being stiff or hard柔软度:按压时容易改变形状的质量;不僵硬的品质
    • I rested back against the softness of the pillows.我靠在柔软的枕头上休息。
    opposite hardness (1)
  2. the quality of being less hard than average硬度较低的;较软的
    • woods of moderate softness 适度柔软的木材
    opposite hardness (1)
  3. the quality of being smooth and pleasant to touch柔滑的;细滑的;细腻的
    • the softness of her skin她皮肤的柔滑
    opposite roughness (1)
  4. the quality of not having sharp angles or hard edges无棱角的;轮廓不鲜明的;线条柔和的
    • the softness of the shadows in the moonlight月光下阴影的柔和
  5. the quality in light of being pleasant and relaxing to the eyes because it is not too bright柔软度:由于不太亮而使眼睛感到愉悦和放松的品质
    • the softness of the evening light柔和的晚光
    opposite harshness (3)
  6. the quality in rain or wind of not being strong or violent不强烈的;小的;和缓的 synonym lightness (3)
    • the softness of the late afternoon breeze傍晚微风的柔和
  7. the quality of not being loud, in a way that is usually pleasant and gentle柔软度:通常在愉快和温和的状态下不大声的质量
    • I knew it was him from the softness of his voice.我从他柔和的声音中知道是他。
  8. the quality of being kind and showing sympathy; the quality of being easily affected by other people's pain and problems柔和:善良和有同情心的品质;容易受到他人痛苦和问题影响的质量
    • They mistook his calmness for softness.他们把他的冷静误认为是软弱。
    opposite hardness (5)
  9. (usually disapproving) the fact of not being strict or severe, or of not being strict or severe enough不(够)严厉的;态度偏软的;(对…)心慈手软的 synonym leniency
    • Their softness on this issue has lost them a huge number of votes.他们在这个问题上的软弱让他们失去了大量的选票。
    opposite toughness (4)
  10. (informal, disapproving) the fact of not being brave enough; the fact of wanting to be safe and comfortable畏首畏尾的;不够泼辣的;但求安稳的
    • He worked to erase his reputation for softness.他努力抹去自己温柔的名声。
    opposite toughness (1)
  11. (disapproving) the quality of not involving much work and being too easy and comfortable轻松的;安逸的
    • He spoke with contempt of the softness of modern life.他轻蔑地谈到现代生活的柔软。
  12. the quality in water of not containing much calcium and other mineral salts and therefore being good for washing柔软度:水中的钙质和其他无机盐含量不高,因此易于洗涤
    • the softness of the water水的软性
    opposite hardness (9)
  13. (phonetics语音学) the quality of not sounding hard, for example ‘c’ in city and ‘g’ in general发软音的(如 city 中 c 字母和 general 中 g 字母的发音)




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