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词汇 spurt


present simple I / you / we / they spurt
he / she / it spurts
past simple spurted
past participle spurted
-ing form spurting
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (of liquid or flames液体或火焰) to burst out or pour out suddenly; to produce sudden, powerful streams of liquid or flames喷出;冒出
    • spurt (from something) Blood was spurting from her nose.血从她鼻子里汩汩流出来。
    • spurt out (of/from something) Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire.炉火吐出红色黄色的火焰。
    • spurt something Her nose was spurting blood.她鼻子汩汩冒着血。
    • spurt something + adv./prep. The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to increase your speed for a short time to get somewhere faster(短暂地)加速前进;冲刺
    • She spurted past me to get to the line first.她冲刺超过我,率先抵达终点线。
  3. 词源mid 16th cent.: of unknown origin.


  1. an amount of liquid or flames that comes out of somewhere with great force涌出的液体;喷出的火舌
    • a great spurt of blood一大股急速喷出的血
  2. a sudden increase in speed, effort, activity or emotion for a short period of time(速度、干劲、活动或感情的)短时间激增,迸发
    • You'd better put on a spurt (= hurry up) if you want to finish that work today.你要是想今天完成那项工作,最好狠加一把劲。
    • Babies get very hungry during growth spurts.婴儿在猛长期会很饿。
    • a sudden spurt of anger突然发作的怒火
    • Boys experience a growth spurt during puberty.男孩子在青春期阶段发育迅速。
    • He felt a spurt of resentment against his brother.他心中突然涌起一股对哥哥的憎恨之情。
    • She put on a spurt to get to the station in time.她突然加速飞奔以及时赶到车站。
    • With one final spurt, he reached the top of the hill.他最后一鼓作气爬上了山顶。
    • a spurt in capital spending资本支出的激增
    • an initial spurt of energy最初的能量迸发
    • I felt a little spurt of pleasure at the prospect.我对前景突然感到一丝鼓舞。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sudden
    • brief
    • little
    verb + spurt
    • put on
    • feel
    • with a spurt
    • spurt in
    • spurt of
    • in short spurts
  3. 词源mid 16th cent.: of unknown origin.
in spurts
  1. in short periods of great activity, powerful movement, etc., rather than in a steady, continuous way一阵阵地;一股股地
    • The water came out of the tap in spurts.水急速地从水龙头里喷出来。
    • His breath came in short spurts.他的呼吸急促。




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