释义 |
- abnormalitynoun
c2 - accidentnoun
a2 - acheverb
a2 - achenoun
a2 - achyadjective
c2 - acnenoun
c2 - acuteadjective
c1 - addictnoun
c1 - addictedadjective
b2 - addictionnoun
b2 - addictiveadjective
c1 - afflictionnoun
c2 - after-effectnoun
c2 - aggravateverb
c2 - aggressiveadjective
c2 - agonynoun
c1 - -aholicsuffix
c2 - AIDSnoun
b2 - ailverb
c2 - ailingadjective
c2 - ailmentnoun
c1 - alcoholicadjective
b1 - alcoholicnoun
c1 - Alcoholics Anonymous™noun
c2 - alcoholismnoun
c2 - all-clearnoun
c2 - allergicadjective
b2 - allergynoun
b2 - Alzheimer’snoun
c2 - amnesianoun
c2 - anaemianoun
c2 - anaemicadjective
c2 - anemianoun
c2 - anorexianoun
c2 - anorexicnoun
c2 - anorexicadjective
c2 - anthraxnoun
c2 - anxietynoun
b2 - appendicitisnoun
c2 - arthritisnoun
c2 - asthmanoun
c1 - asthmaticnoun
c2 - at death’s dooridiom
c2 - attacknoun
b1 - autismnoun
c1 - avian flunoun
c2 - baby bluesnoun
c2 - bacterianoun
b2 - badadjective
a2 - bangverb
b2 - banged upadjective
c2 - batteredadjective
c2 - battle fatiguenoun
c2 - battle-scarredadjective
c2 - bedriddenadjective
c2 - bedsorenoun
c2 - be/go down with somethingidiom
c2 - bendnoun
c2 - benignadjective
c2 - be sickidiom
a2 - betteradjective
a2 - bipolaradjective
c2 - bipolar disordernoun
c2 - bird flunoun
c1 - bitenoun
b1 - black eyenoun
b2 - bleedverb
c1 - blisternoun
c1 - boutnoun
c2 - breakverb
b1 - breaknoun
b1 - breakdownnoun
c1 - breathlessadjective
c1 - breathlessnessnoun
c1 - brokenadjective
a2 - bronchitisnoun
c2 - bruisenoun
b2 - bruiseverb
b2 - BSEnoun
c2 - bugnoun
b2 - bulimianoun
c2 - bumpverb
b2 - bumpnoun
b2 - burnnoun
b2 - burnoutnoun
c2 - burntadjective
b1 - cancernoun
b2 - cancerousadjective
c2 - cardiacadjective
c2 - carriernoun
c1 - cataractnoun
c2 - catarrhnoun
c2 - catatonianoun
c2 - catchverb
b1 - catchingadjective
c1 - chicken flunoun
c1 - chickenpoxnoun
c2 - chillnoun
c2 - choleranoun
c2 - chronicadjective
c1 - cirrhosisnoun
c2 - CJDabbreviation
c2 - coldnoun
a1 - cold turkeyadverb
c2 - cold turkeynoun
c2 - colicnoun
c2 - collapseverb
b2 - comanoun
c2 - comatoseadjective
c2 - combat fatiguenoun
c2 - complaintnoun
c2 - complexnoun
c2 - complicationnoun
c1 - concussverb
c2 - concussedadjective
c2 - concussionnoun
c2 - conditionnoun
a2 - congenitaladjective
c2 - constipationnoun
c2 - contagionnoun
c2 - contagiousadjective
c1 - contractverb
c2 - contusionnoun
c2 - convalesceverb
c2 - convalescencenoun
c2 - coronaryadjective
c2 - coughverb
b1 - coughnoun
b1 - crampnoun
c2 - Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseasenoun
c2 - crippleverb
c2 - crisisnoun
b2 - croupnoun
c2 - curableadjective
c2 - curativeadjective
c2 - cureverb
b2 - curenoun
b2 - cutverb
a1 - cutnoun
b1 - cystnoun
c2 - debilitynoun
c2 - deep vein thrombosisnoun
c2 - dehydrateverb
c2 - dehydratedadjective
c2 - dehydrationnoun
c2 - delicateadjective
c1 - deliriumnoun
c2 - dementedadjective
c2 - dementianoun
c2 - dependencenoun
c1 - dependentadjective
b2 - depressedadjective
b2 - depressionnoun
b2 - derangedadjective
c2 - developverb
b1 - diabetesnoun
b2 - diabeticadjective
c2 - diabeticnoun
c2 - diarrhoeanoun
c1 - diphtherianoun
c2 - disabilitynoun
b2 - disabledadjective
b2 - discomfortnoun
c1 - diseasenoun
a2 - diseasedadjective
c2 - dislocateverb
c2 - disordernoun
b2 - disorderedadjective
c2 - distressedadjective
c2 - dizzyadjective
c1 - dodderingadjective
c2 - drawnadjective
c2 - drunkadjective
b1 - dysenterynoun
c2 - dyslexianoun
c2 - dyspepsianoun
c2 - dysphasianoun
c2 - earachenoun
a2 - eating disordernoun
b2 - Ebolanoun
c2 - echolalianoun
c2 - eclampsianoun
c2 - eczemanoun
c2 - egomanianoun
c2 - electric shocknoun
c1 - emaciatedadjective
c2 - emaciationnoun
c2 - epidemicnoun
c1 - epilepsynoun
c2 - epilepticnoun
c2 - exacerbateverb
c2 - exacerbationnoun
c2 - exhibitionismnoun
c2 - exposurenoun
c1 - faintadjective
c1 - faintverb
c1 - faintnoun
c1 - far goneadjective
c2 - fataladjective
c1 - fatallyadverb
c1 - fetal alcohol syndromenoun
c2 - fevernoun
b2 - feverishadjective
c1 - fight for (your) lifeidiom
c1 - first-degreeadjective
c2 - flare-upnoun
c2 - fluverb
a2 - food poisoningnoun
b2 - fracturenoun
c1 - fractureverb
c1 - fragileadjective
c1 - frailadjective
c2 - frostbitenoun
c2 - funnyadjective
c2 - gangrenenoun
c2 - gastricadjective
c2 - gastric flunoun
c2 - geneticadjective
b2 - germnoun
b2 - German measlesnoun
c2 - getverb
a1 - ghastlyadjective
c2 - giveverb
a1 - glue-sniffingnoun
c2 - grazeverb
c2 - grimadjective
c2 - groggyadjective
c2 - haemophilianoun
c2 - haemophiliacnoun
c2 - haemorrhagenoun
c2 - haemorrhoidsnoun
c2 - handicapnoun
c2 - handicappedadjective
c2 - hangovernoun
c2 - harmverb
b2 - haveverb
a1 - have one foot in the graveidiom
c2 - hay fevernoun
c1 - headachenoun
a2 - healverb
b2 - healingnoun
c1 - heart attacknoun
b2 - heatstrokenoun
c2 - hemophilianoun
c2 - hepatitisnoun
c2 - hereditaryadjective
c2 - hernianoun
c2 - herniated discnoun
c2 - hitverb
a2 - HIVnoun
c1 - hobbleverb
c2 - hookedadjective
c1 - houseboundadjective
c2 - hungoveradjective
c2 - hurtverb
a2 - hurtadjective
a2 - hypochondriacnoun
c2 - illadjective
a2 - illnessnoun
a2 - improveverb
a1 - incapacitynoun
c2 - incubateverb
c2 - incubationnoun
c2 - incurableadjective
c2 - indigestionnoun
c2 - infectverb
c1 - infectedadjective
c1 - infectionnoun
b2 - infectiousadjective
c1 - inferiority complexnoun
c2 - infirmadjective
c2 - infirmitynoun
c2 - inflamedadjective
c2 - inflammationnoun
c2 - injureverb
b1 - injuredadjective
b1 - injurynoun
a2 - instabilitynoun
c2 - intoxicatedadjective
c2 - invalidnoun
c2 - irritable bowel syndromenoun
c2 - irritateverb
c2 - irritationnoun
c2 - jaundicenoun
c2 - kleptomanianoun
c2 - knockverb
b1 - kwashiorkornoun
c2 - laryngitisnoun
c2 - learning difficultiesnoun
b2 - learning disabilitynoun
c1 - leprosynoun
c2 - leukaemianoun
c2 - limpverb
c2 - limpnoun
c2 - lumpnoun
c1 - mad cow diseasenoun
c2 - make itidiom
c2 - maladjustedadjective
c2 - maladynoun
c2 - malaisenoun
c2 - malarianoun
b2 - malarialadjective
c2 - malignantadjective
c2 - malnourishedadjective
c2 - malnutritionnoun
c2 - manic depressionnoun
c2 - manic-depressiveadjective
c2 - measlesnoun
c1 - megalomanianoun
c2 - melancholianoun
c2 - meningitisnoun
c2 - mentaladjective
b1 - mentallyadverb
b1 - migrainenoun
c2 - miscarriagenoun
c2 - monomanianoun
c2 - multiple sclerosisnoun
c2 - mumpsnoun
c2 - nauseanoun
c2 - nauseousadjective
c2 - nervous breakdownnoun
c1 - neurosisnoun
c2 - nigglenoun
c2 - non compos mentisadjective
c2 - non-malignantadjective
c2 - notifiableadjective
c2 - obeseadjective
b2 - obesitynoun
b2 - obsessive compulsive disordernoun
c2 - OCDnoun
c2 - ODverb
c2 - on the mendidiom
c2 - on your feetidiom
c2 - outbreaknoun
c1 - out of breathidiom
c1 - overdoseverb
c1 - overeatverb
c2 - overeatingnoun
c2 - overweightadjective
b2 - painnoun
a2 - painfuladjective
b1 - painfullyadverb
b1 - paleadjective
b1 - pallidadjective
c2 - pallornoun
c2 - pandemicnoun
c1 - pandemicadjective
c1 - paralyseverb
c2 - paralysisnoun
c2 - paranoianoun
c2 - paranoidadjective
c2 - paranoidnoun
c2 - parasitenoun
c1 - pathologicaladjective
c2 - pathologynoun
c2 - peakedadjective
c2 - peakyadjective
c2 - peculiaradjective
c2 - pellagranoun
c2 - persecution complexnoun
c2 - personality disordernoun
c1 - pertussisnoun
c2 - phlegmnoun
c2 - plaguenoun
c1 - pneumonianoun
c2 - polionoun
c2 - pooradjective
b1 - poorlyadjective
c2 - postnatal depressionnoun
c2 - post-operativeadjective
c2 - post-partum depressionnoun
c2 - post-traumatic stress disordernoun
c2 - psychopathnoun
c2 - psychosisnoun
c2 - psychosomaticadjective
c2 - psychoticadjective
c2 - psychoticnoun
c2 - pullverb
b1 - pullnoun
c1 - pyromanianoun
c2 - queasyadjective
c2 - rabiesnoun
c2 - rallyverb
c2 - rashnoun
c1 - reactverb
b1 - recoververb
b2 - recoverynoun
b2 - recuperateverb
c2 - recuperativeadjective
c2 - rehabilitateverb
c2 - rejectverb
b1 - rejectionnoun
c2 - relapsenoun
c2 - relapseverb
c2 - remissionnoun
c2 - restnoun
a2 - restverb
a2 - restorativeadjective
c2 - rheumatismnoun
c2 - ricketsnoun
c2 - ropyadjective
c2 - rottenadjective
c2 - RSInoun
c2 - rubellanoun
c2 - run-downadjective
c2 - rupturenoun
c2 - ruptureverb
c2 - SADabbreviation
c2 - salmonellanoun
c2 - SARSnoun
c2 - scabnoun
c2 - scaldverb
c2 - scaldnoun
c2 - scarnoun
c1 - scarverb
c1 - schizophrenianoun
c2 - scrapeverb
c2 - scrapienoun
c2 - scratchverb
b2 - scratchnoun
b2 - seasickadjective
b1 - seasicknessnoun
b2 - seasonal affective disordernoun
c2 - second-degreeadjective
c2 - seizurenoun
c2 - self-harmnoun
c1 - self-mutilationnoun
c2 - senile dementianoun
c2 - septicadjective
c2 - seriousadjective
a2 - severeadjective
b2 - severelyadverb
b2 - shakenoun
c1 - shakyadjective
c2 - shell shocknoun
c2 - shiververb
c1 - shivernoun
c2 - shiveryadjective
c2 - shocknoun
b2 - shortnessnoun
c2 - short-windedadjective
c2 - shut-innoun
c2 - sickadjective
a1 - sickenverb
c2 - sicklyadjective
c2 - sicknessnoun
b2 - slipped discnoun
c2 - smallpoxnoun
c2 - sneezeverb
b2 - sneezenoun
b2 - snow-blindadjective
c2 - snow-blindnessnoun
c2 - sociopathnoun
c2 - soreverb
c2 - sorenoun
c2 - special needsnoun
b2 - splittingadjective
c2 - spotnoun
b1 - sprainverb
b2 - sprainnoun
b2 - spreadverb
b1 - the walking woundednoun
c2 - the common coldnoun
b2 - stiffnessnoun
c2 - stingverb
b2 - stingnoun
b2 - stomach achenoun
a2 - stonedadjective
c2 - strainnoun
c1 - strickenadjective
c2 - strokenoun
c1 - strung outadjective
c2 - succumbverb
c2 - sufferverb
b1 - sufferernoun
b1 - sufferingnoun
b2 - sunburnnoun
c1 - sunburnedadjective
b2 - sunstrokenoun
c2 - sustainverb
c2 - swellverb
c1 - swellingnoun
c1 - swine flunoun
c2 - swollenadjective
c1 - symptomnoun
b1 - symptomaticadjective
c2 - syndromenoun
c1 - TBnoun
c2 - tearverb
c1 - temperaturenoun
a2 - tenderadjective
c1 - terminaladjective
c1 - terribleadjective
a1 - tetanusnoun
c2 - third-degreeadjective
c2 - thrombosisnoun
c2 - tonsillitisnoun
c2 - toothachenoun
a2 - toxoplasmosisnoun
c2 - transferverb
b2 - traumanoun
c1 - troublenoun
b1 - tubercularadjective
c2 - tuberculosisnoun
c2 - tumournoun
c1 - turnnoun
c2 - twistverb
c1 - typhoidnoun
c2 - ulcernoun
c2 - unconsciousadjective
b2 - unconsciousnessnoun
c1 - underfedadjective
c2 - undernourishedadjective
c2 - undernourishmentnoun
c2 - under the influenceidiom
c2 - under the weatheridiom
c2 - underweightadjective
b2 - unfitadjective
b2 - unhealthyadjective
a2 - unwelladjective
b1 - upsetadjective
b1 - upsetverb
b1 - upsetnoun
b1 - varicose veinnoun
c2 - vectornoun
c2 - victimnoun
b1 - viraladjective
c1 - virulencenoun
c2 - virulentadjective
c2 - virusnoun
a2 - vomitverb
c2 - wartnoun
c2 - wastedadjective
c2 - weakadjective
a2 - weakenverb
c1 - wheelchairnoun
b1 - wheezeverb
c2 - whiplash injurynoun
c2 - whooping coughnoun
c2 - wiredadjective
c2 - withdrawalnoun
c1 - woundnoun
b2 - woundverb
b2 - wrenchverb
c2 - yellow fevernoun
c2 - zonedadjective