词汇 |
@topic_money_level=c2 |
释义 |
- aggregatenoun
c2 - alimonynoun
c2 - arrearsnoun
c2 - asset-strippingnoun
c2 - bailoutnoun
c2 - bankrollverb
c2 - base ratenoun
c2 - be in arrearsidiom
c2 - billfoldnoun
c2 - black marketnoun
c2 - blank chequenoun
c2 - blowverb
c2 - bombnoun
c2 - bondnoun
c2 - brokernoun
c2 - bubblenoun
c2 - building societynoun
c2 - bureau de changenoun
c2 - bustnoun
c2 - buyoutnoun
c2 - capital marketnoun
c2 - cash dispensernoun
c2 - cash in handidiom
c2 - cash-starvedadjective
c2 - checkbooknoun
c2 - check cardnoun
c2 - chequebooknoun
c2 - chequing accountnoun
c2 - chipnoun
c2 - citynoun
c2 - clearing housenoun
c2 - collateralnoun
c2 - concessionnoun
c2 - cooling-off periodnoun
c2 - crunchnoun
c2 - dealingnoun
c2 - dearadjective
c2 - deflationnoun
c2 - deposit accountnoun
c2 - depositornoun
c2 - depreciateverb
c2 - deregulateverb
c2 - deregulationnoun
c2 - deregulatoryadjective
c2 - devalueverb
c2 - dipnoun
c2 - dividendnoun
c2 - double-entry bookkeepingnoun
c2 - down paymentnoun
c2 - downtrendnoun
c2 - EMUabbreviation
c2 - entrepreneurialadjective
c2 - entrepreneurshipnoun
c2 - equitynoun
c2 - expansionaryadjective
c2 - face valuenoun
c2 - fiddleverb
c2 - fiscaladjective
c2 - fivernoun
c2 - floatverb
c2 - free enterprisenoun
c2 - futurenoun
c2 - game theorynoun
c2 - gearingnoun
c2 - giltnoun
c2 - gironoun
c2 - haggleverb
c2 - hard currencynoun
c2 - hole in the wallnoun
c2 - hyperinflationnoun
c2 - IMFabbreviation
c2 - in arrearsidiom
c2 - industrialismnoun
c2 - insider tradingnoun
c2 - instalmentnoun
c2 - insureverb
c2 - interventionismnoun
c2 - interventionistadjective
c2 - IOUnoun
c2 - laissez-fairenoun
c2 - laissez-faireadjective
c2 - launderverb
c2 - leveragenoun
c2 - leveraged buyoutnoun
c2 - liquidadjective
c2 - liquiditynoun
c2 - lump sumnoun
c2 - macroeconomicadjective
c2 - macroeconomicsnoun
c2 - maintenancenoun
c2 - marknoun
c2 - market forcesnoun
c2 - meanadjective
c2 - meansnoun
c2 - mercantilismnoun
c2 - monetarismnoun
c2 - mortgage bondnoun
c2 - mutual fundnoun
c2 - negative equitynoun
c2 - NYSEabbreviation
c2 - OECDabbreviation
c2 - offshoreadjective
c2 - optionnoun
c2 - overdueadjective
c2 - overheadsnoun
c2 - overheatverb
c2 - overheatedadjective
c2 - payableadjective
c2 - pay-as-you-goadjective
c2 - payday loannoun
c2 - PINnoun
c2 - plateaunoun
c2 - plateauverb
c2 - plummetverb
c2 - predatory pricingnoun
c2 - private enterprisenoun
c2 - rafflenoun
c2 - reflateverb
c2 - reflationnoun
c2 - reflationaryadjective
c2 - risknoun
c2 - securitynoun
c2 - shillingnoun
c2 - slumpverb
c2 - slumpnoun
c2 - social securitynoun
c2 - spread bettingnoun
c2 - stagflationnoun
c2 - stakenoun
c2 - the Dow Jones Indexnoun
c2 - the Federal Reserve Systemnoun
c2 - the FTSE index™noun
c2 - the NASDAQnoun
c2 - the Financial Times indexnoun
c2 - sterlingnoun
c2 - stocknoun
c2 - stockbrokernoun
c2 - sub-primeadjective
c2 - supply-sideadjective
c2 - sweepstakenoun
c2 - take a diveidiom
c2 - takeovernoun
c2 - takingsnoun
c2 - taxableadjective
c2 - tax avoidancenoun
c2 - tax evasionnoun
c2 - tax havennoun
c2 - tellernoun
c2 - tennernoun
c2 - the bottom drops/falls out (of something)idiom
c2 - top-upnoun
c2 - trade deficitnoun
c2 - treasurernoun
c2 - treasurynoun
c2 - troughnoun
c2 - undercutverb
c2 - underwriteverb
c2 - unit trustnoun
c2 - valuationnoun
c2 - valuelessadjective
c2 - Wall Streetnoun
c2 - WTOabbreviation
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