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词汇 training


    the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job训练;培训
    • staff training职工培训
    • training in something Few candidates had received any training in management.没有几个应聘者接受过管理培训。
    • training in doing something She has some training in dealing with children with emotional problems. 她在处理有情感问题的孩子方面受过一些训练。
    • training for somebody The company failed to provide adequate training for staff.公司没有为员工提供足够的培训。
    • Volunteers will undergo intensive training.志愿者将接受强化训练。
    • a training course/session/programme培训课程/课程/计划
    Collocations EducationEducation教育Learning学习
    • acquire/​get/​lack (an) education/​training/(British English) (some) qualifications获得/缺少教育/培训/资格
    • receive/​provide somebody with training/​tuition得到/给某人提供培训/指导
    • develop/​design/​plan a curriculum/(especially British English) course/(North American English) program/​syllabus制订课程方案/教学大纲
    • give/​go to/​attend a class/​lesson/​lecture/​seminar讲课;上课;举办/参加/出席研讨会
    • hold/​run/​conduct a class/​seminar/​workshop办班;举办研讨会/讲习班
    • sign up for/​take a course/​classes/​lessons报名参加/修读课程
    • go to/​start preschool/​kindergarten/​nursery school上学前班/幼儿园/托儿所
    • be in the first, second, etc. (North American English) grade/(especially British English) year (at school)在读一年级、二年级等
    • study/​take/​drop history/​chemistry/​German, etc.修读/放弃修历史课/化学课/德语课等
    • (British English) leave/​finish/​drop out of/ (North American English) quit school
    • (North American English) graduate high school/​college
    Problems at school在学校遇到的问题
    • be the victim/​target of bullying成为被欺负的受害者/对象
    • (British English) play truant from/ (both British English, informal) bunk off/​skive off school (= not go to school when you should)
    • (both especially North American English) skip/​cut class/​school
    • (British English) cheat in/(North American English) cheat on an exam/​a test
    • get/​be given a detention (for doing something)(因做了某事)被罚放学后留校
    • be expelled from/​be suspended from school被学校开除/暂时停学
    Work and exams功课和考试
    • do your homework/(British English) revision/​a project on something做家庭作业;复习功课;对…做专题研究
    • work on/​write/​do/​submit an essay/​a dissertation/​a thesis/​an assignment/(North American English) a paper写/提交文章/学位论文/毕业论文/作业/论文
    • finish/​complete your dissertation/​thesis/​studies/​coursework完成学位论文/毕业论文/学业/课程作业
    • hand in/ (North American English) turn in your homework/​essay/​assignment/​paper提交家庭作业/文章/作业/论文
    • study/​prepare/ (British English) revise/ (North American English) review/ (North American English, informal) cram for a test/​an exam为应考而学习/准备/复习/临时死记硬背
    • take/ (both British English) do/​sit a test/​an exam参加考试
    • (especially British English) mark/ (especially North American English) grade homework/​a test
    • (British English) do well in/ (North American English) do well on/ (informal, especially North American English) ace a test/​an exam
    • pass/​fail/ (informal, especially North American English) flunk a test/​an exam/​a class/​a course/​a subject测验/考试/课程/学科及格/不及格
    • apply to/​get into/​go to/​start college/(British English) university申请/上/开始上大学
    • leave/​graduate from law school/​college/(British English) university (with a degree in computer science)离开/毕业于法学院;离开大学;大学毕业(取得计算机科学的学位)
    • study for/​take/ (British English) do/​complete a law degree/​a degree in physics攻读/读完法学学位/物理学位课程
    • (both North American English) major/​minor in biology/​philosophy主修/辅修生物学/哲学
    • earn/​receive/​be awarded/​get/​have/​hold a master’s degree/​a bachelor’s degree/​a PhD in economics获得/被授予/拿到/拥有经济学硕士学位/学士学位/博士学位
    Collocations Jobs工作Jobs职业Getting a job找工作
    • look for work找工作
    • look for/​apply for/​go for a job找工作;申请一个职位;努力争取工作
    • get/​pick up/​complete/​fill out/ (British English) fill in an application (form)得到/拿到/完成/填写申请(表)
    • send/​email your (British English) CV/(North American English) résumé/application/​application form/​covering letter寄/通过电邮发送简历/申请/申请表/附函
    • be called for/​have/​attend an interview被要求参加/有/参加面试
    • offer somebody a job/​work/​employment/​promotion给某人提供一份工作;雇用某人;提拔某人
    • find/​get/​land a job找到工作
    • employ/ (especially North American English) hire/​recruit/ (especially British English) take on staff/​workers/​trainees雇用员工/工人/实习生
    • recruit/​appoint a manager招聘/任命经理
    Doing a job做工作
    • arrive at/​get to/​leave work/​the office/​the factory上/下班;到办公室/工厂上班;从办公室/工厂下班
    • start/​finish work/​your shift开始/结束工作/轮班工作时间
    • do/​put in/​work overtime加班
    • have/​gain/​get/​lack/​need experience/​qualifications拥有/获得/缺乏/需要经验/资格
    • do/​get/​have/​receive training做/得到/接受培训
    • learn/​pick up/​improve/​develop (your) skills学习/偶然学会/提高/发展技能
    • cope with/​manage/​share/​spread the workload应付/勉力完成/分担/分摊工作量
    • improve your/​achieve a better work-life balance达到更好的工作与生活的平衡
    • have (no) job satisfaction/​job security有/没有工作满足感/职业保障
    Building a career建立职业生涯
    • have a job/​work/​a career/​a vocation有工作/事业/职业
    • find/​follow/​pursue/ (especially North American English) live (out) your vocation找到/从事/致力于/实践适合自己的职业
    • enter/​go into/​join a profession加入一个行业
    • choose/​embark on/​start/​begin/​pursue a career选择/从事/开始/致力于一种职业
    • change jobs/​profession/​career换工作/行业/职业
    • be/ (both especially British English) work/​go freelance做自由职业
    • do/​take on temp work/​freelance work做/开始从事临时工作/特约工作
    • do/​be engaged in/​be involved in voluntary work做/从事/参与义务性工作
    Leaving your job离职
    • leave/ (especially North American English) quit/​resign from your job离职;辞职
    • give up work/​your job/​your career放弃工作/事业
    • hand in your notice/​resignation递交辞呈
    • plan to/​be due to retire in June/​next year, etc.计划/预计六月/明年等退休
    • take early retirement提前退休
    • apprentice
    • certificate
    • coaching
    • college
    • course
    • intern
    • probation
    • qualify
    • training
    • work experience
    Culture vocational trainingvocational trainingVocational training is intended to give people the skills and knowledge they need to perform a particular job, and involves practical instruction as well as theory. Most vocational training takes place not in universities but in Further Education colleges and in colleges specializing in art, accountancy, etc. Some secondary schools now also offer an introduction to vocational training.NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications), or SVQs in Scotland, are qualifications that can be obtained by people already working in a particular industry. Colleges of further education run courses to provide a theoretical background. NVQs are awarded at five levels on the basis of practical work, spoken and written tests, and coursework. BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) qualifications can be taken across a wide range of vocational subjects at various levels. Levels 1 and 2 are equivalent to GCSEs and Level 3 is equivalent to A level.In the US there are no national qualifications like NVQs, though some professional organizations decide on their own qualifications and some of these have become widely accepted. Much vocational training is done by private institutions which are sometimes called proprietary schools. Although many of these are good, in general they have a bad reputation. This is partly because there are no controls over who can operate such a school. Some proprietary schools try to take money from as many students as possible, including some who will probably not be able to complete their training.Most US secondary schools programmes do not provide a choice between an academic and a practical programme of study, but most do give students an opportunity to take some practical or vocational classes. Large school districts may have magnet schools, schools that attract students with certain interests, and some of these may have a larger choice of vocational courses.
    • Employees should be given training in safety procedures.雇员应该接受安全规程方面的培训。
    • He is good at selling, although he has had no formal training.尽管他没接受正规培训,却很善于销售。
    • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at the base.新兵在这个基地接受为期 6 周的基本训练。
    • No one must operate the machinery without proper training.未经适当培训者不得操作这台机器。
    • She's an accountant by training.她经培训成了一名会计师。
    • The soldiers were building a bridge as a training exercise.作为训练项目,士兵们正在修建一座桥。
    • This local newspaper has been a training ground for several top journalists.这家地方报社培养了数名顶尖记者。
    • Training for nurses was on strictly formal lines.护士的培训非常严格正规。
    • Using spreadsheets requires minimal training.只需极少的训练便可学会使用电子数据表。
    • You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.要接受一年多强化培训才能成为一名医务辅助人员。
    • a teacher training college教师培训学院
    • an army training base军队训练基地
    • Please list any job-related training you have received.请列出您接受过的任何与工作相关的培训。
    • Various training activities will take place throughout the weekend.整个周末将举行各种培训活动。
    • Vocational training should not be seen as less important than an academic education.不应一味重视学术教育,而轻视职业培训。
    Topics Educationa2, Jobsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • basic
    • initial
    • preliminary
    verb + training
    • attend
    • do
    • get
    training + verb
    • prepare somebody for something
    • focus on something
    • consist of something
    training + noun
    • base
    • camp
    • centre/​center
    • by training
    • in training
    • training  for
    • counselor in training
    the process of preparing to take part in a sports competition by doing physical exercise(为参加体育比赛而进行的)训练,锻炼
    • He suffered an ankle injury during training this week.他在本周的训练中脚踝受伤。
    • in training for something She is currently in training for the New York City marathon.她目前正在为纽约市马拉松赛进行训练。
    • in training We are already back in pre-season training.我们已经回到季前训练了。
    see also spring training
    • Lewis is in serious training for the Olympics.刘易斯正在为迎战奥运而坚苦训练。
    • She did six months' hard training before the marathon.她在马拉松比赛前进行了六个月的艰苦训练。
    • He twisted an ankle during training and will miss tomorrow's game.他在训练中扭伤了脚踝,将错过明天的比赛。
    • I go to football training after school.我放学后去参加足球训练。
    • Meyer went through a gruelling training schedule over the winter months.在冬季的几个月里,迈耶经历了一个艰苦的训练计划。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hard
    • intense
    • intensive
    verb + training
    • do
    training + noun
    • run
    • session
    • stint
    • in training
    • training  for




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