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词汇 book



    printed work印刷品

    [countable] a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them书;书籍
    • His desk was covered with piles of books.他的书桌上堆满了一摞摞的书。
    • hardback/paperback books精装书;平装书
    • a book of short stories短篇小说集
    • Her name was inscribed in the book.书上题有她的名字。
    • one of the earliest printed books最早的印刷书之一
    Topics Literature and writinga1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    … of book
    • copy
    verb + book
    • flick through
    • flip through
    • look at
    book + verb
    • appear
    • come out
    • be out of print
    book + noun
    • title
    • review
    • reviewer
    • in a/​the book
    • book about
    • book on
    [countable] a written work published in printed or electronic form印刷(或电子)出版物;著作
    • to read/write/publish a book阅读/写作/出版一本书
    • reference/children's/library books参考书;儿童读物;馆藏书籍
    • book by somebody a new book by J. K. Rowlingj .的新书。K. 1997. 罗琳
    • book about something a book about wildlife一本关于野生动物的书
    • book on something He has written a book on local architecture.他写了一本关于当地建筑的书。
    • author
    • book
    • classic
    • critic
    • drama
    • fiction
    • genre
    • literature
    • poetry
    • write
    Collocations LiteratureLiterature文学Being a writer当作家
    • write/​publish literature/​poetry/​fiction/​a book/​a story/​a poem/​a novel/​a review/​an autobiography写/发表文学作品/诗集/小说/书/故事/诗歌/长篇小说/评论/自传
    • become a writer/​novelist/​playwright成为作家/小说家/剧作家
    • find/​have a publisher/​an agent找到/有出版商/代理人
    • have a new book out出版一部新书
    • edit/​revise/​proofread a book/​text/​manuscript编辑/修订/校对书/文章/原稿
    • dedicate a book/​poem to…把一本书/一首诗献给…
    Plot, character and atmosphere情节、人物和氛围
    • construct/​create/​weave/​weave something into a complex narrative构思/创作/编写/把某事编成一部复杂的叙事小说
    • advance/​drive the plot推进故事情节的发展
    • introduce/​present the protagonist/​a character介绍主人公/一个人物
    • describe/​depict/​portray a character (as…)/(somebody as) a hero/​villain描述人物/英雄/坏蛋;把一个人物描绘成…;把某人描绘成英雄/坏蛋
    • create an exciting/​a tense atmosphere营造一种令人兴奋/紧张的气氛
    • build/​heighten the suspense/​tension制造/增加悬念/紧张气氛
    • evoke/​capture the pathos of the situation唤起对这种状况的同情
    • convey emotion/​an idea/​an impression/​a sense of…传达…情感/思想;给人…印象/感觉
    • engage the reader吸引读者
    • seize/​capture/​grip the (reader’s) imagination抓住(读者的)想象力
    • arouse/​elicit emotion/​sympathy (in the reader)唤起(读者的)情感/同情
    • lack imagination/​emotion/​structure/​rhythm缺乏想象力/情感/精心组织/节奏感
    Language, style and imagery语言、风格和形象语言
    • use/​employ language/​imagery/​humour/(US English) humor/​an image/​a symbol/​a metaphor/​a device使用语言/形象语言/幽默/意象/象征/暗喻/手段
    • use/​adopt/​develop a style/​technique使用/采用/形成一种风格/技巧
    • be rich in/​be full of symbolism富含象征意义
    • evoke images of…/a sense of…/a feeling of…唤起…的形象/感觉
    • create/​achieve an effect创造/取得效果
    • maintain/​lighten the tone维持/缓和基调
    • introduce/​develop an idea/​a theme引入/发展一种思想/一个主题
    • inspire a novel/​a poet/​somebody’s work/​somebody’s imagination促成小说的创作;给诗人以灵感;促成某人作品的诞生;激发某人的想象力
    Reading and criticism阅读与评论
    • read an author/​somebody’s work/​fiction/​poetry/​a text/​a poem/​a novel/​a chapter/​a passage读一个作家的作品/某人的著作/小说/诗集/一篇文章/一首诗/一部小说/一个章节/一段文章
    • review a book/​a novel/​somebody’s work评论一本书/一部小说/某人的作品
    • give something/​get/​have/​receive a good/​bad review给予/得到好评/恶评
    • be hailed (as)/be recognized as a masterpiece被誉为一部杰作
    • quote a(n) phrase/​line/​stanza/​passage/​author引用一个短语/一行诗/一节诗/一段文章/作者的话
    • provoke/​spark discussion/​criticism引发讨论/评论
    • study/​interpret/​understand a text/​passage研读/解读/理解一篇文章/一段文章
    • translate somebody’s work/​a text/​a passage/​a novel/​a poem翻译某人的作品/一篇文章/一段文章/一部小说/一首诗
    • biography
    • blockbuster
    • book
    • character
    • editor
    • narrator
    • novel
    • plot
    • publish
    • title
    • Have you read her latest book?你读过她的新书吗?
    • Do you want to renew any of your library books?你从图书馆借来的书,有想续借的吗?
    • His latest book will appear in December.他的新作将于 12 月面世。
    • How many books can I borrow?我可以借多少本书?
    • How many books have you got out?你借出了多少书?
    • How many copies of the book did you order?这本书你订购了多少本?
    • I couldn't put the book down.我读这本书欲罢不能。
    • She looked up from her book and smiled at him.她暂停看书,抬起头朝他笑了笑。
    • She's busy writing a book on astrology.她正忙着写一本关于占星术的书。
    • The book is dedicated to his mother.这本书是献给他母亲的。
    • The collector had many books inscribed to him by famous authors.这位收藏家有许多著名作家题赠给他的书。
    • There's nothing like curling up with a mug of tea and a good book.没有比蜷坐一处,边喝茶边看一本好书更惬意的事了。
    • These issues are discussed in his latest book.这些问题在他新书中都有论述。
    • a book for new parents为初为父母的人写的书
    • a book of walks in London一本关于漫步伦敦的书
    • a controversial book about the royal family一本关于王室的有争议的书
    • a new book from the publishing company, Bookworm“书虫”出版公司新出版的一本书
    • a survey to find the nation's favourite children's book关于全国最受欢迎的儿童书籍的调查
    • I'm reading a book by Robert Shea.我正在读罗伯特·谢伊的一本书。
    • The book has received some terrible reviews.这本书得到了一些劣评。
    • a library/​hardback book馆藏书;精装书
    Topics Educationa1, Shoppinga1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    … of book
    • copy
    verb + book
    • flick through
    • flip through
    • look at
    book + verb
    • appear
    • come out
    • be out of print
    book + noun
    • title
    • review
    • reviewer
    • in a/​the book
    • book about
    • book on
  3. for writing in书写用

    [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in本子;簿子
    • an exercise book练习本
    • a notebook笔记本
    see also address book, colouring book, guest bookTopics Educationa1
  5. of stamps/tickets/matches, etc.邮票、票券、火柴等

  6. [countable] a set of things that are fastened together like a book装订成册的一套东西
    • a book of stamps/tickets/matches一封邮票;一本票券;一纸板火柴
    • a chequebook支票簿
  7. accounts账目

  8. the books
    [plural] the written records of the financial affairs of a business(企业的)账簿
    • to do the books (= to check the accounts)查账
    • You need to go over the books again; there’s a mistake somewhere.你需要再读一遍书;某处出错了。
    • She does the books for us.她给我们记账。
    Topics Businessc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • account
    verb + books
    • do
    • keep
    • audit
    • on the books
  9. section of Bible, etc.《圣经》等的卷、部

  10. [countable] a section of a large written work(长篇作品的)篇,卷,部
    • the books of the Bible《圣经》中各卷
  11. for betting赌博用

  12. [countable] (British English) a record of bets made on whether something will happen, somebody will win a race, etc.赌注记录
    • They’ve opened a book on who’ll win the Championship.他们翻开了一本关于谁会赢得冠军的书。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • account
    verb + books
    • do
    • keep
    • audit
    • on the books
  13. 词源Old English bōc (originally also ‘a document or charter’), bōcian ‘to grant by charter’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch boek and German Buch, and probably to beech (on which runes were carved).
be in somebody’s good/bad books
  1. (informal) used to say that somebody is pleased/annoyed with you令某人喜欢/厌烦
    • I'm in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen.她现在对我有好感,因为我把厨房清理干净了。
bring somebody to book (for something)
  1. (especially British English, formal) to punish somebody for doing something wrong and make them explain their behaviour(为某事)惩罚某人并要求作出解释
    • We will ensure that people who commit fraud are brought to book through the courts.我们将确保通过法院将犯有欺诈罪的人绳之以法。
by the book
  1. following rules and instructions in a very strict way循规蹈矩;严格遵守章法
    • She always does everything by the book.她总是照章行事。
close the book on something
  1. to stop doing something because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution(因相信不会成功或没有结论而)放弃
    • The police have closed the book on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve it).警方已经放弃侦破此案。
a closed book (to somebody)
  1. a subject or person that you know nothing about对之一窍不通的事物;不了解的人
    • Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us.我们大多数人对原子核物理学一窍不通。
cook the books
  1. (informal) to change facts or figures dishonestly or illegally篡改;杜撰;捏造
    • His accountant had been cooking the books for years.多年来他的会计师一直在做假账。
    • Someone was cooking the books.有人在做假账。
don’t judge a book by its cover
  1. (saying) used to say that you should not form an opinion about somebody/something from their appearance only勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断Topics Opinion and argumentc1
every trick in the book
  1. every available method, whether it is honest or not无所不用其极;浑身解数
    • He'll try every trick in the book to stop you from winning.他将使尽浑身解数阻止你取胜。
have your head/nose in a book
  1. to be reading(在某机构)登记备用的
    • She always has her nose in a book.她总是埋头看书。
the history books
  1. the record of great achievements in history历史上重大成就的记载
    • She has earned her place in the history books.她名垂青史。
    Topics Historyc2
in my book
  1. (informal) used when you are giving your opinion(发表意见时说)
    • That's cheating in my book.依我看那是欺骗。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
(be) on somebody’s books
  1. (to be) on an organization’s list, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work(在某机构)登记备用的
    • We have very few nurses on our books at the moment.目前在我们这里登记备用的护士很少。
    • Most of the houses on our books are in the north of the city.我们手头的房子大多数在城北。
    • We have fifty people on the books.我们有 50 名雇员。
an open book
  1. if you describe somebody or their life as an open book, you mean that you can easily understand them and know everything about them容易被了解的人(或事)
read somebody like a book
  1. to understand easily what somebody is thinking or feeling轻易地了解某人的想法(或感受);看透某人
suit your/somebody’s book
  1. (British English, informal) to be convenient or useful for you/somebody对某人方便(或有用)
    • Well, if you’re honest and hard-working, that suits our book.嗯,要是你诚实肯干,那正合我们的需要。
take a leaf from/out of somebody’s book
  1. to copy somebody’s behaviour and do things in the same way that they do, because they are successful效仿,模仿(成功之人的举止和行为)
throw the book at somebody
  1. (informal) to punish somebody who has committed an offence as severely as possible从严惩处(罪犯)
    • ‘Get this man down to the station and throw the book at him!’ yelled Curtis.“把这个人带到车站去,把书扔给他,”。柯蒂斯喊道。


present simple I / you / we / they book
he / she / it books
past simple booked
past participle booked
-ing form booking
Phrasal Verbs
    [intransitive, transitive] to arrange to have or use something on a particular date in the future; to buy a ticket in advance预约;预订
    • Book early to avoid disappointment.及早预约,以免向隅。
    • book something She booked a flight to Chicago.她订了张去芝加哥的机票。
    • He booked tickets for his trip to New York.他预订了去纽约的机票。
    • Most customers now book their holidays online.大多数顾客现在都在网上预订假期。
    • The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available).演出票订完了。
    • I'm sorry—we're fully booked.对不起,客满了。
    • (British English) I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.我想订一张今晚 8 点钟的二人餐桌。
    In American English book is not used if you do not have to pay in advance; instead use make a reservation I'd like to make a reservation for 8 o'clock tonight.
    • (figurative) Australia booked their place in the final with a convincing win over England.澳大利亚队令人信服地战胜了英格兰队,获得了决赛席位。
    compare reserve
    • accommodation
    • book
    • full board
    • holiday
    • hotel
    • reception
    • reservation
    • room service
    • suite
    • vacancy
    • Book with Suntours and kids go free!预订太阳旅行社旅游项目,儿童免费!
    • I've booked a table for two at a nice Italian restaurant.我在一家不错的意大利餐馆订了一张两人用餐的桌子。
    • Seats go quickly, so it is essential to book in advance.座位很紧俏,所以必须提前预订。
    • There are few places on the course, so it is essential to book in advance.球道不多,所以必须提前预订。
    • The hotel is fully booked that weekend.旅馆那个周末订满了。
    • The seminars get quickly booked up.研讨会的席位很快就预订一空。
    Topics Holidaysa2, Transport by aira2, Cooking and eatinga2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • ahead
    • early
    • in advance
    • with
    • be booked solid
    • be booked up
    • be fully booked
    [transitive] to arrange for somebody to have a seat on a plane, etc.给(某人)预订飞机等座位
    • book somebody + adv./prep. I've booked you on the 10 o'clock flight.我给你订了 10 点钟的飞机票。
    • book somebody something + adv./prep. I've booked you a room at the Park Hotel.我已在百乐酒店为你订了一个房间。
    • book somebody something Have you told the office to book you a flight? 你告诉办公室给你订机票了吗?
    see also double-bookTopics Transport by bus and traina2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • ahead
    • early
    • in advance
    • with
    • be booked solid
    • be booked up
    • be fully booked
  3. [transitive] book somebody/something (for something) to arrange for a singer, etc. to perform on a particular date和(歌手等)预约演出日期
    • We've booked a band for the wedding reception.我们已经为婚宴预约了乐队。
    • Have you booked the band for the party yet?你为这次聚会预约那支乐队了吗?
    • He's booked to appear on 3 November at Central Hall.已约定他11月3日来中央大厅演出。
    • Several well-known authors have been booked to speak at the event.几位著名作家已被邀请在活动上发言。
  4. [transitive] book somebody (for something) (informal) to write down somebody’s name and address because they have committed a crime or an offence立案(控告某人)
    • He was booked for possession of cocaine.他因藏有可卡因而被立案审查。
  5. [transitive] book somebody (British English) (of a referee裁判) to write down in an official book the name of a player who has broken the rules of the game记名警告(犯规运动员)Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc1
  6. 词源Old English bōc (originally also ‘a document or charter’), bōcian ‘to grant by charter’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch boek and German Buch, and probably to beech (on which runes were carved).




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