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词汇 border


    the line that divides two countries or areas; the land near this line国界;边界;边疆;边界地区
    • I live in a small town in the US, near the Canadian border.我住在靠近加拿大边界的一个美国小镇。
    • Thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border every day.每天都有数千非法移民穿越边界。
    • They took steps to secure the border.他们采取措施保护边境。
    • to seal/close the border封锁/关闭边境
    • border between A and B They spent a week in a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania.他们在位于肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚边界的国家公园度过了一星期。
    • (figurative) It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship.爱情和友情之间的界线难以划清。
    • border with something The treaty fixed Denmark's new border with Germany.该条约确定了丹麦和德国之间新的国界线。
    • across the border They fled across the border.他们穿越边界逃走了。
    • over the border They live just over the border.他们就住在边境那边。
    • on the border The incident happened on Nevada's northern border.事件发生在内华达州北部边境。
    • at the border They were stopped at the border.他们在边境被拦住了。
    • along the border There are tensions all along the border.整个边境都很紧张。
    • border crossings边境过境处
    • border patrols/security/guards边境巡逻队/保安/警卫
    • border controls边境管制
    • a border dispute边界纠纷
    • a border town/village/county边境城镇/村庄/县
    • a border region/area边境地区/地区
    Synonyms borderborder
    • boundary
    • frontier
    These are all words for a line that marks the edge of something and separates it from other areas or things.
    • border the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:
      • a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania位于肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚边界的国家公园
    • boundary a line that marks the edges of an area of land and separates it from other areas:
      • The fence marked the boundary between my property and hers.那道篱笆曾是我和她的房产之间的地界。
    • frontier (British English) the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:指国界、边界、边疆、边界地区:
      • The river formed the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes.这条河曾是撒克逊人与古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的分界线。
    which word?The point where you cross from one country to another is usually called the border. In British English it can also be called the frontier, but this is often in a context of wildness, danger and uncertainty:国界线通常叫 border;英式英语亦可叫 frontier,但 frontier 常与荒芜、危险和不确定联系在一起:
    • The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛乱分子控制了边疆地区。
    The line on a map that shows the border of a country can be called the boundary but ‘boundary’ is not used when you cross from one country to another:地图上标示的国界线可叫 boundary,但穿越国界不用 boundary:
    • After the war the national boundaries were redrawn.战后重新划定了国界。
    • Thousands of immigrants cross the boundary every day.
    Boundary can also be a physical line between two places, for example between property belonging to two different people, marked by a fence or wall:
    • the boundary fence/​wall between the properties分隔两所房子的篱笆/墙
    • across/​along/​on/​over a/​the border/​boundary/​frontier
    • at the boundary/​frontier
    • the border/​boundary/​frontier with a place
    • the northern/​southern/​eastern/​western border/​boundary/​frontier
    • a national/​common/​disputed border/​boundary/​frontier
    • abroad
    • backpack
    • border
    • guide
    • passport
    • resort
    • sightseeing
    • tourist
    • travel
    • visa
    Collocations International relationsInternational relations国际关系Trade贸易
    • facilitate/​regulate trade (with other countries)促进/规范(与其他国家的)贸易
    • form/​join a trading bloc建立/加入贸易同盟
    • live in/​compete in a global/​the world economy生存于全球/世界经济中;参与全球/世界经济竞争
    • support/​promote free trade支持/促进自由贸易
    • adopt/​call for/​oppose protectionist measures采取/呼吁/反对保护主义措施
    • erect/​impose/​reduce/​remove trade barriers设置/推行/减少/消除贸易壁垒
    • impose/​lift/​raise/​eliminate import tariffs (on something)征收/取消/提高/废除(某物的)进口关税
    • have/​run a huge/​large/​growing trade surplus/​deficit有巨额/持续增长的贸易顺差/逆差
    • embrace/​resist/​drive globalization接受/抵制/推进全球化
    Politics and law政治与法律
    • conduct/​handle/​talk about/​discuss foreign policy执行/掌控/谈论/讨论外交政策
    • pursue an aggressive/​a hawkish foreign policy执行强硬的外交政策
    • require/​use/​conduct diplomacy需要/使用/实施外交手段
    • establish/​break off/​sever/​restore diplomatic relations建立/中断/断绝/恢复外交关系
    • foster/​promote/​strengthen regional cooperation促进地区间合作
    • facilitate/​achieve economic/​political integration促进/实现经济/政治一体化
    • exercise/​defend/​protect/​transfer/​restore/​regain national/​state/​full/​limited sovereignty行使/维护/保护/移交/恢复/重获民族/国家/全部/部分主权
    • consolidate/​extend/​lose/​retain your power (in the region)巩固/扩张/丧失/保持(区域内的)势力
    • hold/​maintain/​change/​alter/​shift/​be a shift in the balance of power (in the region)维持/改变(区域内的)势力均衡
    • cause/​create/​open/​expose/​heal/​repair a deep/​growing/​major/​serious rift between X and Y导致/造成/引发/暴露出/弥合/修复 X 与 Y 之间深层次的/不断扩大的/主要的/严重的分歧
    Meetings and agreements会议与协议
    • have/​hold/​host/​attend an international conference/​an economic forum/​a G20 summit召开/举行/主办/出席国际会议/经济论坛/二十国集团峰会
    • launch a new round of global/​multilateral/​world trade negotiations发起新一轮的全球/多边/世界贸易谈判
    • send/​head/​lead/​meet a high-level/​an official/​a trade delegation派遣/领导/带领/会见高层/官方/贸易代表团
    • begin/​start/​continue/​resume peace talks开始/继续/重启和平谈判
    • be committed to/​be opposed to/​disrupt/​undermine/​derail/​sabotage the peace process致力于/反对/扰乱/损害/干扰/破坏和平进程
    • negotiate/​achieve a lasting political settlement达成/取得长期的政治协议
    • broker/​sign a peace deal/​agreement/​treaty协商/签署和平协议
    • be/​constitute/​pose a threat to global security构成对全球安全的一大威胁
    • compromise/​endanger/​protect national security损害/危及/保护国家安全
    • justify/​be in favour of/ (US English) be in favor of/​be against military intervention证明军事干预合理;支持/反对军事干预
    • threaten/​authorize/​launch/​take/​support/​oppose unilateral/​pre-emptive military action扬言采取/授权使用/发起/采取/支持/反对单边的/先发制人的军事行动
    • impose/​enforce/​lift/​end economic sanctions/​an arms embargo/​a naval blockade强制实行/解除经济制裁/武器禁运/海上封锁
    • close/​protect/​secure/​patrol the border封锁/保卫边境;在边境地区巡逻
    • lead/​be involved in a peacekeeping operation领导/参与维和行动
    • negotiate/​announce a $15 billion aid package/​an economic stimulus package达成/宣布 150 亿美元的一套援助计划/刺激经济的一揽子计划
    • send/​provide/​request/​cut off military aid派遣/提供/请求/中断军事援助
    • bring/​provide emergency/​humanitarian relief带来/提供紧急/人道主义救助
    • deliver/​distribute medical supplies/(British English) food parcels/(North American English)food packages
    • fund/​run a foreign/​a local/​an international NGO资助/管理外国/当地/国际非政府组织
    • reduce/​eradicate child/​global/​world poverty减少/根除儿童/全球性/世界性贫困
    • Brazil has a common border with most South American countries.巴西和大多数南美国家接壤。
    • Ethiopia shares its longest border with Somalia.埃塞俄比亚与索马里接壤的边界最长。
    • He drove us right up to the Russian border.他开车一直把我们送到俄罗斯边境。
    • Poland has a common border with Germany.波兰和德国接壤。
    • There has been fighting along the border.边境沿线一直有战争。
    • There has been fighting on both sides of the border.边境两端一直有战斗。
    • They slipped across the border at nightfall.他们在日暮时分偷越国境。
    • We were stopped on the border.我们在边境被拦住了。
    • a farm on the border of Cumbria and Yorkshire坎布里亚郡和约克郡交界处的农场
    • to smuggle goods across the border穿越边境走私货物
    Topics Politicsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • open
    • closed
    • porous
    verb + border
    • arrive at
    • reach
    • stop at
    border + noun
    • crossing
    • post
    • region
    • across a/​the border
    • over a/​the border
    • along a/​the border
    • north of the border
    • south of the border
    • on both sides of the border
  2. enlarge image
    a long narrow piece around the edge of something such as a picture or a piece of cloth镶边;包边
    • a pillowcase with a lace border有花边的枕套
    • She drew a decorative border around the picture.她在图画周围画了一圈饰边。
    • The tablecloth has a narrow lace border.这条桌布有一条窄花边。
    • a white handkerchief with a blue border饰有蓝边的白手绢
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • wide
    • narrow
    • decorative
    verb + border
    • have
    • draw
    • with a/​the border
    • border around
    • border round
  3. (in a garden花园) a long narrow area of soil which is planted with flowers, along the edge of the grass(草坪边等的)狭长花坛
    • The back garden is mostly lawn with herbaceous borders.后院主要是草坪,草坪四边种有草本植物。
    Topics Gardensc1
  4. 词源late Middle English: from Old French bordeure; ultimately of Germanic origin and related to board.


present simple I / you / we / they border
he / she / it borders
past simple bordered
past participle bordered
-ing form bordering
Phrasal Verbs
    border something (of a country or an area国家或地区) to share a border with another country or area和…毗邻;与…接壤
    • the countries bordering the Baltic波罗的海沿岸国家
    • a mountainous region bordering Pakistan与巴基斯坦接壤的山区
    • Albania is bordered to the north by Serbia and Montenegro.阿尔巴尼亚北面与塞尔维亚和黑山接壤。
  2. border something to form a line along or around the edge of something沿…的边;环绕…;给…镶边
    • Meadows bordered the path to the woods.通往树林的小径两边都是草坪。
    • The large garden is bordered by a stream.大花园紧临着一条小溪。
    • A hedge borders the path.小路旁边有一道树篱。
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Old French bordeure; ultimately of Germanic origin and related to board.




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