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词汇 break


present simple I / you / we / they break
he / she / it breaks
past simple broke
past participle broken
-ing form breaking
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    in pieces破碎

    [intransitive, transitive] to be damaged and separated into two or more parts, as a result of force; to damage something in this way(使)破,裂,碎
    • All the windows broke with the force of the blast.爆炸的巨大力量震碎了所有的窗户。
    • The bag broke under the weight of the bottles inside it.袋子被里面的瓶子压破了。
    • break in/into something She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。
    • The boat hit a rock and broke in half.船撞上了一块岩石,裂成了两半。
    • break something to break a cup/window打破杯子/窗户
    • She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.她从梯子上掉下来,摔断了胳膊。
    • to break a leg/bone打断一条腿/骨头
    • break something in/into something He broke the chocolate in two.他把那块巧克力一分为二。
    Homophones brake | breakbrake   break
    • brake noun
      • The parking brake comes on by itself.驻车制动器自动启动。
    • brake verb
      • There wasn't even time for the driver to brake.司机甚至没有时间刹车。
    • break verb
      • Break the biscuits into small pieces.把饼干分成小块。
    • break noun
      • They left the office for a tea break.他们离开办公室去喝茶休息。
    Collocations InjuriesInjuries身体损伤Being injured受伤
    • have a fall/​an injury跌了一跤;受伤
    • receive/​suffer/​sustain a serious injury/​a hairline fracture/(especially British English) whiplash/​a gunshot wound受重伤/轻微骨裂/鞭伤/枪伤
    • hurt/​injure your ankle/​back/​leg伤到脚踝/背/大腿
    • damage the brain/​an ankle ligament/​your liver/​the optic nerve/​the skin损伤大脑/脚踝韧带/肝脏/视神经/皮肤
    • pull/​strain/​tear a hamstring/​ligament/​muscle/​tendon拉伤腘绳肌腱/韧带/肌肉/肌腱
    • sprain/​twist your ankle/​wrist扭伤脚踝/手腕
    • break a bone/​your collarbone/​your leg/​three ribs骨折;锁骨/大腿/三根肋骨骨折
    • fracture/​crack your skull头盖骨破裂
    • break/​chip/​knock out/​lose a tooth碰断了一颗牙;使牙齿崩缺了一块;磕掉/掉了一颗牙
    • burst/​perforate your eardrum使耳膜破裂;鼓膜穿孔
    • dislocate your finger/​hip/​jaw/​shoulder使手指/臀部/下巴/肩膀脱臼
    • bruise/​cut/​graze your arm/​knee/​shoulder擦伤/割破/擦破手臂/膝盖/肩膀
    • burn/​scald yourself/​your tongue烧伤/烫伤自己/舌头
    • bang/​bump/​hit/ (informal) bash your elbow/​head/​knee (on/​against something)(在某物上)撞到肘部/头/膝盖
    Treating injuries治疗伤病
    • treat somebody for burns/​a head injury/​a stab wound给某人治疗烧伤/头部伤/刺伤
    • examine/​clean/​dress/​bandage/​treat a bullet wound检查/清洗/包扎/用绷带包扎/治疗枪伤
    • repair a damaged/​torn ligament/​tendon/​cartilage修复损伤的/拉伤的韧带/肌腱/软骨
    • amputate/​cut off an arm/​a finger/​a foot/​a leg/​a limb截去一只胳膊/一根手指/一只脚/一条腿;截肢
    • put on/ (formal) apply/​take off (especially North American English) a Band-Aid™/(British English) a plaster/​a bandage贴上/使用/撕掉创可贴;缠上/使用/解掉绷带
    • need/​require/​put in/ (especially British English) have (out)/ (North American English) get (out) stitches需要缝针;缝针;拆线
    • put on/​rub on/ (formal) apply cream/​ointment/​lotion涂抹护肤霜/药膏/护肤液
    • have/​receive/​undergo (British English) physiotherapy/(North American English) physical therapy接受物理疗法
    • The glass broke into hundreds of pieces.玻璃摔得粉碎。
    • How did this dish get broken?这个盘子是怎么打破的?
    • I didn't mean to break the window.我不是故意打破窗玻璃的。
    • She broke the bar in two and gave a piece to me.她把糖块掰成两半给了我一块。
  2. stop working停止运转

    [intransitive, transitive] to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage something and stop it from working弄坏;损坏;坏掉
    • My watch has broken.我的表坏了。
    • break something I think I've broken the washing machine.我可能把洗衣机弄坏了。
    Topics Engineeringa1
  4. skin皮肤

  5. [transitive] break the skin to cut the surface of the skin and make it bleed弄破;使流血
    • The dog bit me but didn't break the skin.那条狗咬了我,但没咬破皮肤。
    Topics Illnessb1
  6. law/promise法律;承诺

    [transitive] break something to do something that is against the law; to not keep a promise, etc.违犯;背弃
    • I had broken the law and deserved to be punished.我违反了法律,应该受到惩罚。
    • People should not be allowed to break the rules.人们不应该被允许违反规则。
    • to break a promise违背诺言
    • to break an agreement/a contract/your word违反协议/合同/你的诺言
    • to break an appointment (= not to come to it)失约
    • He was breaking the speed limit (= travelling faster than the law allows).他违章超速驾驶。
    • They insist that they have not broken any rules.他们坚持说他们没有违反任何规章。
    • Would you be willing to break the law to achieve your goal?你愿意为达到目的而违反法律吗?
    • She had broken the conditions of her bail.她违反了保释条件。
    • She has already broken three appointments.她已经3次爽约。
    • Some companies have broken sanctions by supplying arms to the warring states.有些公司违反制裁规定向交战国提供武器。
    • I've never broken my word; why should I do it now?我从未食言过,为什么现在要这么做?
    • Perhaps it is more courageous to break a promise if it means saving the economy.如果违背承诺意味着拯救经济,也许更有勇气。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb1
  8. stop for short time暂停

  9. [intransitive, transitive] to stop doing something for a while, especially when it is time to eat or have a drink稍停;暂停
    • break for something Let's break for lunch.我们休息一会儿,吃午饭。
    • Parliament breaks for recess next week.议会下周休会。
    • We broke early and went for a drink.我们很早就分手了,去喝了一杯。
    • break something Their sleep was broken by noise from the street. 他们的睡眠被街上的噪音打破了。
    • (especially British English) We broke our journey in (= stopped in on the way to the place we were going to).我们途中在牛津停留了一下。
  10. end something中断

  11. [transitive] break something to interrupt something so that it ends suddenly打断;中断
    • She broke the silence by coughing.她的咳嗽声打破了寂静。
    • A tree broke his fall (= stopped him as he was falling).他坠落时一棵树挡住了他。
    • The phone rang and broke my train of thought.电话铃响起来,打断了我的思路。
    • Someone laughed suddenly and the spell was broken.突然有人笑了,咒语破了。
  12. [transitive] break something to make something end by using force or strong action强行终止;破坏
    • an attempt to break the year-long siege试图冲破长达一年的围困
    • Management has not succeeded in breaking the strike.资方未能使罢工终止。
  13. [transitive] break something to end a connection with something or a relationship with somebody终止,断绝(关系、联系)
    • He broke all ties with his parents.他断绝了与父母的一切关系。
  14. escape逃跑

  15. [intransitive] break free (from somebody/something) (of a person or an object人或物体) to manage to get away from or out of a position in which they have been caught逃脱;挣脱
    • He finally managed to break free from his attacker.他终于设法逃脱了袭击他的人。
  16. destroy, be destroyed毁坏;被毁坏

  17. [transitive, intransitive] break (somebody/something) to destroy something or make somebody/something weaker; to become weak or be destroyed(被)摧毁,削弱
    • to break somebody’s morale/resistance/resolve/spirit瓦解某人的士气/抵抗/决心/精神
    • The government was determined to break the power of the trade unions.政府决心削弱工会的力量。
    • The scandal broke him (= ruined his reputation and destroyed his confidence).这桩丑闻把他毁了。
    • She broke under questioning (= was no longer able to bear it) and confessed to everything.她经不住盘问,招认了一切。
  18. in tennis网球

  19. [transitive] break somebody's serve to win a game in which it is your opponent's turn to serve (= hit the ball across the net first)破发
    • Williams broke her opponent's serve five times.威廉姆斯五次破了对手的发球局。
  20. make somebody feel bad使难过

  21. [transitive] break somebody to make somebody feel so sad, lonely, etc. that they cannot live a normal life使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂
    • The death of his wife broke him completely.妻子的死使他悲痛欲绝。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  22. of weather天气

  23. [intransitive] to change suddenly, usually after a period when it has been fine(常指好天气)突变
    • On the third day the weather broke and they had a violent storm.第三天天气变坏了,他们遇到了一场猛烈的暴风雨。
  24. of clouds

  25. [intransitive] to show an opening露出缝隙;散开
    • The clouds broke and the sun came out.云开日出。
  26. surface物体表面

  27. break the surface to come up through the surface of water in the sea, a pool, etc.弄破;使流血
    • When his head broke the surface he took in deep gulps of air.当他的头露出水面时,他深深地吸了一口气。
  28. of day/dawn/storm白天;黎明;风暴

  29. [intransitive] when the day or dawn or a storm breaks, it begins开始;(风暴)发作
    • Dawn was breaking when they finally left.他们终于离开时正是破晓时分。
    see also daybreakTopics Weatherc1
  30. of news消息

  31. [intransitive] if a piece of news breaks, it becomes known透露;传开
    • There was a public outcry when the scandal broke.丑闻一传开,舆论一片哗然。
    • breaking news (= news that is arriving about events that have just happened)突发性新闻
  32. [transitive] break it/the news to somebody to be the first to tell somebody some bad news(第一个将坏消息向某人)公布,透露,说出
    • Who's going to break it to her?由谁来把这事告诉她呢?
    • I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.我很难过,这消息得由我来告诉你。
    • Just break the news to her gently.就把这个消息委婉地告诉她吧。
  33. of voice嗓音

  34. [intransitive] if somebody’s voice breaks, it changes its tone because of emotion(因激动)变调
    • Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news.她告诉我们这可怕的消息时,声音都变了。
  35. [intransitive] when a boy’s voice breaks, it becomes permanently deeper at about the age of 13 or 14(指男孩在 13 或 14 岁时嗓音)变粗,变低Topics Life stagesc2
  36. a record纪录

  37. [transitive] break a record to do something better, faster, etc. than anyone has ever done it before打破(纪录)
    • She had broken the world 100 metres record.她打破了 100 米世界纪录。
    • The movie broke all box-office records.这部影片打破了所有的票房纪录。
  38. of waves波浪

  39. [intransitive] when waves break, they fall and are dissolved into foam, usually near land拍岸;迸溅
    • the sound of waves breaking on the beach浪涛拍岸的声音
    • The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.海浪冲刷着破船的残骸。
  40. something secret秘密

  41. [transitive] break a code/cipher to find the meaning of something secret破译;破解
    • to break a code破译密码
  42. money

  43. [transitive] break something (especially North American English) to change a banknote for coins把…换成零钱;找开
    • Can you break a twenty-dollar bill?可以给我找开二十美元的钞票吗?
  44. 词源Old English brecan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch breken and German brechen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin frangere ‘to break’.
Idioms Idioms containing break are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example break somebody’s heart is at heart. 



    short stop

    [countable] a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest, eat, etc.间歇;休息
    • She was on her lunch break.她正在午休。
    • a coffee/tea break喝咖啡/喝茶的时间
    • Let's take a break.咱们休息会儿吧。
    • break for something a break for lunch午餐休息
    • a bathroom break (= a short period when somebody stops what they are doing to use the toilet)洗手间休息时间
    • She worked all day without a break.她接连工作了一整天。
    see also comfort break
    Homophones brake | breakbrake   break
    • brake noun
      • The parking brake comes on by itself.驻车制动器自动启动。
    • brake verb
      • There wasn't even time for the driver to brake.司机甚至没有时间刹车。
    • break verb
      • Break the biscuits into small pieces.把饼干分成小块。
    • break noun
      • They left the office for a tea break.他们离开办公室去喝茶休息。
    Synonyms restrest
    • break
    • respite
    • time out
    • breathing space
    These are all words for a short period of time spent relaxing.
    • rest a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity:
      • We stopped for a well-earned rest.我们停下来作个应有的休息。
    • break a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest or eat:
      • Let’s take a break.咱们休息会儿吧。
      In British English break is a period of time between lessons at school. The North American English word is recess.
    • respite a short break from something difficult or unpleasant:
      • The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.药物暂时缓解了疼痛。
    • time out (especially North American English, informal) time for resting or relaxing away from your usual work or studies:
      • Take time out to relax by the pool.去游泳池边歇一歇吧。
    • breathing space a short rest in the middle of a period of mental or physical effort:
      • This delay gives the party a breathing space in which to sort out its policies.这一延误使该党有了喘息之机来厘定其政策。
    • (a) rest/​break/​respite/​time out from something
    • to have/​take (a) rest/​break/​time out
    • to give somebody (a) rest/​break/​respite/​breathing space
    • I had a word with John during the break.中间休息时我和约翰说了几句话。
    • We have a 15-minute break in the morning.我们上午有 15 分钟的休息时间。
    • We'll take a break now and resume in an hour.现在休息一下,一小时后再开始。
    Topics Working lifea1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • quick
    • short
    verb + break
    • have
    • take
    • need
    break + noun
    • time
    • at break
    • during (a/​the) break
    • without a break
  2. (also break time)
    (both British English)
    (North American English recess)
    [uncountable] a period of time between lessons at school课间休息
    • Come and see me at break.课间休息时来见我。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • quick
    • short
    verb + break
    • have
    • take
    • need
    break + noun
    • time
    • at break
    • during (a/​the) break
    • without a break
    [countable] a period of time when something stops before starting again间断;暂停
    • Employees can take a career break of up to one year.员工可以休假长达一年。
    • break in something a break in my daily routine我日常生活中的一段小插曲
    • break from something He is having a break from his successful television show. 他正从他成功的电视节目中休息一下。
    • break from doing something I need a break from caring for the children.我需要停止照顾孩子。
    • the summer/winter break暑假/寒假
    • (especially British English) the Christmas/Easter break (= the period at Christmas/Easter when most people do not work)圣诞节/复活节假期
    • I need a break from mental activity.我需要让大脑休息一下。
    • Everyone needs a break, a change from day-to-day routine.每个人都需要休息,从每天的例行公事中解脱出来。
    • The team have been taking a break in Spain.该队一直在西班牙休息。
    • Have you got any plans for the Easter break?复活节假期你有什么打算吗?
    see also spring break
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • quick
    • short
    verb + break
    • have
    • take
    • need
    break + noun
    • time
    • at break
    • during (a/​the) break
    • without a break
    (also commercial break)
    [countable] a short period of time when a television or radio show stops for advertisements(电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙
    • More news after the break.广告后继续报道新闻。
    • Most viewers tend to skip through the ad breaks.大多数观众倾向于跳过广告插播。
    Topics TV, radio and newsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clean
    • complete
    • sharp
    verb + break
    • make
    • break from
    • break in
    • break with
  5. holiday/vacation假期

    [countable] a short holiday短期休假
    • We had a weekend break in New York.我们在纽约度过了一个周末假日。
    • a well-earned break应得的休假
    • a two/three-night break两/三夜的休息
    • break
    • camp
    • cruise
    • holiday
    • honeymoon
    • package tour
    • self-catering
    • tourist
    • travel
    • visa
    • Choose from our range of city breaks.请选择我们的城市短游系列中的项目。
    • It's a great city for a weekend break.这个城市非常适合度周末。
    • I'd like to take her on a mini-break.我想带她去小休。
    • The prize is a three-night break in Paris.大奖是巴黎的三天住宿券。
    • Spend the weekend at a spa for a really relaxing break.周末去水疗中心放松一下。
    Topics Holidaysb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • quick
    • short
    verb + break
    • have
    • take
    • need
    break + noun
    • time
    • at break
    • during (a/​the) break
    • without a break
  7. change in situation状况改变

  8. [singular] the moment when a situation or a relationship that has existed for a time changes, ends or is interrupted(持续一段时间的状况或关系的)改变,终止,中断
    • I wanted to leave but was nervous about making the break.我想离开,但是一想到要改变又觉得不安。
    • break with somebody/something He needed to make a complete break with the past.他得与过去彻底告别。
    • a break with tradition (= a change from what is accepted, in something such as art, behaviour, etc.)与旧传统决裂(背离公认的艺术、行为、道德等准则)。
    • break in something a break in the weather (= a change from one type of weather to a different one)天气的转变
    • a break in diplomatic relations外交关系的中断
    • break from something This event represents a real break from tradition.这一事件代表着与传统的真正决裂。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clean
    • complete
    • sharp
    verb + break
    • make
    • break from
    • break in
    • break with
  9. opening/space缝隙;空间

  10. [countable] break (in something) a space or an opening between two or more things间隔;缝隙
    • We could see the moon through a break in the clouds.我们能从云缝里看到月亮。
    • Wait for a break in the traffic before crossing the road.要等到暂无车辆来往时,再过马路。
    • The track bends left through a break in the hedge.树篱上有一个缺口, 小路由此拐向左
  11. opportunity机遇

  12. [countable] (informal) an opportunity to do something, usually to get something that you want or to achieve success机会;机遇
    • I got my lucky break when I won a ‘Young Journalist of the Year’ competition.我时来运转,在 “年度最佳青年记者” 竞赛中取胜。
    • We've had a few bad breaks (= pieces of bad luck) along the way.我们一路上遭遇了几次厄运。
    • If you just give me a break, you won’t regret it.你就饶了我吧,不会后悔的。
    • He's the director who gave her her first big break.他是第一个给她大好机会的导演。
    • It's often difficult for talented newcomers to get the break they deserve.有才华的新人通常很难得到他们应得的休息。
    Topics Successc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • lucky
    verb + break
    • get
    • give somebody
  13. of bone骨骼

  14. [countable] a place where something, especially a bone in your body, has broken破裂;骨折
    • The X-ray showed there was no break in his leg.X 光照片显示他的腿没有骨折。
    Topics Illnessb1
  15. in tennis网球

  16. (also break of serve)
    [countable] a win in a game in which your opponent is serving破发
    • It was her second break in the set.这是本盘比赛中她第二次破掉对手的发球局。
    see also break pointTopics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  17. in billiards/snooker台球;斯诺克

  18. [countable] a series of successful shots by one player; the number of points scored in a series of successful shots单杆;单杆得分
    • He's put together a magnificent break.他这杆球打得很不错。
    • a 147 break (= the highest possible break in snooker)单杆 147 分(斯诺克中的单杆最高得分)
    • The champion began with breaks of 74 and 58.冠军以74分和58分的成绩开始。
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2
  19. see also fast break
    词源Old English brecan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch breken and German brechen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin frangere ‘to break’.
break of day/dawn
  1. (literary) the moment in the early hours of the morning when it begins to get light破晓;黎明
a clean break
  1. a complete end to any connection with a person, an organization, a way of life, etc.(与人、组织、生活方式等的)彻底决裂
    • She wanted to make a clean break with the past.她想与过去完全断绝。
  2. a break in a bone in one place一处骨折
give somebody a break
  1. (informal) to give somebody a chance; to not judge somebody too severely给某人一次机会;不苛求某人
    • Give the lad a break—it's only his second day on the job.别苛求这小伙子,他上工才第二天。
give me a break!
  1. (informal) used when somebody wants somebody else to stop doing or saying something that is annoying, or to stop saying something that is not true别烦我了;别胡说了
make a break for something/for it
  1. to run towards something in order to try and escape向某处逃窜;试图逃跑
    • He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door.他突然一跃而起,向门口逃窜。
    • They decided to make a break for it (= to try and escape) that night.他们决定那天晚上逃跑。




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