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词汇 water


    [uncountable] a liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc. Water is the name given to the chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen with the chemical symbol H₂O.
    • a glass of water一杯水
    • drinking water饮用水
    • There is hot and cold running water (= water supplied by pipes) in all the bedrooms.所有的卧室里都有冷热自来水。
    • The refugees are desperate for food, clean water and medical supplies.难民们迫切需要食物、干净的水和医疗用品。
    • All chickens need a continuous supply of fresh water to drink.所有的鸡都需要持续的淡水供应来饮用。
    • water pollution水污染
    • water shortages缺水
    • concerns about water quality对水质的担忧
    • The water (= the supply of water) was turned off for several hours each day during the drought.干旱期间,每天停水几个小时。
    see also bathwater, holy water, ice water, iced water, lime water, rose water, salt water, seawater, soda water, tap water
    • Alexis filled the sink with soapy water.亚历克西斯将水槽装满肥皂水。
    • As the weather heats up, water evaporates.随着气温升高,水开始蒸发。
    • Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the country.刚到该国时不要饮用自来水。
    • Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.棕色的水从生锈的旧龙头中涌出来。
    • Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water.把大量的盐水烧开来煮意大利面食。
    • Don't slosh too much water on the floor when you're having a bath.洗澡时别把太多水溅到地板上。
    • He twisted it to drain the excess water.他拧掉了那上面多余的水。
    • How do you pump the water up here?你们如何将水抽到这里?
    • I could feel the icy water entering my lungs.我可以感觉到冰冷的水正进入我的肺里。
    • She dried off the excess water from her hair.她将湿淋淋的头发弄干。
    • Some fields have areas with standing water.有些场地有积水。
    • That causes the moss to absorb water.这就是苔藓能够吸水的原因。
    • The burst pipe was spurting water everywhere.爆裂的水管把水喷得到处都是。
    • The farmers draw their irrigation water from the Colorado.这些农民的灌溉用水取自科罗拉多河。
    • The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.路面积水对司机构成危险。
    • There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.水从天花板的窟窿中滴下来。
    • They turned the water off for a few hours to do some work on the pipes.他们把水闸关了几个小时以便进行水管维修。
    • Water got into the boat and was sloshing around under our feet.水灌进船里,在我们脚下哗哗流着。
    • a woman fetching water去取水的妇女
    • areas which are dependent on ground water依赖地下水的地区
    • household water heaters家用热水器
    • the fast-flowing water of the river河中的急流
    • the purest well water最纯净的井水
    • the region's most important fresh water source该地区最重要的淡水水源
    • They climbed a tree to escape the rising water.他们爬到树上躲避不断上涨的水。
    • The water is now receding after the floods.洪水结束后水现在在退去。
    • The water was rising fast.水迅猛上涨。
    • A pesticide that dissolves in water can move with water in the soil.一种溶于水的杀虫剂可以随土壤中的水一起移动。
    • Wash the skin thoroughly with soap and warm water.用肥皂和温水彻底清洗皮肤。
    • The site had no electricity or water.这个地方没有电和水。
    • They survived for two days without food or water.他们在没有食物和水的情况下存活了两天。
    • a water treatment plant水处理厂
    • The children were all told to bring a bottle of water.孩子们被告知要带一瓶水。
    • a water bottle水瓶
    • A water molecule can be split into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.水分子可以分解成氢原子和氧原子。
    • water vapour水蒸气
    • the impact of agriculture on the region's water resources 农业对该地区水资源的影响
    • Any excess water is left in the water tank.任何多余的水都留在水箱里。
    • Trout cannot survive in ponds where water temperatures exceed 75 degrees.鳟鱼不能在水温超过75度的池塘中生存。
    • She took the teacup and poured the water onto the floor.她拿起茶杯,把水倒在地板上。
    Topics Drinksa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • boiling
    • chilled
    • cold
    … of water
    • drop
    • drink
    • sip
    verb + water
    • drink
    • sip
    • gulp
    water + verb
    • flow
    • pour
    • run
    water + noun
    • vapour/​vapor
    • temperature
    • pressure
    [uncountable] an area of water, especially a lake, river, sea or ocean大片的水;水域;(尤指)江,河,湖,海
    • We walked down to the water's edge.我们步行到水边去。
    • shallow/deep water浅/深水域
    • in the water It was lovely and cool in the water. 水中很可爱,很凉爽。
    • She fell into the water.她失足落水。
    • In the lagoon the water was calm.环礁湖里风平浪静。
    see also backwater, breakwater, deep-water, low water, high water, standing water
    • She crouched at the water's edge to wash her hands.她蹲在水边洗手。
    • The boat cut effortlessly through the water.船轻快地破水前行。
    • large expanses of open water大片开阔的水域
    • Swans glided across the water.天鹅滑过水面。
    Topics Transport by watera1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • shallow
    • clear
    water + verb
    • rise
    • recede
    water + noun
    • sports
    • by water
    • in the water
    • on the water
    • the water’s edge
    [uncountable] the surface of a mass of water(一片)水面
    • on the water The leaves floated on the water.叶片漂浮在水面上。
    • in the water I could see my reflection in the water.我能看到水中自己的倒影。
    • under the water She dived under the water.她潜入水下。
    • He disappeared under the water.他消失在水下。
    see also underwater
    • I saw something large floating in the water.我看到一个大东西漂浮在水中。
    • An abandoned town lies under the water of the reservoir.有一个废弃了的小镇淹没在水库下面。
    • The swan landed gracefully on the water.天鹅优雅地落在水面上。
    • Try to keep your head above the water.尽量把头露出水面。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • shallow
    • clear
    water + verb
    • rise
    • recede
    water + noun
    • sports
    • by water
    • in the water
    • on the water
    • the water’s edge
    [plural] the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean(某一江、河、湖、海的)水域
    • the grey waters of the River Clyde克莱德河灰蒙蒙的河水
    • This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。
    • At last the boat reached safer waters.船最终到达了较为安全的水域。
    • inland navigable waters内陆航道
    • the calm waters of Lake Como科莫湖平静的水域
    • the freezing waters of the Irish Sea爱尔兰海的冰冻海域
    • the icy waters of the North Atlantic北大西洋的冰冻海域
    • the shark-infested waters off the coast of Florida佛罗里达海岸附近鲨鱼大批出没的海域
    • The ship had drifted into uncharted waters.船漂到了海图上未标明的海域。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • shallow
    • clear
    water + verb
    • rise
    • recede
    water + noun
    • sports
    • by water
    • in the water
    • on the water
    • the water’s edge
  5. waters
    [plural] an area of sea or ocean belonging to a particular country(某个国家的)领海,海域
    • in… waters We were still in British waters.我们仍在英国的领海上。
    • fishing in international waters在国际海域捕鱼
    • The submarine had strayed into Russian waters.潜艇误闯进了俄罗斯海域。
    see also territorial waters
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • territorial
    • coastal
    • tropical
    • in… water
    • into… water
  6. waters
    [plural] murky, uncharted, stormy, dangerous, etc. waters used to describe a situation, usually one that is difficult, dangerous or not familiar不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面
    • The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships.交谈进入到爱妒交织的复杂话题。
    • The government has warned of stormy waters ahead.政府已告诫说,以后的局势将很严峻。
    • I was going into uncharted waters.我要去未知的水域。
  7. 词源Old English wæter (noun), wæterian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch water, German Wasser, from an Indo-European root shared by Russian voda (compare with vodka), also by Latin unda ‘wave’ and Greek hudōr ‘water’.
be in/get into hot water
  1. (informal) to be in or get into trouble有麻烦;惹上麻烦
blood is thicker than water
  1. (saying) family relationships are stronger than any others血浓于水;亲属关系最牢靠
blow somebody/something out of the water (informal)
  1. to destroy somebody/something completely彻底摧毁;毁灭
  2. to show that somebody/something is not good by being very much better than it/them(以更加优异者)表明…不好,显得…差得多
    • I like my old phone, but this new model blows it out of the water.我喜欢我的旧手机,但这个新款比它强多了。
by water
  1. (formal) using a boat or ship乘船;由水路
    • They reached Naples by water.他们乘船到达那不勒斯。
    • Goods were often transported by water in the 19th century.19 世纪货物经常通过水路运输。
clear blue water (between A and B)
  1. a complete difference or division between two people or groups小便;小解;解小手
    • Voters want to see clear blue water between the main parties.选民们希望看到主要政党之间有清澈的蓝水。
    • They failed to put clear blue water between themselves and their competitors.他们没能在自己和竞争对手之间划清界限。
dead in the water
  1. a person or plan that is dead in the water has failed and has little hope of succeeding in the future(人或计划)失败,无成功希望
    • His leadership campaign is dead in the water.他参加领导层竞选无望成功。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
dip a toe in/into something | dip a toe in/into the water
  1. (informal) to start doing something very carefully to see if it will be successful or not涉足试试;试做
    • We decided to dip a toe in the computer games market.我们决定涉足电脑游戏市场。
    Topics Successc2
a fish out of water
  1. a person who feels uncomfortable because he or she is in an environment that is not familiar离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人
(come) hell or high water
  1. despite any difficulties无论有什么困难
    • I was determined to go, come hell or high water.我决心要去,不管有什么困难。
in deep water(s)
  1. (informal) in trouble or difficulty在困境中;在危难中Topics Difficulty and failurec2
it’s (all) water under the bridge
  1. used to say that something happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer important已成往事;往事云烟
keep your head above water
  1. to deal with a difficult situation, especially one in which you have financial problems, and just manage to survive勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存
    • I’m not sure how much longer we’ll be able to keep our heads above water.我不知道我们还能在水面上呆多久。
(take to something) like a duck to water
  1. (to become used to something) very easily, without any problems or fears像鸭子入水般容易,轻而易举,毫不困难,毫无畏惧(习惯于某事)
    • She has taken to teaching like a duck to water.她教起书来驾轻就熟。
like water
  1. (informal) in large quantities大量地
    • He spends money like water.他挥霍无度。
not hold water
  1. (informal) if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does not hold water, you cannot believe it(论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理Topics Opinion and argumentc2
pass water
  1. (formal) to urinate小便;小解;解小手
pour/throw cold water on something
  1. to give reasons for not being in favour of something; to criticize something泼冷水;批评;责备
    • She immediately poured cold water on his plans to expand the business.她立即对他拓展业务的计划泼冷水。
pour oil on troubled water(s)
  1. to try to settle an argument调解争端;排解纠纷Topics Discussion and agreementc2
still waters run deep
  1. (saying) a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑
test the waters
  1. to find out what the situation is before doing something or making a decision摸清底细
tread water
  1. to keep yourself in the same place in deep water by moving your arms and legs踩水(摆动四肢使身体在深水中保持直立)
  2. to make no progress while you are waiting for something to happen裹足不前;徘徊观望
    • I decided to tread water until a better job came along.在找到更好的工作之前,我决定先试试水。
(like) water off a duck’s back
  1. (informal) used to say that something, especially criticism, has no effect on somebody/something(像)耳边风;水过鸭背
    • I can't tell my son what to do; it's water off a duck's back with him.我无法告诉我儿子该做什么,他根本听不进去。
somebody’s waters break
  1. when a pregnant woman’s waters break, the liquid in her womb passes out of her body just before the baby is born羊水破(即将分娩)Topics Life stagesc2
you can lead/take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink
  1. (saying) you can give somebody the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to牵马近水易,逼马饮水难;机会可以给,做不做由人;老牛不饮水,不能强按头


present simple I / you / we / they water
he / she / it waters
past simple watered
past participle watered
-ing form watering
Phrasal Verbs
    [transitive] water something to pour water on plants, etc.给…浇水;灌溉
    • to water the plants/garden给花草/花园浇水
    • Keep the area well watered.保持该地区充分灌溉。
    • The roses need watering.玫瑰需要浇水。
    • Water your houseplants well before you go on holiday.去度假前好好给室内植物浇水。
    Topics Farmingb1, Gardensb1
  2. [intransitive] (of the eyes眼睛) to become full of tears充满眼泪
    • The smoke made my eyes water.烟熏得我直流眼泪。
  3. [intransitive] (of the mouth) to produce saliva流口水
    • The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water.厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。
    • The smell of the meat made her mouth water.肉的味道让她流口水。
  4. [transitive] water something to give water to an animal to drink给…水喝;饮(动物)
    • to water the horses饮马
    • (humorous) After a tour of the grounds, the guests were fed and watered.客人们游览场地之后,给招待得酒足饭饱。
    Topics Farmingc2
  5. [transitive, usually passive] (specialist) (of a river, etc.河流等) to provide an area of land with water流经;给(某地)供水
    • be watered by something The valley is watered by a stream.这山谷有一条小溪流过。
  6. [transitive] water something to add water to an alcoholic drink往(酒里)掺水;给…加水
    • watered wine掺了水的葡萄酒
  7. 词源Old English wæter (noun), wæterian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch water, German Wasser, from an Indo-European root shared by Russian voda (compare with vodka), also by Latin unda ‘wave’ and Greek hudōr ‘water’.




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