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词汇 weak


(comparative weaker, superlative weakest)

    not physically strong身体虚弱

    not physically strong虚弱的;无力的
    • She is still weak after her illness.她病后仍然虚弱。
    • His legs felt weak.他觉得两腿发软。
    • She suffered from a weak heart.她心脏不好。
    • weak with/from something I was exhausted and weak with hunger.我因饥饿而筋疲力尽。
    Homophones weak | weekweak   week
    • weak adjective
      • He was weak with hunger.他因饥饿而身体虚弱。
    • week noun
      • I've been waiting to hear from them for over a week.我已经等了他们一个多星期了。
    • Her legs felt suddenly weak.她突然双腿发软。
    • She was weak from shock.由于休克,她身体很弱。
    • When the spasm passed, it left him weak and sweating.一阵痉挛之后,他虚弱无力,一直冒汗。
    Topics Illnessa2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • at
    • from
    • in
    • weak at the knees
  2. likely to break易破

    that cannot support a lot of weight; likely to break不牢固的;易损坏的;易破的
    • That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic.那座桥不太牢固,承受不住过多的车辆。
    • Weak foundations caused the building to collapse.薄弱的地基导致大楼倒塌。
  4. without power没有能力

    easy to influence; not having much power易受影响的;懦弱的;软弱无力的
    • a weak and cowardly man一个懦弱胆怯的男子
    • In a weak moment (= when I was easily persuaded) I said she could borrow the car.我一时心软,同意她借用汽车。
    • Small firms find themselves in a very weak position during a recession.在经济衰退期间,小公司发现自己处于非常弱势的地位。
    • a weak leader软弱的领导人
    • The unions have always been weak in this industry.在这个行业,工会一直没有权威。
  6. poor/sick people穷人;病人

  7. the weak
    noun [plural] people who are poor, sick or without power穷人;病人;弱者
  8. currency/economy货币;经济

    not financially strong or successful疲软的;萧条的
    • A weak dollar isn't bad news for everyone.弱势美元对每个人来说都不是坏消息。
    • a weak currency/yen/euro疲软的货币/日元/欧元
    • Is it your policy to have a relatively weak currency?货币相对疲软是你的政策吗?
    • The economy is very weak.经济十分萧条。
    • weak against something The currency was still relatively weak against the dollar.人民币对美元仍然相对疲软。
    Topics Moneyb1
  10. liquid液体

    a weak liquid contains a lot of water稀的;稀薄的;稀释的
    • weak tea淡茶
    • a weak acid弱酸
  12. hard to see/hear难以看见/听到

  13. not easily seen or heard微弱的;隐约的
    • a weak light/signal/sound微弱的光线/信号/声音
    • The weak winter sunlight spread across the lake.淡淡的冬日阳光洒落在湖面上。
  14. not good at something不善于

  15. not good at something不善于;不擅长;(能力)弱的
    • a weak team弱队
    • weak in something I was always weak in the science subjects.我总是学不好理科。
    • He's weak in English.他英语不好。
    • She's rather weak at languages.她语言能力比较差。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • at
    • from
    • in
    • weak at the knees
  16. not convincing欠缺说服力

  17. that people are not likely to believe or be persuaded by不能令人信服的;不能说服人的 synonym unconvincing
    • weak arguments/evidence无说服力的论据/证据
    • I enjoyed the movie but I thought the ending was very weak.我喜欢这部电影,但是觉得结尾很牵强。
    • The case for the prosecution was rather weak.控方的理由相当没有说服力。
    • The judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent.法官判定证据本质上无说服力而且前后不一致。
    • The essay was a bit weak on detail.这篇文章不够细致。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • at
    • from
    • in
    • weak at the knees
  18. without enthusiasm缺乏热情

  19. done without enthusiasm or energy淡漠的;无活力的;无生气的
    • a weak smile淡淡的微笑
    • He made a weak attempt to look cheerful.他有气无力地摆出高兴的样子。
  20. point/spot点;处

  21. weak point/spot the part of a person’s character, an argument, etc. that is easy to attack or criticize弱点;缺点;不足之处
    • The team's weak points are in defence.这个队的弱点在防守。
    • He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned.他知道史蒂夫是她的软肋。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  22. grammar语法

  23. a weak 动词形式 the past tense and past participle by adding a regular ending and not by changing a vowel. In English this is done by adding -d, -ed or -t (for example walk, walked).(动词)规则的,弱(变化)的
  24. phonetics语音学

  25. (of the pronunciation of some words某些单词的发音) used when there is no stress on the word. For example, the weak form of and is /ən/ or /n/, as in fish and chips /fɪʃ ən tʃɪps/.轻读的;非重读的 opposite strong
  26. 词源Old English wāc ‘pliant’, ‘of little worth’, ‘not steadfast’, reinforced in Middle English by Old Norse veikr, from a Germanic base meaning ‘yield, give way’.
the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak)
  1. (humorous, saying) you intend to do good things but you are too lazy, weak or busy to actually do them心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱;心有余而力不足;力不从心
weak at the knees
  1. (informal) hardly able to stand because of emotion, fear, illness, etc.(因激动、恐惧、疾病等)两腿发软
    • His sudden smile made her go weak at the knees.他突然笑了笑,使得她两膝发软。
the weak link (in the chain)
  1. the point at which a system or an organization is most likely to fail薄弱环节
    • She went straight for the one weak link in the chain of his argument.她迳直攻击他的论点中的一个薄弱环节。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2




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