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词汇 world



    the earth/its people地球;地球人

    the world
    [singular] the earth, with all its countries, peoples and natural features世界;地球;天下
    • a map of the world世界地图
    • French is spoken in many parts of the world.世界上许多地方都说法语。
    • in the world Which is the largest city in the world?世界上最大的城市是哪个?
    • around/round the world to sail around the world环球航行
    • all over the world She has been all over the world.她去过世界各地。
    • throughout the world Their products are sold throughout the world.他们的产品销往世界各地。
    • They travelled the world for pleasure.他们周游世界寻求快乐。
    • He's the world's highest paid entertainer.他是世界上薪酬最高的演艺人。
    • a meeting of world leaders世界各国领导人大会
    • campaigning for world peace发起世界和平运动
    • the world economy世界经济
    • world markets/trade世界市场/贸易
    • the world premiere of the movie这部电影的全球首映
    • At this age, babies are starting to take an interest in the world around them.在这个年龄,婴儿开始对周围的世界产生兴趣。
    • Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄国革命之后,共产党在世界范围内成立起来。
    • Fast food outlets seem to be taking over the world.快餐店似乎正占领全球。
    • He is on a quest to rid the world of evil.他正在探索如何消除世界上的罪恶。
    • In today's globalized world, telecommunications have broken down boundaries.在今日这个全球化的社会里,电信已经打破了地域局限。
    • It's an interesting part of the world.这是世界一个有趣的地区。
    • Many people imagine the world ending with an explosion.许多人都猜想世界会在一场大爆炸中终结。
    • One of these days, humankind will destroy the world.人类总有一天会毁掉这个世界。
    • People throughout the world will be watching the big game on television.全世界的人都将在电视机前观看这场重大比赛。
    • She had brought six children into the world.她生了 6 个孩子。
    • Technology has remade the world.科技重塑了世界。
    • The band are about to embark on a six-month world tour.乐队即将开始为期 6 个月的世界巡回表演。
    • The ceremony was watched live by millions around the world.世界各地数百万人观看了庆典的直播。
    • The country became an important player on the world stage.这个国家成为世界舞台上的重要一员。
    • The movie had its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival.该电影在多伦多电影节上全球首映。
    • They believe that God created the world.他们相信是上帝创造了世界。
    • This is an imperfect world, and we have to compromise.这是个不完美的世界,我们不得不妥协。
    • We come into the world with nothing.我们两手空空来到这个世界。
    • World oil prices continue to rise.全球石油价格持续上涨。
    • a meeting of the major world powers几个主要世界强国间的会谈
    • different ways of looking at the world对世界的不同看法
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • known
    • entire
    • whole
    verb + world
    • create
    • make
    • destroy
    world + verb
    • end
    world + noun
    • atlas
    • map
    • population
    • across the world
    • around the world
    • round the world
    • all around the world
    • all over the world
    • all round the world
    [singular] (in compounds构成复合词) used before another noun to describe one of the most important people or things of their type in the world世界:在另一个名词之前用来描述世界上最重要的人物或事物之一
    • the world champion/championship/record/title世界冠军/锦标赛/记录/头衔
    • As of October, her world ranking was No.1. 截至10月,她的世界排名第一。
    • the major world religions主要的世界性宗教
    • He has never before featured in the top ten world rankings.以前他从未进入过世界排名的前 10 位。
    • He is at the head of a world media empire.他是一个世界性媒体帝国的领导者。
    • He was easily beaten by the reigning world champion.他被卫冕世界冠军轻松地打败了。
    • She shattered the world record for the 200 metres.她打破了200 米赛跑的世界纪录。
    • The Portuguese team looked like world beaters in last night's game.葡萄牙队在昨晚的比赛中好像是天下无敌。
    [countable, usually singular] a particular part of the earth; a particular group of countries or people; a particular period of history and the people of that period某地域(或民族、历史时期等)的人类社会;世界
    • the Arab world阿拉伯世界
    • In the Western world, there is a different attitude to marriage.西方世界对待婚姻的态度有所不同。
    • in the … world farmers in the developing world 发展中国家的农民
    • The book has sold 12 million copies in the English-speaking world and has been translated into six languages.这本书在英语世界售出了1200万册,并被翻译成六种语言。
    • in the modern/ancient world在现代/古代世界
    see also First World, New World, Old World, Third World
    • The motto was inscribed on buildings throughout the Roman world.那句箴言雕刻在罗马世界各地的建筑上。
    • a medieval map of the known world关于已知世界的中世纪地图
    • Heads of state from all over the Arab world gathered for the conference.所有阿拉伯世界的国家首脑为了这次会议聚在一起。
    • In the ancient world, the jobs of miller and baker were usually combined.在古代,米勒和贝克的工作通常是结合在一起的。
    • These tribesmen are proud survivors of a vanishing world.这些部落成员是一个正在消失的世界中难得的幸存者。
    • the industrialized and developing worlds工业化国家和发展中国家
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • Arab
    • English-speaking
    • Islamic
    • in the…world
  4. type of life生命

    [countable] the people or things belonging to a particular group or connected with a particular interest, job, etc.按性质(或职业等)划分的类别;界;界别
    • the animal/plant/insect world 动物界;植物界;昆虫界
    • the business/corporate world商界/企业界
    • She is a popular figure in the art world.她是艺术界的一个受欢迎的人物。
    • the world of something the world of politics/business/sport政界/商界/体育界
    • the world of music/art/fashion音乐/艺术/时尚界
    • stars from the sporting and artistic worlds体育和艺术界的众明星
    • He entered the world of politics in 1997.他于 1997 年进入政界。
    • He's well known in the fashion world.他在时装界很出名。
    • In the world of finance there is little room for sentiment.金融界不是讲感情的地方。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • changing
    • chaotic
    • ever-changing
    verb + world
    • change
    • remake
    • reshape
    world + verb
    • change
    • collapse
    • crumble
    world + noun
    • knowledge
    • view
    • in the… world
    • world about
    • world around
    • somebody’s experience of the world
    • somebody’s knowledge of the world
    • somebody’s perception of the world
    [usually singular] (usually used with an adjective通常与形容词连用) everything that exists of a particular kind; a particular kind of life or existence某领域的一切事物;自然界
    • the natural world (= animals, plants, minerals, etc.)自然界
    • the physical/material world物质/物质世界
    • They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie.他们在电影和现实生活中都是一对夫妇。
    • The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets.这个岛是个绚丽多彩、晚霞娇妍的世界。
    • They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life).他们与外界没有什么联系。
    • I like living in the country because I'm interested in the natural world.我喜欢住在乡下,因为我对自然界感兴趣。
    • In the real world things don't always happen like they do in books.在现实世界中,事情的发生并不总是像书中描写的那样。
    • Mediums claim to receive messages from the spirit world.通灵的人声称收到来自阴间的信息。
    • The movie is set in a bizarre post-apocalyptic world.这个电影的背景是世界末日后诡异的世界。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • changing
    • chaotic
    • ever-changing
    verb + world
    • change
    • remake
    • reshape
    world + verb
    • change
    • collapse
    • crumble
    world + noun
    • knowledge
    • view
    • in the… world
    • world about
    • world around
    • somebody’s experience of the world
    • somebody’s knowledge of the world
    • somebody’s perception of the world
  7. society社会

    [singular] our society and the way people live and behave; the people in the world社会;世情;世故;世人
    • We live in a rapidly changing world.我们生活在瞬息万变的社会里。
    • Young people always think they are going to change the world.年轻人总是想着要改变世界。
    • It's not your job to save the world.拯救世界不是你的工作。
    • He's too young to understand the ways of the world (= how the world works).他还太年轻,不懂得处世之道。
    • The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts.全世界的人都在等待宇航员的消息。
    • She felt that the world was against her.她觉得整个世界都在与她作对。
    • The eyes of the world are on the President (= many people around the world are waiting to see what the President will do).世人的眼睛都在盯着总统。
    • News of the incident was slow to reach the wider world.这一事件的消息很慢才传到更广泛的世界。
    • The bombing alienated world opinion.那次轰炸遭到国际舆论的指责。
    • The news of the assassination shook the world.暗杀的消息震惊了世界。
    • The wider world learned of his illness months after he told his family.他把病情告诉家人数月之后外界才知道。
    • Throughout his time in prison he had no contact with the outside world.在监狱期间,他与外界失去了联系。
    • He likes to sit outside his front door and watch the world go by.他喜欢坐在前门外,注视周围发生的一切。
    • a young writer who is taking the world by storm轰动世界的青年作家
    • He just wanted to shut himself away from the rest of the world.他只是想把自己与外界隔绝。
    • scientists of world renown世界闻名的科学家
    • Sweden leads the world in safety legislation.瑞典在安全立法方面世界领先。
    • She was determined to show the world that she was no loser.她决心向世人表明她绝不是失败者。
    • She thinks the world revolves around her and her schedule.她以为全世界就以她和她的时间表为中心。
    • She tends to divide the world into ‘winners’ and ‘losers’.她往往将世界上的人划分为“成功者”和“失败者”。
    • I'm sure we'll meet again. It's a very small world in this profession.我确信我们还会见面的,这一行的圈子很小。
    • Aren't you interested in the world outside your window?你对窗外的世界难道不感兴趣吗?
    • He was so happy to leave school, he felt ready to take on the world.他很高兴能离开学校,感觉已经准备好接受世事的挑战。
    • He wanted to tell the world how happy he was.他想告诉全世界他是多么高兴。
    • He seems to think that the world owes him a living.他似乎认为社会应给他一条谋生之路。
    • For the first time since the death of her parents, she felt able to face the world.自从双亲去世后,这是她第一次感到能面对世事。
    • He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world.他闭上眼睛努力不受外界的影响。
    • Astronomers across the world will be watching the night sky.全世界的天文学家都将观测夜空。
    • He felt ready to take on the world when he finished college.大学毕业的时候,他感觉已经准备好了接受世事的挑战。
    • There is a whole other world outside school.校外完全是一个不同的世界。
    • Can you imagine a world without possessions?你能想象一个没有私人财产的世界吗?
    • the new world order marked by American dominance美国占主导地位的世界新秩序
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • changing
    • chaotic
    • ever-changing
    verb + world
    • change
    • remake
    • reshape
    world + verb
    • change
    • collapse
    • crumble
    world + noun
    • knowledge
    • view
    • in the… world
    • world about
    • world around
    • somebody’s experience of the world
    • somebody’s knowledge of the world
    • somebody’s perception of the world
  9. the world
    [singular] a way of life where possessions and physical pleasures are important, rather than spiritual values尘世;世俗;世事;世情
    • monks and nuns renouncing the world弃绝俗世享乐的修士和修女
    see also olde worlde, old-world
  10. person’s life人生

    [singular] a person’s environment, experiences, friends and family, etc.生活环境;阅历;生活圈子
    • Parents are the most important people in a child's world.父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。
    • When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down.他妻子死后,他的整个生活变得一塌糊涂。
    • Children often have their own private world.孩子们往往有他们自己的天地。
    • His world fell apart when his wife died.他的世界随着妻子的去世崩溃了。
    • She has to deal with the day-to-day world of bills, schools, and problems.她不得不应对日常生活中的账单、学校以及各种问题。
    • She lives in her own inner world.她生活在自己的内心世界中。
    • We come from different worlds.我们来自不同的领域。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • changing
    • chaotic
    • ever-changing
    verb + world
    • change
    • remake
    • reshape
    world + verb
    • change
    • collapse
    • crumble
    world + noun
    • knowledge
    • view
    • in the… world
    • world about
    • world around
    • somebody’s experience of the world
    • somebody’s knowledge of the world
    • somebody’s perception of the world
  12. imagined environment

    [countable] an environment that is imagined or constructed, for example in a computer game(像地球的)星球,天体
    • Computer games create whole virtual worlds.电脑游戏创造出完整的虚拟世界。
    • The game comprises four separate worlds, each split into six levels.游戏由四个独立的世界组成,每个世界分为六个等级。
    • You're living in a fantasy world!你生活在虚幻的世界中。
    • Show business gave him the chance to escape into another world.演艺事业给了他躲进另外一个世界的机会。
    • She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.她喜欢为孩子们创造想象中的世界。
    Topics Games and toysb2
  14. another planet另一颗行星

  15. [countable] a planet like the earth(像地球的)星球,天体
    • There may be other worlds out there.那里可能有其他星球。
  16. human existence人类的生存

  17. [singular] the state of human existence人世;今世;来世
    • this world and the next (= life on earth and existence after death)今世和来世
  18. 词源Old English w(e)oruld, from a Germanic compound meaning ‘age of man’; related to Dutch wereld and German Welt.
be all the world to somebody
  1. to be loved by and very important to somebody是…的最喜爱的人(或事物);对…非常重要;是…的一切
be lost to the world
  1. to be giving all your attention to something so that you do not notice what is happening around you(全神贯注于某事而)不注意周围的事情
    • When he’s listening to music he’s lost to the world.当他在听音乐时,他迷失在这个世界上。
the best of both worlds/all possible worlds
  1. the benefits of two or more completely different situations that you can enjoy at the same time两种(或多种)不同情况的优点;两全其美
    • If you enjoy the coast and the country, you'll get the best of both worlds on this walk.你要是喜欢海滨和乡村,那么这次散步你会一举两得。
    • Maybe in the best of all possible worlds things would be different.也许在最好的世界里,事情会有所不同。
be worlds apart
  1. to be completely different in attitudes, opinions, etc.(在态度、看法等方面)有天壤之别,截然不同
    • Although they are twins, they are worlds apart in their attitude to life.尽管他们是双胞胎,他们的人生观却完全不同。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
(a) brave new world
  1. a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve people’s lives but is often a source of extra problems美好的新世界(本欲改善人们的生活,实则带来预料不到的问题)
    • the brave new world of technology科技进步的美好新世界
    • the architects' vision of a brave new world of pristine concrete建筑师想象中的由崭新混凝土建筑构成的美好新世界
come/go down/up in the world
  1. to become less/more important or successful in society落泊;衰落;倒运;飞黄腾达;发迹;兴盛Topics Successc2, Difficulty and failurec2
come into the world
  1. (literary) to be born出生;降生人间
dead to the world
  1. in a deep sleep世界各地;全世界
do somebody/something the world of good
  1. to make somebody feel much better; to improve something使…感到好得多;对…大有好处;改善
    • A change of job would do you the world of good.换一下工作会对你大有好处。
for all the world as if/though… | for all the world like somebody/something
  1. (formal) exactly as if…; exactly like somebody/something简直像是;恰似
    • She behaved for all the world as if nothing unusual had happened.看她的表现就像根本没有发生过什么大事似的。
    • He looked for all the world like a schoolboy caught stealing apples.他那个样子简直就像偷苹果时被当场抓住的小学生。
have the world at your feet
  1. to be very successful and admired功成名就;为世人仰慕Topics Successc2
how, why, etc. in the world
  1. (informal) used to emphasize something and to show that you are surprised or annoyed(用于强调,表示惊讶或不悦)到底,究竟
    • What in the world did they think they were doing?他们到底认为自己在做什么?
in an ideal/a perfect world
  1. used to say that something is what you would like to happen or what should happen, but you know it cannot在理想状态下
    • In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything.我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。
    • In a perfect world no one would need to pay for healthcare.在最理想的情况下,人们都不必付医疗费。
    • In an ideal world, I'd like to work just three days a week.在理想的世界里,我想每周只工作 3 天。
in the world
  1. used to emphasize what you are saying(加强语气)世界上,天下,根本,到底
    • There's nothing in the world I'd like more than to visit New York.访问纽约是我最想做的事。
    • Don't rush—we've got all the time in the world.别急急忙忙的,我们有的是时间。
    • You look as if you haven't got a care in the world!你看上去好像一丝牵挂都没有!
    • He felt he was the luckiest man in the whole world.他感觉他是全世界最幸运的人。
    • She told him he was her only friend in the whole wide world.她告诉他,他是这个世界上她唯一的朋友。
(be/live) in a world of your own
  1. if you are in a world of your own, you are so concerned with your own thoughts that you do not notice what is happening around you(生活)在自己的小天地里
    • I tapped on the window to get her attention but she was in a world of her own.我敲窗户以引起她的注意,但是她却沉浸在自己的世界里。
it’s a small world
  1. (saying) used to express your surprise when you meet somebody you know in an unexpected place, or when you are talking to somebody and find out that you both know the same person(意外遇见某人或发现对方也认识某人时表示惊讶)世界真小
a man/woman of the world
  1. a person with a lot of experience of life, who is not easily surprised or shocked生活阅历丰富的人;老成持重的人
not the end of the world
  1. (informal) not the worst thing that could happen to somebody天不会塌下来;不是灭顶之灾
    • Failing one exam is not the end of the world.一次考试不及格并非世界末日。
    • It won't be the end of the world if you don't get the job.如果你得不到这份工作也不会是世界末日。
not for (all) the world
  1. used to say that you would never do something绝不
    • I wouldn't hurt you for the world.我绝不会伤害你。
the… of this world
  1. (informal) used to refer to people of a particular type…这类人
    • We all envy the Bill Gateses of this world (= the people who are as rich and successful as Bill Gates).我们大家都羡慕比尔 · 盖茨这样的人。
on top of the world
  1. very happy or proud欢天喜地;心满意足;非常自豪Topics Feelingsc1
out of this world
  1. (informal) used to emphasize how good, beautiful, etc. something is好(或美等)得不得了;非凡;呱呱叫
    • The meal was out of this world.这顿饭简直是没治了。
promise (somebody) the earth/moon/world
  1. (informal) to make promises that will be impossible to keep作出不可能实现的承诺
    • Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different afterwards.政治家在选举前承诺地球,但选举后情况就不同了。
see the world
  1. to travel widely and gain wide experience见多识广;见世面
    • As a young man, he wanted to see the world before he settled down.年轻时候的他想先去见见世面,然后再安定下来。
set the world on fire
(British English also set the world alight)
  1. (informal) (usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to be very successful and admired by other people大获成功;引起轰动
    • He's never going to set the world on fire with his paintings.他的绘画永远不会引起轰动。
    Topics Successc2
set/put the world to rights
  1. to talk about how the world could be changed to be a better place谈论如何使世界变得更好
    • We stayed up all night, setting the world to rights.我们一夜没睡,谈论着如何拯救世界。
a/the twilight world (of something) | the twilight zone
  1. a state in which things are strange, mysterious or secret; a state that exists on the dividing line between two things熟睡;沉睡;酣睡
    • the twilight world of the occult魔法的虚幻世界
    • The dissidents lived in a twilight world of hushed voices and secret meetings.持不同政见者生活在一个沉默的声音和秘密会议的朦胧世界里。
    • the twilight zone between living and merely existing生活和生存之间的模糊地带
    • They lived in the twilight zone on the fringes of society.他们生活在社会边缘光怪陆离之处。
watch the world go by
  1. to relax and watch people in a public place闲看人来人往;静观众生百态
    • We sat outside a cafe, watching the world go by.我们坐在一家小餐馆外面,望着眼前来来往往的人们。
    • I love just watching the world go by.我喜欢静观周围发生的事情。
the way of the world
  1. the way that most people behave; the way that things happen, which you cannot change大多数人的行为模式;世道;事情发生的规律
    • The rich and powerful make the decisions—that's the way of the world.有钱有势者说了算,这就是世道。
what is the world coming to?
  1. used to express dislike, surprise or shock, especially at changes in people’s attitudes or behaviour这个世界要变成什么样子了;这世道是怎么了;太不像话
    • When I listen to the news these days, I sometimes wonder what the world is coming to.我近来收听新闻时,有时纳闷这成了什么世道了。
with the best will in the world
  1. used to say that you cannot do something, even though you really want to尽管已尽心竭力;尽管真心愿意
    • With the best will in the world I could not describe him as a good father.尽管我心里极想美言几句,却怎么也不能说他是位好父亲。
(all) the world and his wife
  1. (British English, informal, humorous) everyone; a large number of people人人;许多人
a world away (from something)
  1. used to emphasize how different two things are(和…)截然不同,有天壤之别
    • His new luxury mansion was a world away from the tiny house where he was born.他那座新的豪宅与他出生的小屋完全不能相比。
the world is your oyster
  1. there is no limit to the opportunities open to you世界是属于你的;你的前途无量
    • With talent like that, the world is her oyster.有了那样的天赋,世界就是她的了。
a/the world of difference
  1. (informal) used to emphasize how much difference there is between two things完全不同;是两码事
    • There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.喜欢一个人和爱一个人完全不是一回事。
the (whole) world over
  1. everywhere in the world世界各地;全世界
    • People are basically the same the world over.世界各地的人基本上都一样。
    • Scientists the world over have been waiting for this breakthrough.全世界的科学家一直在等待着这个突破。
the worst of all (possible) worlds
  1. a situation in which you have all the possible disadvantages at the same time各种情况的所有不利因素




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