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词汇 budget


    [countable, uncountable] the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time预算
    • an annual budget of £10 million 1000万英镑的年度预算
    • a balanced budget (= one where the amount spend matches the amount available)收支平衡的预算
    • Many families struggle to balance the household budget.许多家庭努力平衡家庭预算。
    • to cut/slash a budget削减预算
    • the education/defence budget (= the amount of money that can be spent on this)教育/国防预算
    • an advertising budget of $2 million预计 200 万美元的广告费
    • It's one of those big-budget Hollywood movies.这是一部巨额预算的好莱坞大片。
    • on a budget We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to spend).我们俭省地装修了房子。
    • on/within budget The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned).工作按时完成且未超出预算。
    • over budget They went over budget (= spent too much money).他们超出了预算。
    • under/below budget The project came in under budget.这项目控制在预算之内﹙没有花光所有钱﹚。
    • in the budget Is there any money left in the budget?预算中还有尚未动用的款项吗?
    • The hospital now faces severe budget cuts.这家医院现在面临着严重的预算削减。
    • a budget surplus/shortfall (= when there is more/less money than is needed)预算盈余/短缺
    Collocations BusinessBusiness商业Running a business经营企业
    • buy/​acquire/​own/​sell a company/​firm/​franchise 收购/获得/拥有/出售公司/商行/特许经销权
    • set up/​establish/​start/​start up/​launch a business/​company创办企业/公司
    • run/​operate a business/​company/​franchise经营企业/公司/专卖店
    • head/​run a firm/​department/​team管理公司/部门/团队
    • make/​secure/​win/​block a deal达成/阻止一笔交易
    • expand/​grow/​build the business扩展业务
    • boost/​increase investment/​spending/​sales/​turnover/​earnings/​exports/​trade增加投资/支出/销售量/营业额/收入/出口/贸易
    • increase/​expand production/​output/​sales增加产量/输出量/销售量
    • boost/​maximize production/​productivity/​efficiency/​income/​revenue/​profit/​profitability使产量/生产力/效率/收入/收益/利润/收益增加/最大化
    • achieve/​maintain/​sustain growth/​profitability实现/维持/保持增长/收益
    • cut/​reduce/​bring down/​lower/​slash costs/​prices削减成本/价格
    • announce/​impose/​make cuts/​cutbacks宣布/强制实行/实施削减
    Sales and marketing销售和市场营销
    • break into/​enter/​capture/​dominate the market打入/进入/占领/控制市场
    • gain/​grab/​take/​win/​boost/​lose market share取得/夺取/得到/赢得/增加/丢失市场份额
    • find/​build/​create a market for something为某物找到/建立/开创市场
    • start/​launch an advertising/​a marketing campaign发起广告/营销宣传活动
    • develop/​launch/​promote a product/​website开发/推出/推销产品/网站
    • create/​generate demand for your product为产品创造需求
    • attract/​get/​retain/​help customers/​clients吸引/赢得/留住/帮助顾客/客户
    • drive/​generate/​boost/​increase demand/​sales刺激/创造/提高/增加需求/销售量
    • beat/​keep ahead of/​out-think/​outperform the competition打败/领先于/智胜/胜过竞争对手
    • meet/​reach/​exceed/​miss sales targets完成/达到/超过/未达到销售目标
    • draw up/​set/​present/​agree/​approve a budget起草/制订/提出/批准预算
    • keep to/​balance/​cut/​reduce/​slash the budget执行/平衡/削减/大幅削减预算
    • be/​come in below/​under/​over/​within budget未超出/超出预算;在预算之内
    • generate income/​revenue/​profit/​funds/​business产生收益/利润/资金/营业额
    • fund/​finance a campaign/​a venture/​an expansion/​spending/​a deficit为活动/商业项目/扩张/开支/赤字提供资金
    • provide/​raise/​allocate capital/​funds提供/筹集/分配资金
    • attract/​encourage investment/​investors吸引/鼓励投资/投资者
    • recover/​recoup costs/​losses/​an investment收回成本/亏损/投资
    • get/​obtain/​offer somebody/​grant somebody credit/​a loan获得/为某人提供/准予某人贷款
    • apply for/​raise/​secure/​arrange/​provide finance申请/筹集/获得/安排/提供资金
    • lose business/​trade/​customers/​sales/​revenue失去生意/买卖/顾客/销量/收益
    • accumulate/​accrue/​incur/​run up debts累积/积累/招致/积欠债务
    • suffer/​sustain enormous/​heavy/​serious losses蒙受惨重损失
    • face cuts/​a deficit/​redundancy/​bankruptcy面临削减/赤字/裁员/破产
    • file for/ (North American English) enter/​avoid/​escape bankruptcy申请/避免/幸免破产
    • (British English) go into administration/​liquidation进入行政接管/清算
    • liquidate/​wind up a company清算/关闭公司
    • survive/​weather a recession/​downturn艰难渡过萧条期/衰退期
    • propose/​seek/​block/​oppose a merger提出/寻求/阻止/反对合并
    • launch/​make/​accept/​defeat a takeover bid发起/进行/接受/阻止收购投标
    Collocations FinanceFinance财务Income收入
    • earn money/​cash/(informal) a fortune/​the minimum wage/​a living wage
    • make money/​a fortune/(informal) a killing on the stock market在股市上赚钱/赚一大笔钱/发大财
    • acquire/​inherit/​amass wealth/​a fortune获得/继承/积累财富/一大笔钱
    • build up funds/​savings积累资金/存款
    • get/​receive/​leave (somebody) an inheritance/​a legacy得到/(给某人)留下遗产
    • live on a low wage/​a fixed income/​a pension靠低微的工资/固定收入/养老金过活
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect a pension领取养老金
    • depend/​be dependent on (British English) benefits/(North American English) welfare/​social security靠福利金/社会保障金过活
    • spend money/​your savings/(informal) a fortune on…把钱/存款/一大笔钱花在…上
    • invest/​put your savings in…投资/把储蓄金用于…
    • throw away/​waste/ (informal) shell out money on…把钱浪费/花费巨资在…上
    • lose your money/​inheritance/​pension失去钱财/遗产/养老金
    • use up/ (informal) wipe out all your savings把储蓄用光
    • pay (in) cash用现金支付
    • use/​pay by a credit/​debit/​contactless card
    • pay by/​make out a/​write somebody a/​accept a (British English) cheque/(US English) check用支票支付;开支票;给某人开支票;接受支票
    • change/​exchange money/​currency
    • give/​pay/​leave (somebody) a deposit预付(某人)订金
    • have/​hold/​open/​close/​freeze a bank account/​an account持有/开立/注销/冻结银行账户
    • credit/​debit/​pay something into/​take money out of your account记入账户的贷方/借方;把钱存入账户/从账户中取出
    • deposit money/​funds in your account往账户里存钱/存入资金
    • withdraw money/​cash/£30 from an ATM, etc.从自动提款机等取钱/现金/30 英镑
    • (formal) make a deposit/​withdrawal存款;取款
    • find/​go to/​use (especially North American English) an ATM/(British English) a cash machine/​dispenser找到/去/使用自动提款机
    • be in credit/​in debit/​in the black/​in the red/​overdrawn账面有钱/亏空;有盈余;透支
    • use a mobile/​an online banking app/​platform/​service
    Personal finance个人理财
    • manage/​handle/​plan/​run/ (especially British English) sort out your finances管理/处理/计划/经营管理/整顿财务问题
    • plan/​manage/​work out/​stick to a budget计划/管理/制订/严格执行预算
    • offer/​extend credit (to somebody)(给某人)提供贷款
    • arrange/​take out a loan/​an overdraft商定/获得贷款/透支额
    • pay back/​repay money/​a loan/​a debt偿还钱/贷款/债务
    • pay for something in (especially British English) instalments/(North American English usually) installments以分期付款方式购买某物
    Financial difficulties财务困难
    • get into debt/​financial difficulties陷入债务/财务困难
    • be short of/ (informal) be strapped for cash缺钱
    • run out of/​owe money钱用光了;欠钱
    • face/​get/ (informal) be landed with a bill for £…面对/收到一张…英镑的账单
    • can’t afford the cost of…/payments/​rent承担不起…的费用/款项/房租
    • fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the mortgage/​repayments/​rent拖欠按揭贷款/分期偿还款项/房租
    • incur/​run up/​accumulate debts带来/积欠/累积债务
    • tackle/​reduce/​settle your debts处理/减少/付清债务
    • All his projects are on time and on budget.他的所有工程都是按时间、按预算进行的。
    • Costs have been held below budget.成本一直维持在低于预算的水平。
    • The project is now well over budget.该项目现在已大大超出预算。
    • The company must not go over budget.公司一定不能预算超支。
    • The IT department manages its own budget.信息技术部门管理支配自己的预算。
    • The organization has a large annual budget.这个组织年度预算数目很大。
    • The budget for next year has not yet been set.下一年的预算还没有编制。
    • The city has drawn up its budget for next year.该市已拟定了明年的预算。
    • Work out a weekly budget and stick to it.编制一个每周预算并严格执行。
    • They spent their entire budget on a new kitchen.他们把整个预算都花在新厨房上了。
    • The school has a struggle to balance its budget.这所学校得费点儿周折才能达到预算平衡。
    • The museum's operating budget for 2020 is just over $2 million.该博物馆2020年的运营预算刚刚超过200万美元。
    • This hotel caters for people on a tight budget.这家宾馆适合预算不多的游客。
    • The film was was made on a shoestring budget.这部电影是用很少的预算制作的。
    • The government is planning to double the education budget.政府计划把教育经费增加一倍。
    • The museum has an annual budget of £3 million with which to acquire new works of art.该博物馆每年有300万英镑的预算用于购买新的艺术品。
    Topics Politicsb2, Moneyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fixed
    • limited
    • low
    verb + budget
    • get
    • have
    • allocate
    budget + noun
    • expenditure
    • deficit
    • shortfall
    • over budget
    • under budget
    • on budget
  2. (British English also Budget)
    [countable, usually singular] an official statement by the government of a country’s income from taxes, etc. and how it will be spent政府的年度预算
    • Tax cuts are expected to be a major part of this year's Budget.减税预计将是今年预算的主要部分。
    • a budget deficit (= when the government spends more money than it earns)政府预算赤字
    • The finance ministry is trying to reduce the budget deficit.财政部正试图减少预算赤字。
    • Military spending accounts for around 17% of the federal budget.军费支出占联邦预算的 17% 左右。
    Collocations The economyThe economy经济Managing the economy管理经济
    • handle/​run/​manage the economy管理经济
    • boost investment/​spending/​employment/​growth促进投资/支出/就业/增长速度
    • stimulate demand/​the economy/​industry刺激需求/经济/工业
    • cut/​reduce investment/​spending/​borrowing削减投资/支出/借贷
    • reduce/​curb/​control/​keep down inflation减少/遏制通货膨胀
    • create/​fuel growth/​demand/​a boom/​a bubble创造/刺激增长/需求/繁荣/泡沫
    • encourage/​foster/​promote/​stimulate/​stifle innovation/​competition鼓励/促进/刺激/抑制创新/竞争
    • encourage/​work with/​compete with the private sector鼓励私营部门;与私营部门合作/竞争
    • increase/​boost/​promote US/​agricultural exports增加/促进美国/农业出口
    • ban/​restrict/​block cheap/​foreign imports禁止/限制/阻止廉价/国外进口产品
    • the economy grows/​expands/​shrinks/​contracts/​slows (down)/recovers/​improves/​is booming经济增长/扩张/收缩/萎缩/放缓/复苏/改善/繁荣
    • enjoy an economic/​housing/​property boom享受经济/住房/房地产的繁荣期
    Economic problems经济问题
    • push up/​drive up prices/​costs/​inflation抬高价格/成本;加剧通货膨胀
    • damage/​hurt/​destroy industry/​the economy破坏工业/经济
    • cause/​lead to/​go into/​avoid/​escape recession引起/导致/进入/避开经济衰退
    • experience/​suffer a recession/​downturn经历/遭受经济衰退
    • fight/​combat inflation/​deflation/​unemployment抵抗通货膨胀/通货紧缩/失业
    • cause/​create inflation/​poverty/​unemployment导致/造成通货膨胀/贫穷/失业
    • create/​burst a housing/​stock market bubble造成/引爆住房/股票市场泡沫
    • cause/​trigger a stock market crash/​the collapse of the banking system引起股市崩盘/银行系统崩溃
    • face/​be plunged into a financial/​an economic crisis面临/陷入财政/经济危机
    • be caught in/​experience cycles of boom and bust陷入/经历周期性繁荣与萧条
    Public finance公共财政
    • cut/​reduce/​slash/​increase/​double the defence/​education/​aid budget
    • increase/​boost/​slash/​cut public spending增加/大幅削减/削减公共支出
    • increase/​put up/​raise/​cut/​lower/​reduce taxes提高/降低税收
    • raise/​cut/​lower/​reduce interest rates提高/降低利率
    • ease/​loosen/​tighten monetary policy放宽/收紧货币政策
    • balance the (state/​federal) budget平衡(州/联邦)预算
    • achieve/​maintain a balanced budget达到/保持预算平衡
    • run a ($4 trillion) budget deficit/​surplus有(4 万亿美元的)预算赤字/盈余
    • impose taxes/​austerity measures
    Culture the budgetthe budgetTo people in Britain the budget means an announcement made in autumn each year by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the minister in charge of finance, about the government's plans concerning taxation and public spending (= money to be spent by the government).On Budget Day the Chancellor explains in a long speech to the House of Commons the financial policy of the Treasury, plans for government spending, and how the money for this will be raised through taxation. There is then a debate on the budget, which lasts for several days, followed by a vote to accept or reject it. The speech is broadcast on national radio and television and is much discussed by financial and political experts. Photographs of the Chancellor on Budget Day usually show him holding up the red leather case in which the speech is contained. The word budget originally meant a small leather bag.Many people fear budget changes, because they usually mean tax increases rather than reductions, particularly on alcohol, tobacco and fuel. Some of these increases become effective immediately and car drivers may rush to buy fuel just before the budget. Budgets announced close to general elections usually contain fewer tax increases to avoid making the government unpopular.In the US the budget is a document describing how much money the government expects to have, and how it will use that money. Congress spends a lot of time discussing how much money each part of the government needs. Each member of Congress tries to make sure that as much money as possible will be spent in the area he or she represents. This is called pork-barrel politics, and money spent to benefit a particular place is called pork. When Congress has decided on a budget the President considers it. In the past the President had to approve or veto (= reject) the whole budget, but now he has a line-item veto and can veto an individual item. The Office of Management and Budget helps prepare the budget and checks how the money is spent.The US budget includes revenues (= sources of money) and spending (= amounts that will be spent). The government's largest source of money is income tax (= taxes taken out of the money that people earn from their jobs). Since the government's revenues are smaller than its spending, the US has a budget deficit (= a debt). Individual states also make budgets, and the laws of a particular state may say that it must not have a deficit (= spend more than it receives).
    Topics Moneyb2, Politicsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fixed
    • limited
    • low
    verb + budget
    • get
    • have
    • allocate
    budget + noun
    • expenditure
    • deficit
    • shortfall
    • over budget
    • under budget
    • on budget
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge ‘leather bag’, from Latin bulga ‘leather bag, knapsack’, of Gaulish origin. Compare with bulge. The 词源ally meant a pouch or wallet, and later its contents. In the mid 18th cent., the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in presenting his annual statement, was said “to open the budget”. In the late 19th cent. the use of the term was extended from governmental to other finances.


[intransitive, transitive]
present simple I / you / we / they budget
he / she / it budgets
past simple budgeted
past participle budgeted
-ing form budgeting
  1. to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose谨慎花钱;把…编入预算
    • If we budget carefully we'll be able to afford the trip.我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。
    • budget for something I've budgeted for two new members of staff.我已经把两名新职员名额编入预算。
    • budget something (for something) Ten million euros has been budgeted for the project.已为这项目编制了一千万欧元的预算。
    • We have budgeted $10 000 for advertising.我们已经在广告方面编制了 1 万美元的预算。
    • budget something (at something) The project has been budgeted at ten million euros.这项目已确定了一千万欧元的预算。
    Synonyms savesave
    • budget
    • economize
    • tighten your belt
    These words all mean to spend less money.
    • save to keep money instead of spending it, often in order to buy a particular thing:
      • I’m saving for a new car.我正攒钱想买辆新车。
    • budget to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose:
      • If we budget carefully we’ll be able to afford the trip.我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。
    • economize to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use指节省、节约、节俭
    • tighten your belt (rather informal) to spend less money because there is less available:指勒紧腰带省吃俭用:
      • With the price increases, we are all having to tighten our belts.由于物价上涨,我们都只好勒紧裤腰带了。
    • to save up/​budget for something
    • to have to save/​budget/​economize/​tighten our belts
    • to try to/​manage to save/​budget/​economize
    Topics Moneyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • sensibly
    • for
    词源late Middle English: from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge ‘leather bag’, from Latin bulga ‘leather bag, knapsack’, of Gaulish origin. Compare with bulge. The 词源ally meant a pouch or wallet, and later its contents. In the mid 18th cent., the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in presenting his annual statement, was said “to open the budget”. In the late 19th cent. the use of the term was extended from governmental to other finances.


[only before noun] used in advertising, etc.用于广告等
  1. low in price价格低廉的;花钱少的
    • a budget flight/hotel便宜的航班/旅馆
    • Save pounds on budget flights to the sun.享受阳光,享受特价机票。
    Synonyms cheapcheap
    • competitive
    • budget
    • affordable
    • reasonable
    • inexpensive
    These words all describe a product or service that costs little money or less money than you expected.
    • cheap costing little money or less money than you expected; charging low prices. 指花钱少、便宜、收费低廉Cheap can also be used in a disapproving way to suggest that something is of poor quality as well as low in price: a bottle of cheap perfume.
    • competitive (of prices, goods or services) as cheap as or cheaper than those offered by other companies; able to offer goods or services at competitive prices.指价格、产品或服务收费方面具有竞争力
    • budget [only before noun] (used especially in advertising) cheap because it offers only a basic level of service.(尤用于广告)指仅提供基本服务因而价格低廉
    • affordable cheap enough for most people to afford.指多数人买得起或负担得来的
    • reasonable (of prices) not too expensive.指价格不太高、公道的
    • inexpensive (rather formal) cheap. 指不昂贵Inexpensive is often used to mean that something is good value for its price. It is sometimes used instead of cheap, because cheap can suggest that something is of poor quality.
    • cheap/​competitive/​budget/​affordable/​reasonable prices/​fares/​rates
    • cheap/​competitive/​budget/​affordable/​inexpensive products/​services
    Topics Holidaysb2
    词源late Middle English: from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge ‘leather bag’, from Latin bulga ‘leather bag, knapsack’, of Gaulish origin. Compare with bulge. The 词源ally meant a pouch or wallet, and later its contents. In the mid 18th cent., the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in presenting his annual statement, was said “to open the budget”. In the late 19th cent. the use of the term was extended from governmental to other finances.




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