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词汇 discharge


present simple I / you / we / they discharge
he / she / it discharges
past simple discharged
past participle discharged
-ing form discharging

    from the police/army

    [transitive, usually passive] to give somebody official permission to leave the police or the armed forces; to make somebody leave the police or the armed forces准许(某人)离开;解雇
    • be discharged from something He was discharged from the army following his injury.他受伤后就退伍了。
    • She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.她因行为不端被清除出警察队伍。
    • He was found guilty and dishonourably discharged from the army.他被判有罪,遭开除军籍。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • dishonourably/​dishonorably
    • honourably/​honorably
    • from
  2. from hospital

    [transitive, often passive] to allow somebody to leave hospital because they are well enough to leave释放
    • be discharged (from something) Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.病人都过早获准出院。
    • All the people involved in the accident have now been discharged from hospital.所有与事故有关的人现在都已出院。
    • discharge somebody/yourself (from something) She had discharged herself against medical advice.她不听医嘱擅自出院了。
    Topics Medicinec1
  4. from prison/court监狱;法庭

  5. [transitive, often passive] to allow somebody to leave prison or court释放
    • be discharged He was conditionally discharged after admitting the theft.他承认偷盗行为后被有条件地释放了。
    • She was formally discharged by the court.她被法庭正式释放。
    • cell
    • death row
    • discharge
    • justice
    • parole
    • prison
    • probation
    • remission
    • sentence
    • warder
    Topics Law and justicec2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • conditionally
    • formally
  6. [transitive, often passive] discharge somebody/something to allow a member of a jury to stop serving in a court case释放
    • If the jury cannot agree, it should be discharged.如果陪审团不能同意,就应该解除。
    • The judge took the unusual step of discharging the entire jury halfway through the trial.法官采取了不同寻常的步骤,在审判进行到一半时解除了整个陪审团的职务。
  7. gas/liquid气体;液体

  8. [intransitive, transitive] when a gas or a liquid discharges or is discharged, or somebody discharges it, it flows somewhere排出;放出;流出
    • discharge (into something) The river is diverted through the power station before discharging into the sea.这条河改道经水电站后流入大海。
    • discharge something (from something) (into something) The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.这家工厂因往河里排放化学物质而被罚款。
    • Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.未经处理的污水从处理厂直接排入河中。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • directly
    • from
    • into
  9. [transitive] discharge something if part of the body discharges something, a liquid such as pus comes out of it射出;开火
    • The wound started discharging pus.伤口开始流脓。
  10. force/power力量;电力

  11. [transitive, intransitive] discharge (something) (specialist) to release force or power发(力);放(电)
    • Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.闪电是由云层放电产生的。
  12. duty职责

  13. [transitive] discharge something to do everything that is necessary to perform and complete a particular duty尽(职);完成;履行
    • to discharge your duties/responsibilities/obligations履行职责/责任/义务
    • to discharge a debt (= to pay it)清偿债务
    • I will faithfully discharge my duties.我将忠诚地履行我的职责。
    • His widow was unable to discharge the debt.他的遗孀无力偿还债务。
    • My condition renders me unable to discharge my duties.我的情况使我无法履行我的职责。
    • He could not properly discharge his duties.他无法正当履行他的职责。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • properly
    • faithfully
  14. gun

  15. [transitive, intransitive] discharge (something) to fire a gun, etc.; (of a gun, etc.) to be fired射出;开火
    • The police officer accidentally discharged a firearm while unloading it.警官在给枪退弹时不小心走了火。
    • They gave a cheer and charged, discharging a volley of arrows as they came.他们欢呼一声,冲了过来,射出一排箭。
    • He knocked her hand down and the gun discharged into the floor.他打掉了她的手,枪射向地板。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • accidentally
  16. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘relieve of (an obligation)’): from Old French descharger, from late Latin discarricare ‘unload’, from dis- (expressing reversal) + carricare, carcare ‘to load’, from Latin carrus ‘wheeled vehicle’.



    of liquid/gas液体;气体

  1. [uncountable, countable] the action of releasing a substance such as a liquid or gas; a substance that comes out from inside somewhere排出(物);放出(物);流出(物)
    • a ban on the discharge of toxic waste禁止有毒废物的排放
    • nasal/vaginal discharge (= from the nose/ vagina)鼻涕;阴道分泌物
    • discharge from something a thick discharge from the nose浓鼻涕
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • thick
    • nasal
    • vaginal
    verb + discharge
    • have
    • discharge from
  2. of electricity

  3. [uncountable, countable] the release of electricity from a charged object; a flow of electricity through air or other gas发(力);放(电)
    • thunder and lightning caused by electrical discharges由放电产生的雷电
  4. from the police/army

  5. [uncountable, countable] discharge (from something) the act of officially allowing somebody, or of telling somebody, to leave the police or the army获准离开;免职;出院;退伍
    • The illness resulted in his discharge from the army.这场病导致他从部队退伍。
    • His quick discharge came as a surprise to everyone.他的迅速出院让每个人都感到惊讶。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dishonourable/​dishonorable
    • honourable/​honorable
    • early
    verb + discharge
    • get
    • receive
    • give
  6. from hospital

  7. [uncountable, countable] discharge from something the act of allowing somebody to leave hospital because they are well enough to leave释放
    • Referrals can be discussed before discharge from hospital.出院前可对病人转诊进行讨论
  8. from prison/court监狱;法庭

  9. [countable] the act of allowing somebody to leave prison or court释放
    • He was given an absolute discharge but banned from driving for twelve months.他获得无条件释放,但 12 个月内禁止开车。
    see also conditional discharge
  10. of duty职责

  11. [uncountable] the act of performing a task or a duty or of paying money that is owed(任务或职责的)履行,执行;(债务的)清偿
    • the discharge of debts/obligations 债务的清偿;义务的履行
    • Arrangements have been made for the discharge of mortgage payments.已经为解除抵押付款作出了安排。
  12. of gun枪炮

  13. [countable, uncountable] discharge (from something) the action of firing a gun, etc.射出;开火
    • an accidental discharge from a dropped gun枪掉在地上走火
  14. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘relieve of (an obligation)’): from Old French descharger, from late Latin discarricare ‘unload’, from dis- (expressing reversal) + carricare, carcare ‘to load’, from Latin carrus ‘wheeled vehicle’.




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